Major cheat

Okay so this week I went on vacation and I ate so badly. I'm so afraid I've gained all my weight back and I just want to cry. :( I don't know whether or not to get on the scale or not. How much weight can you gain from eating badly for 7 days? I had gone from 145 to 139. Help! I don't wanna give up!


  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    Don't weigh yourself right away. You could easily gain 6 lbs in a week from eating badly, partially from water weight if you ate stuff high in sodium. Get back on track for a few days, then you can start your normal weighing regimen, which for many people is once a week.
  • emmamori
    emmamori Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks so much ! Will it be like starting all over or will it go by faster if it's partially water weight?
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Wait a week. Any water retention should be gone by then. You likely did gain at least 5 lbs just from water retention (at least I always do)
  • elizabethis
    elizabethis Posts: 155 Member
    If it will derail you, wait to weigh. The only way for a week of overeating to REALLY derail you is to quit at this point, so don't do it! You don't sound like a quitter anyway. Just get back on track and look forward, not behind!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Life happens. I think most people gain some from vacation, unless they spend their vacation obsessing about making the smartest choices. Leave it a week, get back into your routine, and you will soon feel better. And if you gained a bit ? So what? it will soon disappear again, life will be full of fluctuations, but as long as you stick to a balanced plan for the most part, it shouldn't be an issue. Don't punish yourself for enjoying a break.
  • emmamori
    emmamori Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all!!! I'm feeling a lot more motivated :)