Is it worth it when you aren't losing weight?



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I looked at your cal counts and exercise diary. Is it possible you're overestimating cals burned? What kind of circuit training do you do that burns 700 cals in 40 minutes? I mean it's possible I guess but it seems a bit high for 40 minutes. Also you might try lowering cals a bit. By 100-200 and see what happens.

    I am doing Insanity and using the calculator on Everday Health to determine how many calories I am burning. Today, I actually did lower what it gave me and it was still over 700.

    Is there a link to this calculator? I'm curious what it would give me for my workouts and compare it to my HRM. I still think 700 sounds high. I'm not trying to discount your workout but you'd only be hurting yourself if you allow yourself to be misled.
  • kristinrayerootes
    kristinrayerootes Posts: 21 Member
    Here is a link to the calculator: I also bought a new HRM today and should have it Monday or Tuesday, so I can compare as well!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    You're getting stronger and fitter, that's not a good thing?
    I agree you need to make sure you're eating enough. I eat 2000 cals a day doing p90x, and insanity is a bigger cal burn because it's all cardio.

    EDIT: Sorry, I had your diary open next to someone else's and got them mixed up. I think it looks like you're eating well, maybe you should consider getting a HRM or just sticking to TDEE-20% as a goal? I found my weightloss was really inconsistent and I was always hungry or too full using the default MFP "eat everything back" method.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I looked at your cal counts and exercise diary. Is it possible you're overestimating cals burned? What kind of circuit training do you do that burns 700 cals in 40 minutes? I mean it's possible I guess but it seems a bit high for 40 minutes. Also you might try lowering cals a bit. By 100-200 and see what happens.

    I am doing Insanity and using the calculator on Everday Health to determine how many calories I am burning. Today, I actually did lower what it gave me and it was still over 700.

    Is there a link to this calculator? I'm curious what it would give me for my workouts and compare it to my HRM. I still think 700 sounds high. I'm not trying to discount your workout but you'd only be hurting yourself if you allow yourself to be misled.

    Yes 700 is way too much for a 40 min circuit! I did a hard 2 hour hilly bike ride which was windy on the way back and I counted it as 680 calories burnt. I possibly could have burnt a bit more but I wasn't wearing my hrm so im not sure. For a 40 min circuit it's more like between 200 - 400 calories burnt depending on how vigorous it is! :)

    Also keep up the good work. You are fuelling yourself well eating around the 2000 mark! Judge your progress by photos, measurements etc when starting exercise, throw the scale out as it is just too discouraging. Look at how your body is changing shape. You will go through periods where you will actually put on scale weight whilst getting thinner. Lots of people give up thinking they are failing. If they just had of kept going doing exactly the right things they would have seen such amazing transformation. It requires a lot of patience!

    I recommend buying a top 1-2 sizes too small and then work hard to fit into them. Give yourself a for instance a 3 month timeframe to fit into it, and try it on every month to see if it fits better. Take photos too whilst your at it. This will show you that you are making progress. Sometimes both my measurements and my scale wasn't changing and the only way I knew I was making progress and getting thinner was seeing how I fitted in my clothes! :)
  • Ladyvonderlake
    Ladyvonderlake Posts: 2 Member
    Water - Water - Water!!! Increase your water and flush the toxins out! That could be holding you back. Drink water like crazy this week, on top of your usual diet and exercise regime and see if that helps you break through.
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    For me -- who's been on a plateau for over a month -- YES it's worth it. I feel better, stronger, and lighter. My clothes fit better. I have more energy, I sleep better, and I feel better about myself. Would it be nice to see the scale go down? Sure. But feeling so much better is its own reward.

    That said, this might not be true for you. Assess how you feel, how your clothes fit, your energy level, etc. That will tell you if it's worth it for YOU to keep on keeping on.
  • cynthiadmail
    cynthiadmail Posts: 90 Member
    OMG I can not tell you how many times, I let that scale mess with my head. I would see the gain and think forget this , forget all of this. and I would go get a pizza and just eat my sorrows away. Not this time. I had that moment and I thought. Its all in your head. Give yourself time its water, its just the scale messing with your mind again. Don't let that scale do this to you. Because it is SOOOooo worth it. Specially when you really want it. Good luck and stay away from that scale for sure. I did a march challenge where we stayed off the scale for the month, Ended up losing 1 inch of my chest,waist and hips. So hopefully you stay with it and continue with your healthy life style. :smile: