Craft Beer Lovers...

LB30 Posts: 109 Member
Just wondering if there are any craft beer lovers out there. Craft beer tasting has become a hobby and a calorie buster for me. I have recently chosen a low carb diet, partly because I know that I love craft beers and they are high in carbs, but also because the rest of the week, low carb feels better. I feel more full when I eat less carbs (my usual go-to food) and because I feel that in a normal week, I consume way too many carbs. My point with low carb was to try to balance out with protein and fat. Bottom line is I'm probably saving my extra carbs for beer. Any other beer lovers out there? If so, what do you do to balance out? I currently eat 1200 cal per day, and have only recently lowered my carb intake (again, not because I think they are evil, simply because they are my weekness and I have been told I am at a higher risk for type II diabetes post gestational diabetes) but I know I consume many beer carbs. Is this the right course? Am I fooling myself? Can I find a happy medium between diet and love of beer? Suggestions welcome. I k now they are weight loss killers, but I enjoy them too much to give up and I am okay with a slower weight loss because of this. I wonder if there are others with this same "love". ??


  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    I still drink my craft beer, had two tonight. I've just cut out other beverages I basically just drink water black coffee and unsweetened iced tea
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member
    I rarely drink anything else that I have to count (maybe I should count my usual Crystal Light & 4C Energy packets) but I know beer is a weight loss problem. I just enjoy it too much to give up. I've got to a lower carb diet otherwise (not because of beer, just because I am a carb junkie and I usually eat too much carbs, sacrificing protein and fat and feeling hungry much of the day) but I can't give up my high cal craft beer. Am I negating all my week-long efforts?
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Everyone is going to do things different, I do a very high intensity work out and sometimes when I crave something I still go and get it because I'm good 6 out of the 7 days.
  • erinpd
    erinpd Posts: 96
    General beer lover here, but I love me a good craft beer. I started out low carb as well, but ended up relaxing it a little bit to fit in my beers. You can totally find a happy medium. I make sure most, if not all, of my carbs come from fruits and veggies. I don't worry about the ones that come from beer.

    I might bump up the cals, too. Only reason because you will find it hard to fit a solid craft beer into a 1200-cal a day diet. Remember, whatever changes you make will need to be maintainable if you want the results to last.

    My $0.02, anyway.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I love craft beers and some of them are gut busters.

    I drank a pint of a Russian Imperial Stout once that was 650 calories/pint.

    I love stouts and porters particularly and none of them are very low on calories (or carbs).

    The bartenders at my local bar are pretty good at dealing with my level of weird and I'll ask them to pour a half a pint of something and they are usually nice enough to oblige (they are also friends of mine so it works out like that). I can have a couple half pints and enjoy the beers themselves. Or I'll share a beer with someone. I have definitely cut my consumption down to one for the enjoyment of drinking it and if I feel like overindulging, I'll drink a good bourbon after my one beer to cut back on the calories and still enjoy something tasty. It really doesn't take much for me to get to a level that I shouldn't be at anymore. One drink usually does it for me :)

    Losing weight has been eye opening when it comes to calories in good beers.
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks! That is why I stick to a basic 1200 cal, because I know my weekend "treats" will probably put me over cals and will increase my weekly total. And, again, I low carb only because on normal/weekdays, carbs usually leave me feeling hungry because I can and usually do, over-eat them (and that risk for type II diabetes worries me) and I know that I will kill carb consumption with 1-3 craft beers that I can't resist tasting!

    Just hoping that I am not really over-thinking this and ultimately hurting myself.
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member
    OMG.. Yes! This is exactly my problem. And I am a stout and porter lover, too. In fact, I type this with a Thirsty Dog Old Leg Humper Stout sitting next to me. (Purchased solely because the packaging was awesome! Ha!)
  • erinpd
    erinpd Posts: 96
    I love craft beers and some of them are gut busters.

    I drank a pint of a Russian Imperial Stout once that was 650 calories/pint.

    I love stouts and porters particularly and none of them are very low on calories (or carbs).

    The bartenders at my local bar are pretty good at dealing with my level of weird and I'll ask them to pour a half a pint of something and they are usually nice enough to oblige (they are also friends of mine so it works out like that). I can have a couple half pints and enjoy the beers themselves. Or I'll share a beer with someone. I have definitely cut my consumption down to one for the enjoyment of drinking it and if I feel like overindulging, I'll drink a good bourbon after my one beer to cut back on the calories and still enjoy something tasty. It really doesn't take much for me to get to a level that I shouldn't be at anymore. One drink usually does it for me :)

    Losing weight has been eye opening when it comes to calories in good beers.

    I've been drinking whisky, as well, instead of a second beer. I feel a bit of a badass ordering scotch. :drinker:

    Also, OP, I have a lot of breweries in my area that do flights of 4-5 beers. That might be worth looking into if you're just looking to try new stuff.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Now I want a Flying Dog
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member
    Oops. I meant Porter...Old Leg Humper is a porter. No false advertising!)
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I love craft beers and some of them are gut busters.

    I drank a pint of a Russian Imperial Stout once that was 650 calories/pint.

    I love stouts and porters particularly and none of them are very low on calories (or carbs).

    The bartenders at my local bar are pretty good at dealing with my level of weird and I'll ask them to pour a half a pint of something and they are usually nice enough to oblige (they are also friends of mine so it works out like that). I can have a couple half pints and enjoy the beers themselves. Or I'll share a beer with someone. I have definitely cut my consumption down to one for the enjoyment of drinking it and if I feel like overindulging, I'll drink a good bourbon after my one beer to cut back on the calories and still enjoy something tasty. It really doesn't take much for me to get to a level that I shouldn't be at anymore. One drink usually does it for me :)

    Losing weight has been eye opening when it comes to calories in good beers.

    I've been drinking whisky, as well, instead of a second beer. I feel a bit of a badass ordering scotch. :drinker:

    Also, OP, I have a lot of breweries in my area that do flights of 4-5 beers. That might be worth looking into if you're just looking to try new stuff.

    There are several places in my area that do flights as well... Awesome!

    I usually don't order scotch while I'm out because it makes me a little too frisky for public.:laugh: Plus I like the good stuff and that can get pretty pricey out. :drinker:
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Oops. I meant Porter...Old Leg Humper is a porter. No false advertising!)

    One of my favorite beers is locally brewed. It's 512 Double Pecan Porter. Stored in a Jameson cask, it is amazing and worth every single calorie.

    Now I want a porter.
  • Aviflora
    Aviflora Posts: 85 Member
    Regarding my 1200 calorie limit... If I am in the mood for a good beer, I will have a good beer, whether I have calories to spare or not. I choose it as my splurge, since I only drink every few weeks.

    Nothing like a good ol' Seven Tier Chocolate Stout. Yum.
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member
    I am always looking to try new stuff! We have a few places in my area that primarily promote craft beer. Some local, some national. My husband and I are definitely amateur connoisseurs when it comes to beer, but the amount that is available nationally is astounding! And, yes, GUT BUSTING! Southern Tier Creme Brulee, Srping House Brewiing Big Guesome (Chocolate/Peanut Butter to we, aspiring to healthy and cleaner eating peeps withstand THIS temptation? :-)
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member
    Yes! I don't worry about going over calories. At 1200, I figure I have a few to spare. After what I've read, I'm probably under calories on eating, but I don't increase because I know that come the weekend I will over-do it on craft beer sampling. Not sure this is the best approach, and I hope I'm not in sabotage mode. A girl can only tolerate so much Crystal Light and MIller 64!!
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Yes! I don't worry about going over calories. At 1200, I figure I have a few to spare. After what I've read, I'm probably under calories on eating, but I don't increase because I know that come the weekend I will over-do it on craft beer sampling. Not sure this is the best approach, and I hope I'm not in sabotage mode. A girl can only tolerate so much Crystal Light and MIller 64!!

    Haha! I'd rather have .75 ounces of a nicely aged bourbon than a Miller 64.
  • ....I drank 984 calories in beer yesterday....*hangs head in shame*
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Yes! I don't worry about going over calories. At 1200, I figure I have a few to spare. After what I've read, I'm probably under calories on eating, but I don't increase because I know that come the weekend I will over-do it on craft beer sampling. Not sure this is the best approach, and I hope I'm not in sabotage mode. A girl can only tolerate so much Crystal Light and MIller 64!!

    Haha! I'd rather have .75 ounces of a nicely aged bourbon than a Miller 64.

  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    ....I drank 984 calories in beer yesterday....*hangs head in shame*

    You should be ashamed...for not breaking 1000!
  • It all comes down to which you love more -- seeing results, or drinking beer! I look at a good beer like a piece of chocolate cake. I want both of them frequently, but splurge (on one or the other) seldom.

    What actually spurred me to cut craft beer consumption (my naturally-lean husband still has a micro a few times a week) was the cost. This may not be a big factor if you live in California, Colorado, and other states with awesome local brews... but where I'm at, a true craft beer will cost average $12 US for a pint, or $7-ish for a 12 oz. A Bud Light or something in that vein would be more around $5. I don't expect many of you live in Japan -- but looking at your monthly beer bill might still surprise you, and help you decide to cut down a bit!

    For me, diet and money-saving often go together. Just who I am. Anyway, good luck!
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    It all comes down to which you love more -- seeing results, or drinking beer! I look at a good beer like a piece of chocolate cake. I want both of them frequently, but splurge (on one or the other) seldom.

    What actually spurred me to cut craft beer consumption (my naturally-lean husband still has a micro a few times a week) was the cost. This may not be a big factor if you live in California, Colorado, and other states with awesome local brews... but where I'm at, a true craft beer will cost average $12 US for a pint, or $7-ish for a 12 oz. A Bud Light or something in that vein would be more around $5. I don't expect many of you live in Japan -- but looking at your monthly beer bill might still surprise you, and help you decide to cut down a bit!

    For me, diet and money-saving often go together. Just who I am. Anyway, good luck!

    Holy cow!! We have at least a dozen amazing breweries in my area and I cannot think of the last time I spent more than $3.50 for a pint (and that is drinking out). That's super expensive! Right now my monthly beer bill is under $20. $40 if I include the bourbon/scotch.
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member
    ....I drank 984 calories in beer yesterday....*hangs head in shame*

    You should be ashamed...for not breaking 1000!

    Pretty sure I broke 1000. :-(
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,322 Member
    Used to love craft beer but the empty calories and alcohol have zero benefit and are detrimental to my health...