New and Starting Jillian Body Revolution Tomorrow

Hi to everyone from the Sunshine State! Long-time Fitbit user, first timer at Myfitnesspal. I'm hoping that joining this site and using the forums will help me stay accountable, especially since I'm starting Jillian Michaels Body Revolution tomorrow.

A bit about me: I'm 48 years old and would like to lose 20 pounds. I was on the way, but eight pounds snuck back on, so they need to go and I need to get rid of the rest. I have a doctorate in psychology and did cognitive counseling for a few years before I switching to teaching, so I know what I need to do and how to do. It's just a matter of making myself do it!

I teach online, and I'm also a writer and travel agent (Disney cruises only), so all three jobs involve sitting on my butt. I live near the Central Florida theme parks, so sometimes I actually head to SeaWorld or Epcot just to walk for exercise. Work has been very, very busy lately, though, so I need to make workouts a priority. I know I need the "me time," but that always seems to fall by the wayside,

I'm married and have a menagerie of four cats, a Quaker parrot, two guinea pigs, and a horse. I'd love to be friends with others who want support and accountability. I'm very exciting to have found Myfitnesspal, and now I just have to figure out how to sync up my Fitbit. I've been using it at Neufit and doing quests over there, which is lots of fun.


  • watchmeshrink16
    watchmeshrink16 Posts: 205 Member
    Hello, Welcome to MFP- it's a very helfpful site for weight loss. I am also from Florida, less than 4 hours away from Orlando. Good luck on your journey, let me know how is Jillian's new DVD, I have a couple of her DVDs. Feel free to add me.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Thanks, I sent a friend request. I'll let you know about the DVDs. I love the fact that they're only 30 minutes, which takes away my favorite "I don't have time" excuse.
  • tweetyjf
    tweetyjf Posts: 48 Member
    hi is that the online regimen? could you let me know how you like it. I am still thinking about it.
    thanks. I sometimes do her workouts on youtube...
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Yes, there's an infomercial for it, but I bought it at Target as I hate infomercial upsells and how they sell your phone number.

    I did the first DVD this morning, and it kicked my butt! Jillian can really run you through the ringer in 30 minutes. It was a mix of mat and standing weight work, with a little cardio. I like the fact that she shows modifications to make things harder so you can use the DVDs even after you build yourself up. I suspect my arms will be sore tomorrow.

    I don't watch Biggest Loser, but judging by the DVD, I like her style. Tough but funny and motivating. The only thing I'd like is one or two people in the group with a body type like mine. Oh well, her group definitely gives me something to aspire to.
  • Colie001
    Colie001 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there,

    I also just bought the Jillian Michael's body revolution, I am starting it April 1st . I'd love to add you as a friend so we can check in with each other. Its nice to know someone else out there is doing it to! Sounds like your first day went well and you enjoyed it! I can't wait to get started, I also need to lose 15 to 20 lbs. I was on my way and lost 10 lbs last summer , but its came back on and then some. I'm not only excited for her workouts, but also to follow her meal plan. Are you following the mean plan? Are you doing the 7 day kick start your metabolism? Talk to you soon, Nicole
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Sunshinestate,

    I'm also 48 and am doing Body Revolution (just started Week 4). You will *love* this program! I'm in maintenance and just working to improve body composition, strength, and balance, and avoid over-training. Feel free to add me.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Colie, I'm skipping the kickstart but doing a sort of modified version where I choose my second type of exercise myself instead of a Jillian DVD. I have lots of Walk Away the Pounds DVDs and a health club membership where I like to swim.

    That's so exciting that you're starting right around the same time! I'll send a friend request as I'd love to check in and do some mutual motivation. The first DVD kicked my butt this morning, but at least at only 30 minutes I can keep myself going by reminding myself that I only have to make it through half and hour.
  • ptreasures
    Hi there,

    I have done Jillian's Body Revolution twice and love it. I bought it the first week that it came out. I personally only lost 8 pounds on it but I did notice a huge difference in my body and my strength. I just started the Insanity program today, but feel free to add me if you like.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    That's great! I'd happily take eight pounds of weight loss, especially if I can see toning in my body. I hate the flab and lack of any definition, so I really wanted a program that uses both sculpting and cardio.
  • mellymo29
    mellymo29 Posts: 70 Member

    I'm 47, and my husband and I are one week 2 of phase one of BR. I just started tracking calorie count for myself today. So far no weight loss, but I am standing straighter, pants got looser over the hamstrings, and I can walk up sets of stairs faster. I can go lower on the sumo squats and can get through the modified pushups with no problem. I guess it's time to try some real push ups next time. We walk for an hour in the morning, weather permitting. My husband's knee pain is subsiding and he is feeling more flexible in his hips also.

    Once upon a time, 20 years ago at Ft. Richardson, I could run 6 miles in 36 below zero weather! I would like to work up to being able to run a mile again. My years teaching and working in admin, and raising kids chubbed me out. I would like to lose 30 pounds and get into a size 12 again. I hate wearing XL or size 18 pants.

    I hate running man, too. The first time I did the cardio I couldn't do it, just had to jog in place. It gets better!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Sometimes I think the visible progress of clothes fitting better, etc., is more inspiring that numbers on the scale.

    6 miles...that's impressive! I've never, ever been that fit, although when I was much younger, I had much better balance and did all sorts of crazy things on horseback. The worst was jumping picnic tables out in the woods bareback. I look back and shake my head.
  • cc141
    cc141 Posts: 55 Member
    I started JMBR today so I'm looking for more friends that are starting also!
    feel free to add me =]
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I started JMBR today so I'm looking for more friends that are starting also!
    feel free to add me =]
    Just added you. Can't wait for some mutual support!
  • mellymo29
    mellymo29 Posts: 70 Member
    I didn't do the kickstart, either. I've been walking an hour in the mornings and doing the workout in the afternoon. I downloaded an old Jane Fonda video that looks good, "Light Aeorobics and Stress Reduction," for rainy days that we can't walk, and Davina McCall Body Buff that looks good for aerobics. The same cardio video for a month with Jillian is getting old fast. I have to thank Valerie Bertinelli for her Losing It video which helped me gradually ease into exercise again. I also downloaded a couple of Walking Off the Pounds videos, but it looks just too dorky for me. If they could tone down the cheese factor I perhaps could stomach it - maybe I should just turn off the sound and play some tunes to it. :wink:
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I did my day two, and my muscles most definitely feel day one. I'm taking the soreness as a good thing because it means the workouts are WORKouts. I'm glad I opted for Jillian over The Firm.
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey everyone! I just started JMBR tonight.....well I won't officially start until Monday but I didn't get a chance to run today so I wanted to do some sort of exercise. I'm excited to get started but a little nervous. I've been losing weight for a few years now and am down to my lowest weight but since all I do is run I have a lot of jiggle so I know starting this program I am bound to gain weight....measurements are a priority!

    A little about me: 33 years old, mom of 2 girls, 4th grade teacher. Chubby most of my 20's but got mold poisoning when I turned 30 and the medication I took to get better made me drop about 20 pounds, after that I wanted to keep it going so I started running. Started by trying to run 1 mile non-stop, then tried to go faster, then tried to go farther. I completed my first and only (so far) half-marathon in Sept. 2011 and have steadily ran and kept the weight off.

    I need to take things to the next level, want to firm up the flab and just feel better overall. I'm not going to do the kickstart and although I'll stick to the calorie restrictions I'm only doing a few of Jillian's meals, I know how I get and I spend a bunch of money on a new program and new foods and it gets too overwhelming. After I get the hang of the workout routine I'll clean up my eating.

    It will be great to have a group that's in the beginning phases together. I'm taking my pictures in the morning. Hoping for some great results!!

    Good luck everyone!
  • karrindrwd
    karrindrwd Posts: 22 Member
    I recently started her 30 day shred and I'm already seeing some changes. I think you're going to like Jillian's workouts. I know I was impressed. Good luck on your journey and don't give up! She has some moves that will feel impossible since she really likes working those small rarely use muscles but tough it out!