zevia soda

hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
thoughts on Zevia? how's the taste? do you use it? I saw an ad in a magazine advertising zevia over diet coke and diet dr. pepper.
just wondering if anyone drinks this stuff before I go to the health food store and spend my money.


  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Ha! I saw an ad for the very same thing yesterday in a mag myself. Was thinking the same thing, who's tried it and is it yum or not so much? Just wanted to try a can but I was at my Health Food Coop today and only saw a 6 pack. I'm with you, don't want to waste money on it until I hear from others:laugh: :tongue:

    Sadly I tried a can of diet soda the other day while dog watching for my Sister. OMGggggggggg it was like Heaven. I've never really been a pop drinker so it surprised me. Diet Cherry Pepsi or else the Vanilla Cherry one, yum yum Not sure I'd buy it as I know it's the devil and caffeine to me is like chips, I begin drinking caffeine and I don't stop! Not a coffee girl either, strange huh?

    Sorry for highjacking your thread Hon:blushing: :wink:
  • MelloT
    MelloT Posts: 4
    I have been drinking all the flavors of Zevia sodas for months now.I drink two cans daily or one zevia drink and a sobe 0 calorie life water drink..
    At first the taste was different but I liked the Dr zevia flavor instantly.I started buying from Whole foods one of each flavor.Then I continued with the flavor I liked the most with a six pack....
    If you try zevia and dont like the taste try sobe life water
    However remember your fitness goal and let that out weigh the taste of the healthy drinks,in time you will grow to enjoy the taste and know what it is doing for your body.
    (Love your body guys,live healthy)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    We were at a friend's house for a BBQ and someone was drinking it and had his wife try it. Her words were something along the lines of "tastes like you threw up in your mouth and swallowed it..." so I take it that it doesn't taste all that good lol. If you want a natural diet soda, try Hanson's, they taste great! If you can't find them in a grocery store try somewhere like Whole Foods.
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    That quote is absolutely hilarious. You have made me smile and laugh. Okay, I'll try Hanson's and maybe 1 can of dr. zevia if I get brave.