Why does my weight plateau so much?

It'll stay the same for a week or two then magically drop 2-5 pounds then stay the same for what feels like forever. It drives me absolutely crazy. It's not like I've been doing the same workouts every week, I usually change it every one or two weeks so I can avoid the plateau.


  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    Are you drinking enough water?
    How many days do you work out / rest days?

    For me I have to have 2 consecutive rest days and then theres a major change on the scale.
    But if its only a week or two then it isnt really plateu'ing. I'm sure all of the people who have been stuck at the same weight would be envious of you
  • aarikadanielle
    This happens to me all the time. 2-3 weeks wont lose anything, then the next two weeks dow 2-3 pounds. it's very weird
  • ericcanute
    ericcanute Posts: 95 Member
    I drink tons of water! I have this 20 oz. titanium water bottle I use and I drink one of them with every meal and every time I start using a different cardio machine. I like to burn about 1500 I usually do 2 consecutive too on the weekends but never thought of trying a weigh in after them, I'll have to try it.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    It'll stay the same for a week or two then magically drop 2-5 pounds then stay the same for what feels like forever. It drives me absolutely crazy. It's not like I've been doing the same workouts every week, I usually change it every one or two weeks so I can avoid the plateau.

    Sometimes people have to change up their eating habits just like exercise. Play around with the macros a lil but don't do the whole starvation/binge eating crap.
  • empot
    empot Posts: 30 Member
    Are you getting enough? I had to up my calories to see consistent weight loss. 1000 calorie deficit a day is about as much as you should go.
  • empot
    empot Posts: 30 Member
  • ericcanute
    ericcanute Posts: 95 Member
    My calorie goal is 1600 but I usually get in between 1200-1300 but I do get up to the 1400-1600 area depending on the dinner I eat.
  • 7opoundsin16weeks
    7opoundsin16weeks Posts: 211 Member
    at least u "plateau".. i GAIN weight out of nowhere and sometimes i never lose it
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    My calorie goal is 1600 but I usually get in between 1200-1300 but I do get up to the 1400-1600 area depending on the dinner I eat.

    Well, in my experience, that's the problem right there. If 1600 is your goal, then eat 1600. I had this issue (not eating enough) and could not lose an ounce. Very frustrating. I started using MFP to track calories to make sure I got enough. My daily goal is 1920 (20% deficit). My normal eating routine only got me to 1600. I have to make a special effort to eat more to get to 1900. And the weight loss has started anew.

    And fluctuations are normal. I weigh myself every day and log it. It bounces around a lot but the trend since using MFP (started in mid Feb) has been pleasantly down. My year's worth of data is below. The large gap was when I stopped tracking fro a long time. I still weighed myself every once in a while and was always 205 lbs +- 2 lbs.


    Weight is in blue, weight loss is in red.
  • ericcanute
    ericcanute Posts: 95 Member
    Should I lower my calories burned too? I am eager to get back on track losing weight again.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Should I lower my calories burned too? I am eager to get back on track losing weight again.

    Dunno. I lost weight whether I did cardio or not. Didn't lose any faster when I went up to 4 hours a day of cardio. I need cardio for stress relief, so it will always stay. I don't do nearly that much now, though. 3-5 hours / week.

    The only thing that I think must be done while cutting is strength training. I lose faster when I'm throwing around heavy weights. And it keeps my Lean Body Mass (LBM) constant as the weight drops. I have the same LBM as I did 19 lbs ago (that's when I started tracking LBM). So when I get to my target weight, all my muscles will be there, but the fat will be gone. And I will be a lot stronger. Then I can bulk up if I want to. If I maintain LBM and drop to my target weight, I will hit 14% Body Fat. That works for me.

    Without strength training, I think you risk losing LBM and fat as the weight drops. Without cardio, I don't know what happens (except my stress level will go through the roof).
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I think you're experiencing the whoosh. It would probably be good for you to read this article.

  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    I can weigh the same for 3 or 4 weeks and then drop 1-1.5 pounds then wait 3 weeks again. I am coming up to 2 years though so my body might just used to way I do things.
  • empot
    empot Posts: 30 Member
    Keep your activity level up. It is so good for you! I would say up your daily intake to around 1600 calories minimum for at least 2 weeks (maybe even 1800) and keep working out and see what happens. I eat 2200 calories a day and burn about 400-600 calories a day through working out. My bmr is around 2700. Google bmr calculator to find out what your bmr (basal metabolic rate) is. BMR depends on your lean body mass, whether you are male or female and your level of activity. I didn't lose weight for over 3 months because I wasn't eating enough! Just make sure what you are eating is nourishing healthful foods! Feel free to add me, I have been through this process for quite awhile and have worked through it and am happy to help.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    My bmr is around 2700.

    Your BMR is 2,700? That's improbable for a 27 yo female. You would have to weigh 400 lbs to have a BMR of 2,700.

    Is that your TDEE?
  • empot
    empot Posts: 30 Member
    It's true, I where a body monitor and have 155 lbs of lean mass and work an active job, I didn't believe it either, but the proof is in the numbers. :)
  • empot
    empot Posts: 30 Member
    My body monitor actually has me burning an average of 3500 calories a day. Muscle is the best calorie burner.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Can't argue with your data. I have 156 lbs LBM and my BMR is 1856. My TDEE (the amount of calories I burn every day) is 2,800 ish.
  • empot
    empot Posts: 30 Member
    That's great! I think its so important that people look at their body composition and eat to nourish your strengths. I will never weigh 120 pounds. I am super strong at 190 pounds at 21% body fat and that is excellent about me. I eat to nourish my body and I challenge it in the gym. I encourage everyone to find out their true BMR and body comp. It will change the way you view your body and eat accordingly!