New girl needs friends

Hello, all! I'm new around these parts, and looking for some people who log consistently and are willing to exchange support and encouragement. I'm a former dancer turned PhD student, looking to shed 15-20lbs that have crept on my body in the past few years. I'm not looking to attain my professional weight again (105 at 5'7? nutty!) but am looking to be a healthy, strong 130-ish.

Please friend me! I could use some help here... :smile:


  • Hey :) I want to lose about 15 - 20 lb as well :) added you as a friend
  • flg8rgal
    flg8rgal Posts: 4
    Count me in. I'm looking for the same but have a longer way to go. You can do it!
  • I'm in the same/similar boat. I'm 29 years old, 5'5" and my highest weight was 155ish. I did ballet growing up and now I feel gigantic. However, as a reasonable person I know that 135 is probably a good goal weight. I'm muscular and I like food, I'll never weigh 120 again and that's ok. I just want to look good in my clothes, be healthy, and feel comfortable. Lets do this!
  • Hi.

    Wow PhD! I'm an MA student. My major is Methods of Teaching English Language, and i'm working on my thesis currently.

    Add me if you want. My diary's open for friends :)
  • Count me in too. I've got about 30 pounds to shed and now that the cancer stuff is behind me, I'm focused on getting it ALL back (and the weight off). I'm 56 and not looking to be 20 (or 30, or 40) again, just get back to what feels right to me. And THIS, today, is NOT it! :)
  • BoiNeezy
    BoiNeezy Posts: 227 Member
    Hey add me if u like