A little help (may already have been answered)

Just starting weight loss. currently i'm 12st 4lbs or 173lbs 5ft 9in or 179cm and 30 years old.
i'm using MFP in conjunction with a Fitbit One so my calorie burn is already being adjusted/calculated for me by Fitbit & MFP.

Now my job can include anything up to walking 9 miles a day. so i'm burning some calories. What i cant seem to grasp is the intake of food.
Currently as of 21:05 GMT on 30th March i'm at :-
Total Calories - 1280
Daily Goal - 1658
Remaining - 378

I'm on a Night Shift so the amount calories i could burn could still go up quite a lot.
If i didn't eat anything now till midnight would i be doing the right thing or should i be making up 378 calories before midnight and actually hitting the goal ?
Is it better to be over or under the calories target ????

Edit - Also my main motivation is to get rid of the gut that i have. my BMI is 25.4 and i'm classed as over weight and have too much fat.
What would be the best way to reduce the fat around the Gut ?
Is what i'm doing now by being under the calorie goal good and can i be to far under ?????


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Focus on a weekly deficit. Your body doesn't reset at midnight and meal timing doesn't matter. Try to eat as close to your calorie goal as possible to reduce loss of fat free mass. Spot reduction is impossible so to lose weight from your belly you just need to lose weight. It comes off where it comes off.
  • Sorry to sound stupid but what do you mean by deficit ?
    If my goal is 1310 should i be looking at just getting under it ? How many calories would be too less before starvation mode kicks in ?
  • Thank you !
    Beginning to get it now.
  • any ideas for weightloss for the belly