Crappy Easter

I feel so bad I had 482 calories worth of Easter eggs and now I feel really gross :( They're so little but they contain so much. I can't even go for a run because it is raining so heavily and today was meant to be my day of rest since I've been pushing myself hard lately! I feel like it's all gone down the drain. How does anyone beat the chocolate filled day?


  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    It will be okay :) Even if you overeat tomorrow for Easter and gain a little this week it isn't the end of the world. Don't beat yourself up over it, just do the best you can the rest of the week.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    One binge won't set you back. Tomorrow is a new day. Make it count and kick some butt.
    If it really bothers you, try running in place(in your room). I do that when I binge(usually cashews).
  • kpstacy
    kpstacy Posts: 41 Member
    One "negative" day does not undo all the good things you have done to this point. We all have those days.... you are allowed. Get back on track tomorrow cuz you can not go back and undo what is done. Don't defeat yourself. I think it is so important to understand that not everyday is going to be perfect or even close.... one day every now and then is nothing to beat yourself up over. Be realistic and understand that as long as you are moving in the right direction more than the wrong, you will be okay! Good luck and keep your head up!
  • GetNFitKitCat
    GetNFitKitCat Posts: 30 Member
    Even if you cant go outside to workout, burn your calories inside. You cant beat yourself up over slightly over indulging. just work toward gaining more control. But it happens to everyone. It is just one of those things
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    moderation - though most of us have had some challenges with this in the past...................that is what got us to where we are. At leas! :heart: :heart: :heart: :smile: :smile: :smile: t you ca acknowledge what you did and have some concerns. Just think about the past - likely you would have had more.

    So Happy Easter and happy day and best to you in your life journey
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    As everyone has said, one day will not be the end for you. I have had many bad days and I have still lost, so dust yourself off and get back on the bicycle. It is time to ride again. :happy:
  • Thisisnotadiet
    Thisisnotadiet Posts: 89 Member
    Just ate 600 cal worth of chocolate.... what's the problem? Fit it in your daily caloric intake. I hope it's not 1200 :)

    My first big victory is to stop hating myself when I eat more than I should have and get on with my life. In other words the first big victory is with your mind, not your body. Work for conquering this and it will feel soooo good.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    400 calories is what - the equivalent of an average lunch meal or a bit more, so work it like you had a really big breakfast and eat smarter the rest of the day (cut back on your lunch and dinner by 100-200 calories each). Pig out if you can on the "free" foods - lettuce, celery, carrots and such (skip the dip). There's lots of ways to compensate for your fairly minor lapse - and the fact that the candy made you feel crappy may help the next time the situation comes up.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    Look at the whole picture ... you said you've been working out hard lately. 500 cals worth of chocolate isn't really that awful. Don't let it ruin your day. And sometimes a short run in light rain is fun :smile:
  • Dragon67
    Dragon67 Posts: 123 Member
    Try not to worry about it.... I have also done something similar today with crisps & choc...... I will try and put it behind me for today and start afresh tomorrow.... Keep going in a positive direction, as oyu willread we all have theses days, that is why we are here :smile:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Srsly, that's no big deal. Enjoy your rest day, and plan how you're spending tomorrow.
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    482 is only 1 seventh of a pound. I have had 1500 calories of Easter egg and extra chocolate this weekend and it was worth every calorie.
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    I am way over today too, not with chocolate or candy, but Hot cross buns (I live in the UK, and they are Easter treats). Do I care? Not a jot. Tomorrow I will be back on my diet as if today had never happened. Dust yourself down and look forward, if I look back, you can bet you boots I will trip over something and land on my *kitten*, sooooo not worth it. :-)
  • SeahorseDolphin
    482 cals isn't a binge and even if you're that far over you goal you're still probably not even close to TDEE. You said yourself you've been working hard lately. Give yourself a break and de-stress. Take control tomorrow.
  • mlfrailing
    One day is nothing. Don't let it be a habit, or fall into "a little here, a little there" and you will be fine.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I feel so bad I had 482 calories worth of Easter eggs and now I feel really gross :( They're so little but they contain so much. I can't even go for a run because it is raining so heavily and today was meant to be my day of rest since I've been pushing myself hard lately! I feel like it's all gone down the drain. How does anyone beat the chocolate filled day?

    I'm 1200 cals over today...and that's without adding all the chocolate, as I'm not even sure how much all that comes upto lol!

    But who cares, it's one day, back to normal tomorrow :bigsmile: