Any one else trying for a baby?



  • Adarah1981
    Adarah1981 Posts: 19 Member
    My husband and I want to start trying next year. We are delaying it a bit (because we'd love to start trying now) so that I can get my weight on target, or at least towards it. I can't wait to be a mommy!
  • melindenmark
    melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
    Hi, my boyfriend and i have just started trying to have a baby, im both nervous and excited about this process :D. I hope everything goes well and we have no problems but i guess only time will tell. Anyone wanting extra support feel free to add me, always happy to have others in the same position to talk to
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Any women here trying for a baby feel free to send me a private message.

    Let's make this happen.

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Any women here trying for a baby feel free to send me a private message.

    Let's make this happen.


    Well, hello...
  • super_chicva88
    I am not actively trying at the moment, but I do have PCOS. I have been on my weight loss journey for a while not. I am just now getting very serious about it. I have lost 11lbs since the first of the year. I have heard from a few different docs that losing 10lbs is great for PCOS but losing more is better before even trying. I am in school finally for nursing and I finally stopped pushing for a baby. I am 24 and I have 3 years left for school then we are going to start trying for a baby. I am using this time in school to really get healthy and lose weight so that when we start trying it will hopefully be easier for us or at least know that my weight is not the problem. I wish you all the best of luck!
  • bottom
    bottom Posts: 52 Member
    My husband and I "practiced" for 2.5 years to have a baby. I finally said heck with it, and signed up to run a marathon. Sure enough, the day of training kickoff, we discovered we were pregnant. My "little" guy is now 1.5 yrs., and we've been "practicing" again for a few months for baby #2. I'm half-serious when I tell him I'm going to start marathon training....
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    You should join the PCOS groups on here for support/advice! I was told last year by my doctor that she is pretty sure I have it. I don't know what all tests are done to determine if you have it for sure or not, but to my knowledge none were done. She said I need to eat a little better and exercise, which luckly I had already started doing. I lost about 18 pounds using MFP last year and am now 33 weeks pregnant!! Now I will say, in my 2 ultrasounds you get during pregnancy, there were no cysts on my ovaries, so I really don't know if I have PCOS for sure or not, I definitely have all of the other signs/symptoms of it though. Either way, I do believe dropping a few pounds and changing some things you eat/drink should help you in the TTC process! Look up the PCOS groups on here for sure :) Good luck to you and your husband!!
  • JulieBGoood
    JulieBGoood Posts: 120 Member
    Trying for over a year & a half with no luck at all, I have a Doctor appointment next week to start figuring out why. Hope we all get our bundles of joy soon!!
  • ausped
    ausped Posts: 58 Member
    We tried for years, I was diagnosed with PCOS and then we adopted. I got 2 little bundles of joy through that route. They are every bit mine. I was happy for once, and we quit "trying" - two was enough. I finally lost about 80 pounds and did become pregnant at 40! Our little "surprise" is now four. I firmly believe that I have the children I was meant to have. If I would have gotten pregnant right away I would not have gone the adoption route. My children are all "mine". They even have my personality traits. :)
    Your family will happen the way it was meant to be.
    Best of luck.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Any women here trying for a baby feel free to send me a private message.

    Let's make this happen.



    Who knew I'd find my future baby daddy on MFP!


    And OP: that sucks. I hope things work out for you :)
  • SamiAng
    SamiAng Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there,I am not trying for a baby, but thought I would tell my story. My husband and I got married later in life, and he is older than I am. We were married in 2007, and started trying in 2009. I got pregnant right away. Everything was going great, but at the 12 week u/s, found out the baby was really sick. I lost the pregnancy at 16 weeks. I got pregnant a few months after the D&C, but it was a missed miscarriage. We started trying again and I got pregnant in 2010. The doctor had me get an early u/s. There were two sacs, but nothing was progressing. I ended up with a D&C again this time at 8weeks.
    Ok, now for the happy part. I got pregnant in 2011, was out of my mind stressed the entire time, but had my healthy little miracle baby girl April of las year. She will be one soon! I just turned 39 so I think this will be it for us. I just feel blessed to have her!
    Baby dust to all!
  • katherynrodriguez
    katherynrodriguez Posts: 5 Member
    Im dealing with the samething. Anyone can add me. Thanx
  • alishacupcake
    alishacupcake Posts: 419 Member
    I also have PCOS. Although I can say it seems much better now that I've lost some weight. It feels like my body hangs onto every single pound though. I tried with my first husband for 18 months before getting pregant with my son on Clomid. My current bf and I will be trying as soon as we are married in Aug. He's much older than me too so we want to hurry up with the baby making lol. Good luck to all!!
  • ajhouse
    ajhouse Posts: 584 Member
    I am 30 years old and have been married over 8 years now, and no children.....yet....but hopeful...

    Your story really makes me feel better, like I am not alone. Thank you for sharing with us. Feel free to add me! : )

    I am also 30 and we've been married almost 6 years and still no baby either.

    We didn't prevent for about 2-3 years and then started ttc (going on 3 yrs). We have already done our max of clomid cycles, so now we are both trying vitamins and supplements and working on losing some weight and being healthier.
  • Marrhet
    Marrhet Posts: 13
    It is really nice to see that I am not alone. I am "not preventing" a baby but not using any fertility medications. I would love a baby, but was greatly discouraged after a miscarriage and then being diagnosed with PCOS. I am hoping if I kick some extra weight it will make it easier for me to concieve. Feel free to add me I could, and would, love the support. :)
  • daoc1972
    daoc1972 Posts: 92 Member
    We're not "not trying", if that counts. We have 2 boys and both times I needed medical assistance. First, it was just clomid, the second came after temping, countless OPKs, surgery to remove cysts, more clomid, and IUI with all the shots and pills that come with. Had only irregular cycles when off the pill. I'm hovering around 150 atm, but want to kick it in gear and make some body comp changes in prep for the summer. Hope to be pregnant by the end.

    I wish you the very best with TTC.
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    I am so glad to see that I am not the only one going through this. My husband and I have been married since 2006 but this year at the age of 34 and at 185lbs we were finally in the position to start a family. We started trying in July after I got off birth control. In Aug I missed a period which for me rarely happens and I took a test and it was negative. We continued to try every month and in October we finally got pregnant and I was ecstatic. Then in November I started spotting so I called the Dr. who sent me for an ultrasound. The tec saw something on the ultrasound but seemed to think that I was not a good pregnancy but did not communicate that to me very well. So after that report was sent to the Dr., she sent me for blood work and my hormone was going up but not quick enough for the Dr.'s liking. I had more blood work and another ultrasound in December that was still not definitive but numbers were still going up so I had hope. On January 8th I woke up for my third ultrasound to blood in my p.j's which I knew was not a good sign. I went to the ultrasounds as and this time had an amazing tec that explained everything. I saw the gestational sac but there was nothing in it. I was heartbroken and still am. Now I am dealing with the pain and discomfort of a miscarriage. All through September and October I was also dealing with the death of my Grandmother and Great Aunt who both meant a lot to me and my weight went back up to 210lbs from 185lbs, but at that weight we were able to get pregnant it was just not a good pregnancy. My problem right now is that I am I too much pain to do much of anything but work, and even then I really don't want to be there but if I did not do that I think I would be curled up in a ball not want to do anything. I asked the Dr. when I could start working out again and she told me to start things when my body allows me to. If anyone has advice or wants to friend me feel free.
  • toshi89
    toshi89 Posts: 101 Member

    While I have never been thin (180 at the end of high school) , the last year has been very depressing, and I am at my all time high, weighing 210, at the doctor last month. I have always wished to be a healthy 150, as I feel that weight would probably look best on my frame.

    Oh, and another note about me, I am 24, and I have a much older husband who makes me laugh every day. <3

    Welcome. I am trying for a baby as well. We are aiming to be pregnant by next year, after our "Wedding ceremony". We're married, juts never had a wedding. I can relate to how your feeling. I also lost a child. She passed at 6 weeks(after she was born) because of a chromosomal issue. Ever since, I have suffered from the same thing, just really wanting another baby. I have always had strange cycles and ovulation, but the doctors say that I'm fine. I want to be a healthy 150, though I have never been. In high school I was overweight and fit, so I didn't worry about it. Oh, and I will be 24 soon, so go us!! My husband is younger than me though. :)

    Wanted to update, which I completely forgot yo do. We got pregnant way sooner than expected. I had a little girl who is now almost 3 weeks old. Don't give up. Remember, it happens when it's time, no sooner or later.
  • ton40orbust
    We're kind of trying... My fiancee and I are both 22. He is a trucker I work in a retirement home. I found out I was pregnant over the summer and miscarried. I am currently between 250-270lbs (not stepping on the scale until 2-1-14) and would like to get around 200 before we start actively trying again but if something happens on one of the rare times that he's home it happens.