Major Belly And Thigh Fat

All right, I am starting fresh but I need to know what has worked for people who have similar issues as me...I am 308lbs, its all in my belly and thighs and I was able to loose 25, but now I seem to be stuck. 25 was basic exercise and eating healthier and cutting way down on junk food. I am just wondering what would be a good goal to based my food and exercise off of? I can't run due to a surgery I had done on my ankle, fibula and tibia of my right leg. I might look into Zumba again as I enjoyed it but had to quit it for a year as I couldn't walk till my leg healed. SO I am a little discouraged at what would be best for me! I figured maybe someone out their struggled with a TON of belly fat as well and knows some tips or tricks to help melt it away and tone it all up as it goes away. Believe me I know there is nothing miracle to make it go fast, but maybe just things that are belly fat melting or something along that lines. I guess instead of ranting on...what would you do if you were in my shoes?


  • jestersand
    jestersand Posts: 61 Member
    Unfortunately, without cardio you can't really spot train the troubled areas. Cardio will help you burn all that. There are alternatives to jogging at the gym...
    Elliptical trainer: 30-40 minutes. There's no shock on that one.
    Swimming: I mean laps, not just dipping in there and shooting the breeze.
    The treadmill works wonders even if you just walk on it. The trick to that is to give you a challenge, and you do that by setting it at a high incline and set the speed to 2-2.5 mph. The higher the incline, the more challenging it is. it's like going hiking.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    As you probably have heard from the forums, you'll just have to lose fat overall. Try alternatives such as elliptical, biking and walking. Zumba sounds like a great idea! You can try adding in weight training, too.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    It sucks that i can't run, but thats what the doctor says I am not allowed to do ever! What I am thinking of doing is like 3 minutes walk and 3 minutes jog, I can alter the jog to be like a super fast walk and I will 100% do that incline walk on the treadmill didn't even think of that!
  • valligal
    valligal Posts: 18 Member
    Have you ever tried running in a pool? It is more like jogging - however you are comfortable. I like to run shallow end to deep and wear a float belt to make sure my head is above water.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    Walking helps. I feel like I'm walking my belly off!
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Try the rowing machine or elliptical. I had the same problem. Okay, I still have a bit of belly fat. But I lost a lot ofmy thigh fat and belly fat doing that
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Cardio, weights, clean eating and don't go over your Basal Metabolic Rate - 500 calories. You can't spot train to burn the fat off your abs or thighs, I wish, but you can't. The muscles underneath do not own the fat that surrounds them.

    I'm sorry to hear about your leg injury, if it has totally healed you could go back to Zumba. Try to find a lower impact class, such as Zumba Gold or Aqua as they are slower and lower impact to start. You could also try different instructors as everyone has their own styles and tempos. But just remember, even if the class is going at full intensity with the routines, you can do a modified version that works for your level. A good instructor can help you with that as well.

    You could try an elliptical machine, no impact issues as your feet don't leave the pedals. Swimming is also a great workout! The best thing to do is also incorporate a weight training program into your fitness plans. This will increase your lean muscle mass which will increase your BMR and burn more fat at rest. Patience, consistency and honesty will be a big part of this process too.

    Just remember, abs are made in the kitchen first :flowerforyou:
  • I was 300 pounds and lost 70 just walking my dog and eating right. Portion control is the key though and what you eat. Don't believe all this fit it in your macros stuff. It might work if you are vigorous in your exercising.You want to lose you should cut out the over processed foods. Switch your white foods for brown, cut the saturated fats eat mostly veggies to fill you up. Well this is what I did anyway and so far so good. I am sure you will get all kinds of advice on here. Just think about what makes sense to you and go with that. Good luck to you and send me a request if you would like to be pals.:wink:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Keep it simple. You don't have to cut out any foods unless you have medical reasons to do so or they are triggering.

    Set your target at a 2lb per week weight loss and eat 50 - 75% of your exercise calories back. Eat normally, just make smart choices re food options for energy and satiation, try to get most of your food from nutrient dense whole foods but you can have treats. Portion control. Get yourself a digital scale and weigh everything (or measure liquids). Try to go above the protein and fat goals if you are going to be using MFPs defaults.

    Suggestions for exercise: walking, swimming, elliptical, rowing, cycling, exercise classes and try to do some strength training.
  • meira114
    meira114 Posts: 4
    seems like you've hit a plateau. Our bodies, being the efficient workers they are, will adapt to change over time. So perhaps you're body has already gotten used to the new diet and exercise routine. This is why I've been told so many times to always change my routine every week or every two weeks. I try to get in three days of cardio per week. For me, pilates is an all time fav. It's strengthening, burns fat, and when the intensity is upped it's good cardio. Then I fill in the rest of my days with different activities such as swimming, jump roping, yoga (really awesome, too), and working with kettleballs at the gym. And I always always always take a rest day. Usually on those days I just like to take a leisurely bike ride, walk, or flexibility yoga at the park :)
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    All amazing ideas!! thanks so much!! I have a scale but its not digital, will it still work?
  • meira114
    meira114 Posts: 4
    oh and I forgot to mention diet. For myself, personally, I find that I ate waaaaaaay to many grains such as pasta, bread, and white rice. I used to eat rice every day with every meal. So I cut myself off from rice and regular bread. I only eat pita bread pockets which is only 90 calories compared to the 100 calories per slice in bread (so 200 for a regular sandwich.) I noticed that reducing my grain intake my belly is less bloated and i have more energy. I replaced allllll my junk cereals for organic oat meal and fruit in the morning and always snack on veggies throughout the day. I'm obsessed with dipping carrots, bellpepper, and cucumbers in hummus. I try not to consume too much dairy since it has a pro-estrogen chemical (or something to that affect) and estrogen is a naturally fat storing hormone. ALSO i threw out all of the things in my fridge that had more than 15 grams of sugar. That includes my all time fav Simply Lemonade Mango (sob), yoplait yogurts, ice cream, and chocolate. I substituted them with fresh fruits, greek yogurt, and greek frozen yogurt (tasted better than icecream to me). I was so unaware of how much sugar I was eating a day and when sugar isn't used by the body it's just stored as fat when you sleep (wouldn't you be able to sleep better knowing you're not storing fat in your slumber?) anyways, im no expert but i found these things help my weightloss goal. good luck!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    All amazing ideas!! thanks so much!! I have a scale but its not digital, will it still work?

    Digital is better, but a non-digital is good. Just make sure you recalibrate it regularly.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Cardio, weights, clean eating and don't go over your Basal Metabolic Rate - 500 calories. You can't spot train to burn the fat off your abs or thighs, I wish, but you can't. The muscles underneath do not own the fat that surrounds them.

    I'm sorry to hear about your leg injury, if it has totally healed you could go back to Zumba. Try to find a lower impact class, such as Zumba Gold or Aqua as they are slower and lower impact to start. You could also try different instructors as everyone has their own styles and tempos. But just remember, even if the class is going at full intensity with the routines, you can do a modified version that works for your level. A good instructor can help you with that as well.

    You could try an elliptical machine, no impact issues as your feet don't leave the pedals. Swimming is also a great workout! The best thing to do is also incorporate a weight training program into your fitness plans. This will increase your lean muscle mass which will increase your BMR and burn more fat at rest. Patience, consistency and honesty will be a big part of this process too.

    Just remember, abs are made in the kitchen first :flowerforyou:

    I sincerely hope you meant TDEE-500. One should NEVER eat below their BMR as that is the amount you would need to maintain your life functions if you were in a coma. I agree with the rest of your post.
  • mnqi
    mnqi Posts: 36
    I agree with the other posters it is impossible to lose weight in one spot. I too hold my weight in my belly and I have noticed my thighs are awful. I am just over 200lbs and I think one key to belly weight is reduce salty foods, drink more water (sounds contradictory) but it helps. Also, processed carbs....they are my evil. Protein, protein protein helps me. Walking, even slow helps to build muscle. Walking in the water is a great exercise too. Bike riding too....although, my rear would be killing on the tiny seat...but you would feel it. Good luck
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    All right, I am starting fresh but I need to know what has worked for people who have similar issues as me...I am 308lbs, its all in my belly and thighs and I was able to loose 25, but now I seem to be stuck. 25 was basic exercise and eating healthier and cutting way down on junk food. I am just wondering what would be a good goal to based my food and exercise off of? I can't run due to a surgery I had done on my ankle, fibula and tibia of my right leg. I might look into Zumba again as I enjoyed it but had to quit it for a year as I couldn't walk till my leg healed. SO I am a little discouraged at what would be best for me! I figured maybe someone out their struggled with a TON of belly fat as well and knows some tips or tricks to help melt it away and tone it all up as it goes away. Believe me I know there is nothing miracle to make it go fast, but maybe just things that are belly fat melting or something along that lines. I guess instead of ranting on...what would you do if you were in my shoes?

    Hey there! I understand your problem. I carry most all of my wait in my stomach. I look pregnant if I'm not sucking it in.

    What I did to start off was yoga. I went to yoga three times a week and it helped me lose my first 11 pounds like a dream. It's great for spot toning as it really works individual areas of your body. It sounds like an easy workout but believe me, it's also a good cardio exercise. Your heart rate will be sky high by the time ten minutes goes by, depending on the type of yoga you do. I would suggest Ashtanga.

    Now, I do TurboJam (a beachbody workout) and I also like to take walks to incorporate some sort of workout on days that I don't do Turbo. I count every single morsel that passes through my lips and you must TRACK, TRACK, TRACK. A handful of jelly beans here, a few M & M's there, it adds up tremendously. You have to be super duper accountable for every single thing that goes into your mouth, liquids included. You can drink calories faster than you can eat them half of the time.

    I honestly had to cut OUT junk food, not cut down, but this is just what worked for me. I allow myself to eat freely on holidays and birthdays only. Yesterday was so awesome to just enjoy my Easter dinner and dessert. Junk food gets much better when you only allow it to yourself rarely.

    Some of my favorite snacks:

    - Greek yogurt (Dannon Oikos or Fage are my favorites, come in many flavors)
    - String cheese
    - 100 Calorie Packs of natural almonds, not salted or roasted
    - Bananas or apples
    - Celery sticks with peanut butter
    - Sugar free jello (honestly, tastes like the real thing!)

    I love to buy Jennie-O buffalo chicken breast at the deli counter, buy the 100 calorie deli flats and some land o lakes white american and put together a sandwich for lunch. Filling and absolutely delicious. I do not endorse frozen, pre packaged meals, whether they are low calorie or not. They're filled with sodium and usually fat. I recommend taking Saturday or Sunday to make meals for the week. Last week I made tons of chicken and built a chicken caesar salad for every day of the week. I also love to take whole wheat pasta with meatballs... These are things that are quick and easy to put together for a busier person like myself.

    Just totally commit 100% and you should see further results. Remember that every single day is a new day and even if you mess up, you can always get back on track!
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I love swimming but the elliptical machine is my fave at the moment...
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    oh and I forgot to mention diet. For myself, personally, I find that I ate waaaaaaay to many grains such as pasta, bread, and white rice. I used to eat rice every day with every meal. So I cut myself off from rice and regular bread. I only eat pita bread pockets which is only 90 calories compared to the 100 calories per slice in bread (so 200 for a regular sandwich.) I noticed that reducing my grain intake my belly is less bloated and i have more energy. I replaced allllll my junk cereals for organic oat meal and fruit in the morning and always snack on veggies throughout the day. I'm obsessed with dipping carrots, bellpepper, and cucumbers in hummus. I try not to consume too much dairy since it has a pro-estrogen chemical (or something to that affect) and estrogen is a naturally fat storing hormone. ALSO i threw out all of the things in my fridge that had more than 15 grams of sugar. That includes my all time fav Simply Lemonade Mango (sob), yoplait yogurts, ice cream, and chocolate. I substituted them with fresh fruits, greek yogurt, and greek frozen yogurt (tasted better than icecream to me). I was so unaware of how much sugar I was eating a day and when sugar isn't used by the body it's just stored as fat when you sleep (wouldn't you be able to sleep better knowing you're not storing fat in your slumber?) anyways, im no expert but i found these things help my weightloss goal. good luck!

    Oh my, I love greek fro-yo! Good to know somebody else has discovered this!