Insanity questions answered!

Hey Insanity people here is a video of Shaun T answering some questions about Insanity and other fitness questions.


  • bluebear_74
    bluebear_74 Posts: 179
    I'll have to watch this. I just did the fit test for the first time. I felt like a was going to pass out and puke :sad:
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Bluebear: Stick with it. Insanity is an awesome program. I was well into the second week before i could even complete the warm up without stopping. It is not an easy program, but you will get results if you put in the effort. Good luck with it!
  • skinny1801
    skinny1801 Posts: 68 Member
    @bluebear you will get stronger as you progress in the program. I felt like that the first time to. now, i'm in month 2 and I feel great my resting heart rate is down I lost a lot of inches and my breathing has improved. Keep it up girly you got this!