Why are people so mean?



  • Winter0916
    Winter0916 Posts: 80
    Honey, he is just probably jealous and upset that his wife (or girlfriend) does not look as HOT as you.... DONT let A$@*#les like that upset you, you worked too hard to let anyone make you feel bad...girl please
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I cant believe it. I'm so freaking mad!!!! I have reached my goal. My self esteam is finally a little above low and then I post pictures on facebook of me and my children and this is the response i get from my brother in law......

    "you are losin way too much weight fern. lookin a little rough. or as we say up north,..... LOOKIN LIKE A CRACK HEAD. Eat a damn sandwich lady. Some of us are meant to have some meat on us Lol. Im suprised your hubby aint force fed you yet."


    I have to admit it hurt my feelings and I got a little teary eyed....This was so much hard work and for someone to tell me I look "rough" or like a "crack head"

    I know I am suppose to not care cause he is an idiot but it doesnt take the sting away.....

    I agree, I think jealousy is way up there on that person's list. If I were you I would immediately delete that person off your buddy list and then block them, because you sure as hell can do without that crap.

    They know nothing about you by the sounds of it otherwise they would know you have worked damned hard to get where you are.

    For every person in this world that gives you compliments there will be their damned counterpart looking to "take you down a peg or two" - this, I hasten to add is because they feel inferior and you are reminding them that they could do something about themselves but they just can't be bothered.

    As I said, delete them, then block them, they are a**holes - oh they will say they are being honest - they're not, they are being spiteful xxx
  • latoiaoxner
    I totally agree with everyone...you worked to had to let someone take that glory from you..If you feel wonderful and I know you look wonderful...then tell him to bite the big one! All that matters is you are happy with yourself and what you see..
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    No way dude. I just looked at all of your profile pics....your BIL is a turd. You look faboo. He can go pound sand....or eat a Whopper.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Girl, you look awesome! It is my hope that all 50 or however many wonderful and deserving comments you have just received totally obliterates the one comment from that insignificant source!
  • Alegnacg
    Alegnacg Posts: 1 Member
    jeaous and threatened! to heck with him....www.poopsenders.com...it will make you feel so much better !!!!!

    OMG I love it!
  • OneFitLady
    OneFitLady Posts: 28 Member
    I say "unlike" the jerk! I know, I know, he is family...blah blah blah...he is negative energy and you need to rid yourself from that. You worked too hard! You don't need to have that on your wall. And if he says anything, just tell him, "my new year's resolution is to throw out the trash!"
  • OneFitLady
    OneFitLady Posts: 28 Member
    oops, double post