Losing almost 100lbs & gaining it all back. My story.



  • dmprice17
    dmprice17 Posts: 22 Member
    i don't understand why we do this, i myself have lost and gained back thousands of lbs. in the 30 years of dieting. i only can hope that i to can stay on track and make this a life long commitment to my health. keep on trying i know i am, but it is hard, taking one day off makes me fear that i will slide back into bad habits,
  • Elpaw4mbv
    Elpaw4mbv Posts: 43 Member
    You can add me as a friend if you are looking for other moms trying to balance kids, work, weight loss, and all the other stuff.

    It's a new day so don't get tied up in guilt or the "shoulda, coulda" stuff. You will succeed.
  • TheMadRedhead1979
    Wow what a story !!
    You have come so far with your journey hun despite your weight gain... your determination inspires me to carry on with my journey :)
    Keep going girl you can do it !!!!
    Feel free to add me anytime :)
  • LyninVT
    LyninVT Posts: 11 Member
    Wow - so many of us out there with similar stories. I also lost 100 lbs and gained it all back. Now at my age I figure it now or never if I want to be a healthy older person and be around to enjoy my grandchildren. I know that it will take me quite some time to do what I did before because as we age I hear it gets harder to lose weight, but this time I'm determined to not only lose the weight but to make a change in my life. One day at a time. That's my new motto.
  • kerilynne68
    Do not be ashamed! This is a story many of us know well. Me included. Let's just continue to take one day at a time and work toward our goals of living a more healthful and fit life! I would be honored if you added me as a friend!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    U got this!
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    You show a lot of courage! Welcome back to myfitnesspal, and can't wait to hear your next success story. You can do this!
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    Well done for coming back!

    Feel free to add me, after having my son I was terribly unheathy and overweight and I know how much of a struggle it can be to try and balance a healthy work and personal life, as well as getting exercise fitted into the mix also.
  • careena1
    careena1 Posts: 19 Member
  • LifeJacketWaterJogger
    I almost cried reading this God speed with your weight loss.
  • LvlyLars
    LvlyLars Posts: 18 Member
    Your story is amazingly honest; I love that. I love that you're honest about it and how it's affected your relationship. Feel free to add me as a friend as I'd love to help support you; I know, like everyone, I can use all the support I can get. Best of luck to you but moreso, stay honest with yourself. Don't let that little voice in your head say "you're fine, you can eat one piece of that cake" or whatever it is. Stay strong and stay honest.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Wishing you the best of luck. Stay positive and strong for yourself and your loved ones. Glad to hear that you're getting support from your family, that is really heartening! You have all the right tools so I'm sure you can do it <3 Focus on small steps and making little improvements! Don't overwhelm yourself!
  • weese17
    weese17 Posts: 236 Member
    That was beautiful, OP. Our kids really do offer a wonderful motivation for getting healthy, don't they? :)

    All the best to you.
  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    Well done for your loss the first time, you can do this , it wont always be easy but keep going!!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,263 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. It was so open and honest. You can do this again and you're on the right track...you started again!

    Good luck!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. I can relate on some levels but not to the same extent. I've yo yo'd many times and lately as I sit close to my goal my old habits are creeping in. It's scary and I don't want to go back there... Ever. I feel your pain. You've have success before. You can do it again. Feel free to add me.
  • NadDrew
    NadDrew Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story, I did the same 2 times in my life. Lost 100 pounds 2 times and gained it back, but this time, Yeah, I'm older now but 3 times is a charm and I lost it again but the difficult part is to maintain.

    Good luck, you can do it.

    You can add me as a friend if you want.:wink:
  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    i don't understand why we do this, i myself have lost and gained back thousands of lbs. in the 30 years of dieting. i only can hope that i to can stay on track and make this a life long commitment to my health. keep on trying i know i am, but it is hard, taking one day off makes me fear that i will slide back into bad habits,

    I know why for me...well, multiple reasons, but some include a food addiction, eating when I'm upset, happy, sad, bored, etc., also, I tend to get so serious and work so hard that I burn myself out and then just want to stop focusing on 'being healthy'. So, I do, then I gain weight...this time I gained about 30 pounds! I probably would have gained more, but my biggest pants are a size 10, so I couldn't gain anymore without buying new pants. I can't afford new clothes, so I get back to it. I have thought about my healthy and this yo-yo concept a lot lately and more so after reading your post. I don't want to do this again. I feel like I need to make a firm healthy commitment for life for ME! I know it is cool to have inspiration such as a kid or a spouse or something, but when it comes down to it...I know that I need to want it more than anything else. I also should probably get rid of those size 10 pants!

    I am back down again to a size 6, but I am going to down a few pounds to fit really comfortably in a size 6. I even have a pair of 4 pants that I bought that I can zip, but don't fit right that I am going to use as a gauge to get down to a more comfortable size. I am also going to train for some running events.

    I am really focusing on being committed to my health this time and ending the cycle of going up 20 pounds and then down 20 (or 30!).

    I wish everyone the best at luck at finding what works for them to stay healthy! :)
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. I know you will be and you are an inspiration to others. You did it before and you WILL do it again. Feel free to add me girl. I may be at a different place in this journey but we are ALL in it together. Hugs sweetie - YOU GOT THIS!
  • BabyStace38
    Thank you for sharing your story. You are definitely an inspiration. We are all in this journey together!! good luck to everyone:)