How can I get myself to drink more?

I know I really need to try and get my 8- eight oz glasses in a day. But I'm finding it to be an impossible task. It’s a struggle for me just to make it to 4 glasses. Does anyone have any tips to help me reach my goal of 8? It becomes an issue that I stay almost dehydrated but I’m not thirsty. Is there any way I can get myself to drink more? Any help is appreciated. :)


  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    I definitely feel ya. I use to be like that. Buy a reusable water bottle; I bought a camelbak and now I can't stop drinking water. Carry it with you. I even bring it to bed lmfao
  • lisacsmith16
    lisacsmith16 Posts: 64 Member
    I can not drink my water out of a glass! so I go me a tall 20oz bottle of water at the local store and I refill it... I drink at least 4 of them a day! I have cold Ice water in the fridge so refilling my bottle with ice water is easy! Just what I do. But I find now that I am CRAVING water... I was like you and had to force myself... not anymore.. Good Luck and I hope this helps... add me if you want
  • niki87lewis
    niki87lewis Posts: 147 Member
    .....grab a cup add water, straw and drink! Voila!

    But seriously depending on what kind of diet you have you May also be taking in alot of water from food
  • jturne1
    jturne1 Posts: 12
    I have a 20 oz bottle that I re-fill every hour while I am at work. I use it as a nice little couple min break away from the desk. So I re-fill it about 8+ times a day. I also have 2 glasses right when I wake up and then a couple bottles during training.

    Just like anything, it is a pain to start but then becomes habit over time.

    Stick with it!
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    I used some mio and then just down the whole bottle!!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Here in the desert, we drink water/fluids to avoid heat stroke. It's just a bonus that it's good practice for weight loss, too. Still...I also find it hard to get enough, even when I'm about to pass out,lol. Maybe keeping in mind that it has so many other health benefits can motivate you a little more?

    Because I'm more concerned about fluids than actual water...I include fruit, milk, soup, flavored waters, frozen juice, etc in my fluid intake count.

    Also, I try to make sure that I take at least 10 swallows of water every time I get a drink, including when I take medicine. One or two sips every once in a while just won't get me there.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I like a straw. I drink my water much more often and quickly when there is a straw in it.

    I use a 24 ounce cup that I purchased with a screw top lid and straw. I fill it up 3-4 times a day, and will definitely put me over my 8 cups a day.

    Just remember a cup is only 8 ounces. Most glasses are 12-20 ounces. You may actually be getting plenty of water already.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    It's hard, I have the same problem. Just do it. Nobody can drink it for you.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    There's no real secret really.

    You just open your mouth, put water in, and swallow it.
  • auntnoreen
    I feel your pain, I am hardly ever thirsty and I can have a bottle of water at my desk all day at work and sip a few times, I have much difficulty. I've been buying Crystal Light and I have a 5 Gallon glass container with a spout I leave in the fridge and that helps a lot to drink water that tastes good too :)
  • LethainIowa
    I really don't like to drink plain water, but find adding Mio or Crystal Light helps a lot.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Just does NOT have to be plain water --- you just need FLUID.
    Some fluids are better than others of course ---so chugging down sugary soda might keep you hydrated but defeats the purpose. I drink lots of tea, coffee, protein shakes, almond milk, trop 50 orange juice, crystal light, coconut water etc.... it call counts so just find something you like that good for you -- and carry it around! I have a protein shake in a blender bottle with me at work every days... sometimes I bring two of them.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I definitely feel ya. I use to be like that. Buy a reusable water bottle; I bought a camelbak and now I can't stop drinking water. Carry it with you. I even bring it to bed lmfao

    This. I carry my water bottle EVERYWHERE; school, work, car, bedside table. I just sip from it all day and I'm amazed at how much I end up having to refill it. I used to be lucky to get 2 cups of water a day, now I get at least 10.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I have no idea why "8 glasses a day" is a universal recommendation, because how much water you need to drink depends on how much you sweat (which depends on the climate, your activity levels (especially strenuous exercise), your metabolism, how easily you lose heat, even the clothes you wear etc) and so how many glasses you need a day could be 8, could be less than 8 or could be a lot more than 8.

    I live in Bahrain (which is almost tropical), have a fairly fast metabolism, don't lose heat easily, I'm generally active and also work out, I need quite a lot more than 8 glasses of water a day. I have to put a lot of effort into not getting dehydrated. However, if you live in a cold country, have a desk job, wear light clothing (or feel cold all the time even if you wrap up warm) then you probably don't need to drink even half as much water as I do. It all depends.

    It's important to monitor yourself for signs of dehydration. if you're well hydrated your pee is clear or very pale. If you're becoming dehydrated your pee will get darker and you'll feel thirsty, although that on its own is not a sign you're actually dehydrated, but it is a cue to drink more water. Dehydration gives you a headache and has other symptoms that get more severe the more dehydrated you get. Obviously no-one wants to let it get that far, hence why the colour of your pee is a good guide along with how thirsty you feel. If your pee is clear and you're not thirsty, you don't have to force yourself to drink more glasses of water. If you're sweating a lot for any reason, then drink more water even if you're not that thirsty (yet). If you're not, then don't. Also bear in mind that when it's hot and dry sweat evaporates very quickly so you may be sweating and not realise it, so in hot and dry weather it's a good idea to drink more water.

    ETA: and if you're dashing to the bathroom every few minutes to pee clear coloured pee, you definitely don't need to drink any more water!! Wait until you feel thirsty or you start working out or something.
  • AbsyPernet
    AbsyPernet Posts: 145
    My trick, it might sound a bit crazy is to leave glasses for water everywhere, in the bedroom, lounge, workplace etc... Good luck :D
  • nicoleknapp754
    Just have a glass of water with you at all times . You will drink what you need to drink on a daily basis and then some.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Add a bit of lemon or salt to make it taste better.

    As neander said, check the color or your urine.
  • pterradactyl
    I like having a water bottle on me at all times-I have a 32 ounce one and try to go through that every day, plus water at meals. For me that's where I get most I my fluids, at mealtimes, because I usually only allow myself water and then make sure I sink every bite or two. I can drink a lot more if I'm eating something.
  • CupcakeConnection
    I buy the 8 oz mini water bottles and keep them everywhere! I have them on the bedside table and drink one upon waking up. Then I just drink them during various activities of the day. Whether it's driving, doing the laundry, talking on the phone, checking in with MFP or with a meal, etc. You will be amazed at how easy it can be to drink several small bottles vs looking at a large bottle thinking, ugh...that's a lot of water! I sometimes drink 12 bottles a day! (Not everyone needs 12 bottles a day - I have a history of kidney stones and I drink that amount to keep my stones away)

    PS - this is the way I got my husband to drink water! He never drank water when we met. He said that he gets water from the ice cubes in his evening gin & tonic! Now I throw a bottle at him here and there and after a few sips and its gone! TaDa
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Maybe this sounds weird, but if I use a straw I drink the whole cup in about 30 seconds. Otherwise not so much.