New here, reading some of the posts.


I am new here, I heard about this website from a class I am taking. I am reading some of the blogs, I have to say some of the replies to the posts are uncalled for and rude.

Don't think I need that kind of support. Good luck in your weight loss efforts.


  • kwilliam2
    kwilliam2 Posts: 35
    Did you honestly just post a topic to say that you aren't interested in posting topics or this website?
  • PeauxPeaux
    PeauxPeaux Posts: 71 Member
    Hehehhehe I know, right? WELCOME TO THE INTERWEBZZZZ

    My friend and I joined at the same time, and the forums drove her off in a week. She joined WW online. I just shrug it off, assuming the ANNNNGRRYYYY posts must be made by really hungry people. Low blood sugar makes you grumpy!

    Quite a few folks on here need to have a low fat cheese stick and wait until they feel more gentle and kindly before posting. Unless they are lactose intolerant. Then they would just be bloaty and gassy and mohhhhrrr angry.

    On the other hand, quite a lot of the people on here are really supportive and helpful and have GREAT advice -- and recipes. Just cherry pick.

  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    What I do is, when I see the ones who are notoriously rude, self righteous, know-it-all etc... I just hit the ignore feature on them. That way I don't have to see their rude remarks.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    What I do is, when I see the ones who are notoriously rude, self righteous, know-it-all etc... I just hit the ignore feature on them. That way I don't have to see their rude remarks.

    You mean someone else knows how to use the ignore button other than me? Amazing!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    What I do is, when I see the ones who are notoriously rude, self righteous, know-it-all etc... I just hit the ignore feature on them. That way I don't have to see their rude remarks.

    You mean someone else knows how to use the ignore button other than me? Amazing!

    Aint it nice? :happy:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Please stay.

    We'll all change for you.

    We promise.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    is this like "complain about threads day" or something? why is everyone *****ing ...

    Bro - if you are so concerned about the threads then don't post one...
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Search the Groups for a challenge that sounds fun or group of people you have something in common with. Within the Groups and Challenges, most people are wonderfully supportive. Send friend requests to those on the forums whom you feel are making constructive comments. Once you have a friends list of a few great people, this site becomes really fabulous.

    There are a few bullies here, quite a few who are very well meaning but figure the best way is to be blunt, and of course everyone has an opinion. If you read the Success Stories thread, or Motivation and Support, you'll find the most positive and inspiring posts. If you read the Fitness and Exercise or Food and Nutrition threads, you'll find equal parts good and bad advice. Some of the good advice is really eye-opening, but you do have to wade through some crap to find it.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    You should give it some time. Try logging your calories, at least.
  • danceaway100
    danceaway100 Posts: 32 Member
    You found a rude reply to a post? I was shocked when I read your post. Granted, I have not had the time to read every post, but I don't remember ever reading one that was rude. I've read inspirational ones and insightful ones, educational ones and simply helpful ones, lots have made me laugh out loud and with some I shed a tear, others made me shout "WOO HOO!" as a fellow logger's cheer, some have been a "chin up, you can do it!' and others are more of a "been there and done that, so I'll help you through it", but never have I seen one that was meant to be rude, maybe you put your own spin on it, were you in a bad mood?
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I think you starting this thread was rude and uncalled for.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    What I do is, when I see the ones who are notoriously rude, self righteous, know-it-all etc... I just hit the ignore feature on them. That way I don't have to see their rude remarks.
    Makes me wonder how many people have me on their ignore list
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    New record in butz hurtz?


    Feel free to find the magical internet forum that doesn't have a few rude people on it.

    (wait was that rude? :laugh: )
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I get my support from my MFP friends.... that's why you can add them. This site is a tool... you get out of it what you put in. Personally, if it weren't for MFP, I wouldn't have been as successful as I have. Good luck to you, too!
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I agree.................your post is probably one of the rudest I have seen in a long time.

    Shut the door on your way out :drinker:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Did you honestly just post a topic to say that you aren't interested in posting topics or this website?

    Might even be a step further than that:

    Did you just create a new account to post a topic to say that you aren't interested in posting topics on this website?

    Great job, OP, for the fastest "from new to jaded member" ever. - I wish you nothing but success in all your fitness and health goals. You got this! :flowerforyou: - ©2013
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    What I do is, when I see the ones who are notoriously rude, self righteous, know-it-all etc... I just hit the ignore feature on them. That way I don't have to see their rude remarks.

    You mean someone else knows how to use the ignore button other than me? Amazing!

    I dont! Please educate as i am in need of this very feature!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    You found a rude reply to a post? I was shocked when I read your post. Granted, I have not had the time to read every post, but I don't remember ever reading one that was rude. I've read inspirational ones and insightful ones, educational ones and simply helpful ones, lots have made me laugh out loud and with some I shed a tear, others made me shout "WOO HOO!" as a fellow logger's cheer, some have been a "chin up, you can do it!' and others are more of a "been there and done that, so I'll help you through it", but never have I seen one that was meant to be rude, maybe you put your own spin on it, were you in a bad mood?

    Lucky for this one ^^ she's not spending much time in the forums. Good for you!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    What I do is, when I see the ones who are notoriously rude, self righteous, know-it-all etc... I just hit the ignore feature on them. That way I don't have to see their rude remarks.

    You mean someone else knows how to use the ignore button other than me? Amazing!

    I dont! Please educate as i am in need of this very feature!

    See my profile pic? And my username below it? Click the triangle next to it...and select "ignore user" from the dropdown. (Go ahead and try it on mine. Will probably save you some future angst. I'm one of the "mean" people.)
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Rude people on the Interwebz? Seriously?

    Disagreeing is not rude.

    Pointing out what cleanses/green coffee/Dr. Oz/cabbage soup diet WON’T do for you isn’t rude.

    Granted, there are some smartazz comments on threads, but seriously, people? It’s the Interwebz. Pull up your big girl or boy panties and press on.

    All of these ridiculously rude posts/posters haven’t affected me or my weightless at all. Take what you need and leave the rest.




    ETA: Just sayin’…..