need to read

I just need a place where I can vent, and since I'm going to try to get on here every day, using this as a journal will really help. I'm so frustrated, with myself of course. Now that I'm off drugs, it's like I eat everything in sight. And being a vegetarian, I always go for bread, cheese, sweets, etc...
I ate cinnamon rolls this morning. I'm trying to stick to around 800 calories a day (thankfully working out allows me to eat a little extra), and I didn't realize that I completely ruined my day by eating those this morning.
I have found that if I brush my teeth when I'm craving sweets, or just wanting to snack out of sheer boredom, that it really helps. Also, the family room is right next to the kitchen, and so whenever I watch TV I end up drifting over to the fridge, so if I stay upstairs or in the basement, I tend to not snack as much.
I am really determined. I'm signing up for my summer classes at the community college, so everything is getting on track. Focus and determination. What's the quote...whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right??
Let's ****ing do this.


  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Good luck - and just a little tip - if you want to keep a journal the " my blog" function on your home screen is a much better wat than the forums ;-)
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    800 cals is WAY too need to eat more.

    Google TDEE or search the forums here for 'In Place of a Road Map' - this will help you set your daily goals to be healthy and keep you full whilst still losing weight.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Hey sweetie, vent all you want to. I JUST FINISHED VENTING TO one of my fitness pal friends. Its good for the soul. Just do the best you can, and when you mess up, keep going. I'm not saying start all over, cause you've already started. when you screw up, just keep marching. we are all human on here and are bound to mess up really bad all the way to the end. maybe not everybody but most of us. good luck to you and congrats on your accomplishments in your life.
  • Rikki007s
    Rikki007s Posts: 102 Member
    800 cals is WAY too need to eat more.

    Google TDEE or search the forums here for 'In Place of a Road Map' - this will help you set your daily goals to be healthy and keep you full whilst still losing weight.

    ^^^This. You will not be able to stick to 800 calories a day net. Heck, you probably can't stick to 1200 because at that level you're still probably starving. Do more research and figure out what a 500 calorie deficit is for you. You'll lose about a pound a week that way. You'll be happier and you'll actually be able to eat a normal amount of food.

    Hope this helps!
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    oh and P.S. - I brush my teeth also when I crave real bad. If you eat 800 calories a day, I am sure you know what you want to do, lots of people are going to tell you to eat more, but you know what you want to do. You will find yourself through dedication.
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    We all do don't worry. Not trying g to be rude but you could be grouchy because your hungry. You should up your calories a little. Eat some healthy things along with your other stuff. Balance healthy with your choices and you'll be ok. We all feel your pain. I eat everything an d I still feel that way.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Okay...the topic, you know, means we'll read it! :wink: address your "ruined day". Unless you ate a bunch of those delicious cinnamon rolls, you probably didn't ruin the day but left yourself with fewer calories to be filled by veggies and other lower caloried foods. And 800 calories is not enough anyway, especially if you're working out, so up it to a reasonable amount and give yourself a break. Otherwise you'll burn out and lose valuable muscle on top of that.

    As far as the refrigerator calling your's silly, but I have an imaginary line at the kitchen door that I try not to cross (too often anyway) and some inspirational sayings and pictures posted on the fridge if I do get that far. It might not completely stop me but it does cause me to pause, think, and maybe make a more healthy choice.

    So, I know you didn't ask for advice, so ignore the above (no need to read :wink: )...and good luck on your efforts. Plus another upside is you'll have sparkling teeth!:laugh:
  • Boobarella2
    800 cals is WAY too need to eat more.

    Google TDEE or search the forums here for 'In Place of a Road Map' - this will help you set your daily goals to be healthy and keep you full whilst still losing weight.

    This ^^
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Are YOU KIDDING???! 800 calories a day! You got a right to be hungry...dang starving. Clearly you know nothing about health, eating healthy. And why do "Vegetarians" don't really eat veggies, NEVER understood that. You might want to check out the group Eat More To Weigh Less. O an this site has a "Blog" area if you really want to "Vent" and don't want anyone to respond, cause if you put something out on the World Wide Web (Internet) you WILL get responses!
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    I just need a place where I can vent, and since I'm going to try to get on here every day, using this as a journal will really help. I'm so frustrated, with myself of course. Now that I'm off drugs, it's like I eat everything in sight. And being a vegetarian, I always go for bread, cheese, sweets, etc...
    I ate cinnamon rolls this morning. I'm trying to stick to around 800 calories a day (thankfully working out allows me to eat a little extra), and I didn't realize that I completely ruined my day by eating those this morning.
    I have found that if I brush my teeth when I'm craving sweets, or just wanting to snack out of sheer boredom, that it really helps. Also, the family room is right next to the kitchen, and so whenever I watch TV I end up drifting over to the fridge, so if I stay upstairs or in the basement, I tend to not snack as much.
    I am really determined. I'm signing up for my summer classes at the community college, so everything is getting on track. Focus and determination. What's the quote...whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right??
    Let's ****ing do this.

    Let's not do this. 800 calories is an extremely dangerous, extremely unhealthy level of calories no matter how much you want to lose or how fast. If you don't know what your BMR is or why it is so dangerous to your health to eat below it, please research that. I agree with the previous poster: search for "in place of a roadmap" in the forums and read it.

    Just to give you some perspective, I used a reliable online calculator to find out who if any humans could safely eat that little. And I discovered that if you were a 3' 9' 8-year-old-girl, your BMI would be 774. It would still be unhealthy to eat 800 if you were that girl. She needs 1064 to maintain her weight so to eat a ~healthy~ deficit of 15% below her TDEE would be 850 calories at least, depending on how much exercise she gets. (Here is the calculator that I used if you want to plug in your own numbers:

    Something else to keep in mind: If you are struggling with massive hunger and urges to binge while you are losing weight, then you are doing it wrong. Our bodies are designed to scale up and down weigh comfortably by eating 10-20% above or below our TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure -- if you don't know what that means, research it). You ought to be able to eat 20% fewer calories than your maintenance calories and lose a steady 1-2 pounds a week with no unusual hunger. You will get mildly hungry for your meals and snacks, and you will eat your meals and snacks when you get hungry, and you will go to bed feeling comfortably satisfied every night. If you have to use mountains of self-control to resist ~strong~ persistent hunger signals, that is a red flag that you are eating too little. Your body is willing to lose weight, but it is work for the body to burn calories and build muscle and it needs to maintain your vital organs and other processes while it does that work, so if you are getting strong hunger signals and binging, it is a sign that your body is demanding sufficient nutrients and fuel to sustain your life.

    You can't sustain a healthy adult female life on the meager nutrients and fuel in 800 calories.

    Remember, you are trying to lose weight. Not die. Or get serious health problems.

    Last thing to keep in mind: I have read so many studies and seen so many people in MFP prove over and over again that if you lose weight in a healthy balanced way at a rate of 1-2 pounds a week, you can keep it off. And over and over I have seen so many prove that if you lose weight too fast (faster than 1-2 pounds a weekm I've seen up to 5-7 pounds a week), it COMES BACK.

    Words to live by: Do not do anything to lose weight that you would not be willing to do for the rest of your life. You don't want a crash diet. It will yo-yo. You want new, healthy, sustainable habits. You want the ~lifestyle~ of a healthy-weight-you. Go for that, go for moderation, go for sustainability.
  • marilynolivares1
    marilynolivares1 Posts: 61 Member
    one day at a time do not beat yourself up
  • marilynolivares1
    marilynolivares1 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey sweetie, vent all you want to. I JUST FINISHED VENTING TO one of my fitness pal friends. Its good for the soul. Just do the best you can, and when you mess up, keep going. I'm not saying start all over, cause you've already started. when you screw up, just keep marching. we are all human on here and are bound to mess up really bad all the way to the end. maybe not everybody but most of us. good luck to you and congrats on your accomplishments in your life.