
Hi :)

So I've never joined anything like this before, but right now I feel like I could do with the support!

I've started using the MFP iphone app, and decided to get involved with the forum too. I have gained weight over the last two years - primarily due to feeling a bit miserable because of an ongoing medical condition, which, ironically, is made worse by eating the rubbish food that I've been indulging in!

I need to lose 19lb to get to my goal weight of 112lb (I know it sounds low, but I'm tiny; have discussed this with my doctor and we agreed that that is the weight around which I am healthiest, if I reach it with healthy diet and exercise). I also need to keep a relatively low carb, and low (preferably zero) refined sugar diet, which helps with my health problems.

So there it is! I am an exercise addict so that side of things won't be too challenging for me to get into - at the moment I run 3 - 4 times a week and practise yoga every day, alternating between vinyasa flow and ashtanga. Today was officially the big Day 1 of my journey to better health and a bit more positivity...looking forward to chatting with some of you and finding some friends to navigate this path with!

Yoshna xx


  • Southern_Cross_Girl
    Southern_Cross_Girl Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Yoshna,

    Will be great to journey together if you like. I'm going to try to cut out sugar too and know it'll be hard so would be good to know there's someone out there feeling it too!

  • lyndyloolaa
    lyndyloolaa Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome :)

    I joined about a week ago and while I don't have a huge amount to lose, I managed 3lbs in my first week! My goal weight is also 112lbs :D how tall are you if you don't mind me asking? I'm a shade under 5ft and have never been 112lbs so I'm trying to figure out if it's right for me!
  • Angela_BB40
    Angela_BB40 Posts: 32 Member
  • kwilliam2
    kwilliam2 Posts: 35
  • yoshna
    yoshna Posts: 69
    Thanks for the welcomes! :)

    Hey Lindy! Yeyy sounds like we're in a similar kind of place...awesome! How much do you have to lose if you don't mind me asking? 3lbs in one week is amazing, nice work! I'm 5ft; since I was 17 I was 112lbs (give or take the odd lb), until a bit less than 2 years ago when my diet went downhill - really badly, I think I would've gained a lot more if I hadn't kept exercising. I imagine there are other factors, as well as height, in determining the right weight for each person; but for me I'm healthy at 112, not too skinny (I'd say my natural body type is small and slightly curvy).

    And hi Chantahl :) YES please, I'm in! I have a serious sweet tooth, so cutting out sugar is the thing that's worrying me the most. Now at the end of Day 1 and I'm already thinking about making myself a super sweet hot chocolate...must resist!
  • Southern_Cross_Girl
    Southern_Cross_Girl Posts: 29 Member
    Ok nice one, I'll try setting up a topic for those quitting sugar.

    I figure maybe I can post instead of eating something sweet!
  • yoshna
    yoshna Posts: 69
    Sounds like a plan!
  • Southern_Cross_Girl
    Southern_Cross_Girl Posts: 29 Member
    Under the motivation and support forum :) I'm off to bed ready for a new day tomorrow.

    Good luck!
  • lyndyloolaa
    lyndyloolaa Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes! :)

    Hey Lindy! Yeyy sounds like we're in a similar kind of place...awesome! How much do you have to lose if you don't mind me asking? 3lbs in one week is amazing, nice work! I'm 5ft; since I was 17 I was 112lbs (give or take the odd lb), until a bit less than 2 years ago when my diet went downhill - really badly, I think I would've gained a lot more if I hadn't kept exercising. I imagine there are other factors, as well as height, in determining the right weight for each person; but for me I'm healthy at 112, not too skinny (I'd say my natural body type is small and slightly curvy).

    And hi Chantahl :) YES please, I'm in! I have a serious sweet tooth, so cutting out sugar is the thing that's worrying me the most. Now at the end of Day 1 and I'm already thinking about making myself a super sweet hot chocolate...must resist!

    Hey, I have about 28lbs to go - managed to lose about the same amount since September last year but felt I needed more of a focus so I joined here. I've always struggled with my weight so it will be nice to get to a point where I'm happy with where I am! I'm slightly curvy too so I'll keep aiming for 112 and if I feel I need to be more or less then I'll adjust - thanks for the advice!
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307