Plastic Surgery?



  • active0health
    active0health Posts: 20 Member
    I definitely do not look down on individuals who opt for plastic surgery. In my mind it is just another option as much as gastric bypass is for many men and women. It is not get out of jail free card- you still have to do the work after and it can be an even more painful journey with just as many, if not more pitfalls. I have always had large, heavy, pendulous breasts and I've gone back and forth on if and when I should get mine corrected. I think I may one day get a breast reduction/lift and possibly some oral surgery to correct my smile. I think if someone got a 'jump start' by going under the knife they would still have to work to not to ruin all their good/costly work by falling back on poor habits.
  • yogasweety
    yogasweety Posts: 13 Member
    Lipo won't help if they just put the weight back on. I cannot wait until my breast augmentation. I've had three kids and worked to get this far. No amount of lifting or deficit will give me the results of the procedure. I don't care if people will think I've cheated :)

    Good for you!! :) I know a girl (well, a friend of a friend) who has had breast implants, but she is only mid-late 20s and no kids... However our mutual friend says that she is the happiest she has been in a long time and doesn't regret her surgery in the slightest!!

    I am extremely pear-shaped, and although I currently weigh 117lbs, at 5'3" that gives me a BMI of 21 (approx), which is grand and healthy... However, due to my teeny tiny boobs and mahoosive thighs, I look very out-of proportion and find it extremely hard to find clothes/dresses to fit (most have to be altered).
    I have said to my fiancé, I'd like to have some sort of surgery to "even myself out", but I don't really care what!
    So I'd either have breast implants (because boobs are awesome), which would give me more of an hour-glass shape, OR I'd have my thighs reduced with lipo (and continue to tone and work them very, very hard), to give me a more streamlined shape.

    However, I've heard some quite negative opinions about surgery, and I wouldn't want to do it if it meant people would look down on me!!

    I love your body shape, I know about 4 people off the top of my head who would love to be pear shape!

    Do you have boobs? I'll swap you :p

    Haha! yep... 36DDD
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I had a breast augmentation in 2008. I don't think I would do lipo. I wouldn't mind a nose job but I am fine the way I am having two babies I have to focus my income on them
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    At the end of the day people can do whatever they are comfortable with.
    I've lost 85 lbs and plan to attempt another 15. I have a tummy tuck consult in June because I had twins and have a very gross saggy skin tummy as well as separated abs muscles. Those are things exercise can't fix. Yes it's helped a lot that I work out 3x's week but I can't achieve it all alone. And really, if anyone looks down on me for it, they have their own issues.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    A lot of people here are saying about the effects of child-bearing.... Which of course is unavoidable and totally understandable! I have a few friends who are concerned about their "mummy pouch" that won't shift despite exercise... Seems to be a pretty common concern...!!
    Maybe the NHS should offer tummy-tucks at the same time as C-Sections? "While you're in there Doctor..."

    Haha. I had an emergency c-section and I actually asked my doctor if it was possible to have this done. He said that since it was an emergency and plastic surgery is not, they couldn't just summon a plastic surgeon to do the tummy tuck.

    In answer to the OP. If I had the means, I would have myself, lifted, tucked and lipo'd. I don't judge anyone who does something for themselves to help boost their self image (whether it's a push-up bra or breast augmentation). [With the rare exception of the people who look molded of plastic because of too much plastic surgery and then I feel an uninvited sense of pity/compassion.]
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Plastic surgery is reason #32 why I dislike people.
    That's funny because grouping people together by one thing and not liking them for it is my reason #1 :)