How much protein for fat loss?

So I'm about 10 lbs away from my goal weight and I had plateaued so I upped my calories and took a break from exercise for about two weeks in hopes to somewhat reset my body. I plan to continue eating around 1300-1400 cals on rest days and more on workout days depending on how much I burn. I am looking for fat loss and plan to switch off between a day of cardio and a day of weights (I was only doing strength training before.) I am also a very clean eater with a cheat day once a week (even though my idea of a cheat day is still pretty healthy :tongue: ) I also changed my settings to 30c 50p 20f and drink a gallon of water a day.

Should my protein be higher or lower? From what I've read it seems like my protein should be pretty high. I typically am not a big meat eater so I made protein bars and bought protein powder to help me out. Does it seem like I'm headed in the right direction? I've been trying to lose these last 10 pounds for almost a year now so any advice will be greatly appreciated!


  • PixieChick24
    PixieChick24 Posts: 36 Member
    Forgot to add that I have also cut out all unnatural sugars.