HELP!! i need some help to get motivated to go to the gym, i have had a membership since Feb and have only been a handful of times. I feel like giving up, i have been working out at home but i know the gym is so much better for me. My problem is i start work at 4am and i am tired all the time, i am on my feet my whole shift, and when i finish i just want to come home, my eating is a lot better than it has been in such a long time, i have completly cut out fizzy drinks and fresh juice as that has a lot of sugar in. Now i want to get exerice under control i want to lose about 70lbs before my sisters wedding which is in 59 weeks and i dont know what to do and i'm panicing. Some things you should know about me i suffer from really bad anxity attacks and panic about everything, any advice would be very much appreciated xx


  • lambchoplewis
    Make sure you are prepared the night before with all your workout gear in the car. Go straight to the gym- do not go home to change as you will not go!!! Just walk on treadmill watching the news or whatever show you like and would normally watch at home. Before you know it, time has passed. Get off, go home. Do this a while until it is a habit. You can then do a little more slowly. Just start to enjoy the time alone at the gym. Good thing is that you are probably going in mid to late afternoon so the gym is not as crowded.
  • aquapup
    aquapup Posts: 81 Member
    I second this, go straight to the gym after work and tell yourself your workday isn't over until you have worked out. Even if you don't want to go make it part of your job. Then when you are there remind yourself that you came all the way to the gym so you have to do some gym-things here.
  • niki87lewis
    niki87lewis Posts: 147 Member
    Exercise wakes you up, all those lovely endorfins that are released! Only you can make yourself do this. Depends on how bad you want it
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Outside motivation depends on others and is not effective over the long run. Find it in you. Have the internal conversation, dig deep, and get moving. This is on you.
  • yevetta
    yevetta Posts: 11 Member
    I was where you are 1 1/2 months ago. Since starting 2/21 I've only missed going 4 days. I'm up to 60 minutes Cardio per day and upper body strength training every other day. The key for me in the beginning was prior planning. I packed my gym bag every evening and put it on my front passenger seat (forcing me to see it every time I entered my car). Going straight to the gym instead of home also was key (if I made it home after work I'd make excuses not to go out again). Once at the gym I plug in my headphones and tune out all the distractions. Start slow and increase your time. Celebrate your little victories. Breathe and believe you can do this one moment at a time.
  • ewestsca
    ewestsca Posts: 63 Member
    I agree that packing a gym bag and heading to the gym instead of home makes all the difference. I also found joining a training group helps. It's a win, win situation. You meet new people with common interest, all of you are working towards a common goal so you motivate each other, also the idea of wasting money by not going to the training session always gets me to the gym.

    Good Luck!