Is too much Cardio bad?

Hi Everyone,

So I've been going to the gym with the aim to improve my general fitness levels and
burn fat. I've mainly been running and using the cross trainer. I understand that strength
training plays a part too but because I have fat to burn first I wasn't focusing on it.

I've heard that after a while (45 minutes) cardio exercise burns muscle and not fat and
is actually BAD for you.

I've done a lot of research but there is so much conflicting information out there.

So far I like what I'm doing in the gym and have felt better and seen results but
I would really like to hear about your experiences and what has worked for others :)

Maybe I should start introducing some strength training in addition?

Thanks in advance.


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Cardio dosn't really burn fat, it burns calories. You can lose both muscle and fat if not doing strength training. Diet is what causes weight loss, not exercise. Cardio will help you create a bigger caloric deficit, but strength training is just as important. To start, find a good, solid full body lifting program you like that focuses on compound lifts. Aim for 2-3 sessions a week. Do the cardio you like 2-3 days a week. If you want more cardio, add 10-20 minutes or a short HIIT session after your ST.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Definitely add some strength training to help maintain muscle while losing fat.

    Weight training is great for strength, but also maybe look at calisthenics (bodyweight training) as a non-weights approach to strength development. You can keep increasing intensity in bodyweight as you gain strength by choosing more difficult moves for the same muscles; there really is no limit and you can take it anywhere.

    I prefer bodyweights because it perfectly mirrors my strength needs in yoga; which is my main focus.

    Not having a go at weight lifters; just putting another option out there for the OP. All best in whatever you choose.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    I'm of the opinion that anything in excess is probably bad.

    Are your goals to lose weight, look good, run a marathon? Losing weight and looking good is best served by a combination of aerobic training and resistance training. A time conscious person could combine the two in the form of bodyweight exercises performed in HIIT style training or doing weight lifting circuits.

    I've been told strength training sessions should be limited to one hour due to fatiguing the central nervous system. Maybe the length of sessions of cardio should be limited for similar reasons?
  • GiinaBeanxo
    Thanks for the helpful comments. I will definitely get a training session booked in at the gym specifically for strength training
    so the cardio isn't the only thing I'm doing.

    I've got two charity half marathons in the summer so I wanted to build up my ability to run a long distance. I am taking supplements and trying to eat well most of the time in addition to the cardio. I want more energy and to loose fat.

    Bodyweight Training sounds interesting too, I'll have a look into it :)

    Thanks again guys.