Work out eat right- STILL NOT LOSING WEIGHT

Why. do you think we work out and eat right and try to stay with in our calorie intake and out take and we still dont lose weight.. I have that problem ALLLLLLLLLL the time... I have tried to be dedictated but my self on a schedule, eat healthier , not buy junk food.. etc... all the stuff we all talk about.. but NOPE didnt lose a thing in 3 wks.. exactally the same....

Oh and where is spell check yet...????

Kind of frustrated today.. tired of talking about losing weight.. wishing it would just start to come off already.. :explode:


  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    I have that problem.. The question is are you loosing any inches.. If you are working out you are probably turning that fat into muslce which weighs the same but is just condensed. I read yesterday that 1lb of muscle is for instance the size of a baseball and 1lb of fat is 3x that size and giggle! So hoepfully even though that scale is not moving your cloths are feeling better...
    What i am doing is finding my BMR to get my AMR then adding my calories I am buring exercising then subtracting my calories intake to see what kind of defiecentcy I shoudl have...3500calories equals one pound... I am eating around 1200 calories a day but doing a bootcamp (cardio/circuit training) in the moring for an hour then the Insanity workout and ABs in the afternoon!
    Good luck
  • veganmommy04
    hey, well i dont know your exact situation,but i have a similar one of my own so im writing to offer you encouragement and to keep you from giving up! i went from 190 to where i am now (153.6) about 3 years ago. ive kept it off fine, but i have stayed within 152-154 for 3 years now. i have changed my diet drastically! i went vegan a year ago, i quit drinking diet soda a year ago. i switch up my exercise routines, i increase my exercise, i have cut my calories, and nothing. i've done everything that ppl always tell you to do when your stuck and still here i am. it is discourageing a bit, more some days than others, but i dont let it stop me. i'm happy w my choice to be vegan, and i feel good about myself knowing i eat healthy, and i continue to workout. because it makes me feel good and i know if i stop i could risk gaining. so even if your not seeing a scale change, your doing the right thing for your health and your body! keep up the good work, and sooner or later it will happen!
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Have you tried changing your calories around? Maybe you should be a hundred or so higher or lower.

    Have you tried switching around your workout routine? After a while our bodies adjust to the exercise we do so we need to mix it up and increase the intensity.
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306

    I'm so happy you asked because I feel the same way which makes me want to say " forget it" but for me I think it's because I cut so many things out. Like I don't eat beef or pork and the only veggies I like are carrots, broccoli, and spinanch VERY BORING. but I find that I'm craving things that I've never liked and I find that I am heavier than I was when I was eating more food.

    i'm thinkingh I'm going to try the approach of BALANCE and portion. Maybe you also need to kick up your cardio and change your routine a bit.

  • NCHICK80
    :wink: thanks atleast i dont feel so alone now.. I know its a struggle but damn.. .. :glasses:
  • bnabors
    I have recently started counting my sugars also. You would be surprised what all sugar is in and you don't even realize it. Like ketchup or even healthy veggies. So, this week, I have watched sugar and carb intake closely and find that I am still eating plenty. I have actually had trouble eating enough calories and I have lost weight this week. Still working out like I have been. Aiming for the following...
    15 grams or less of sugar and 6 servings or less of carbs which are calculated like this (under 5 carbs=0, 5-20=1 serving, 21-40 carbs=2 servings and 41-60=3 servings) Try it for a day or two, see what happens. I love bread and potatoes and corn, all the stuff that is full of these, but I can have it as long as I don't go over this amount each day. Works great for diabetics that need to watch their sugars and carbs anyway. :)
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    i feel your frustration girl! I have not lost a pound in months--i admit for most of that time i was slacking off so its understandable. BUT this week i have NOT been over my calories and have exercised 2 times a day everyday this week. And everyday i get on the scale & my weight keeps going UP--by 2 whole pounds!!! It is really getting to me. It has to be water weight because there is no way i can be gaining at right around 1200 cals a day. And i also know i didnt gain 2 pounds of muscle in a few days. Well i am just venting cause it is SO FRUSTRATING!!! but im gonna keep at it cause i know if i stop now i will never lose it! Just keep it up-- dont give up now. Try switching up your workout, sometimes that helps to break a plateau.
  • fromPuertoRico
    Ok This happened to me!!!!!!!!!!!

    I increased 0.5 pounds ='(
    What a lot of word for 7 days, for what? for nothing!?

    I dont know .... but we need feedback and this frustrate =(
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    I can't see your food diary, but you can still eat within your calorie range and consume a lot of sodium and sugar. These two could be causing zero weight loss. Do you eat lots of fruits and vegetables also?