HELP ME!!!!121 days and only 14 pounds!



  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    blah blah wha wha... 121 days 14 pounds down.

    I am 3 years into this and still sitting at 6 pounds down from my highest. It takes time I am sure it took you over 121 days to pack on the pounds, it will more than likely take you more than 121 days to take them off.

    My suggestion? Suck it up, move on, take measurments and revel in the success you have had.

    A litte harsh? Maybe but its the truth. Sometimes the truth sucks.
  • moonbutt
    moonbutt Posts: 9
    okay i am no expert so....maybe more of what you are eating.
    cut the french fries. late night ice cream snack. things like cobbler for lunch. eat complex carbs not the simple carbs of bread and then try no carbs for dinner but lean meat and salad.
    oatmeals for breakfast with egg white. then some brown rice at lunch with lean meats and salad.
    up your water intake to 8 glasses. it shows you don't drink water or you are not logging it and get rid of the cheese. allow yourself one cheat meal on the weekend only.
    i dropped 12 pounds in one month eating this way. i have a whacked thyroid and am over 40 and have been struggling for years.
    i have had to be realistic about my diet. p.s. you will feel better with a clean diet
  • johmo215
    johmo215 Posts: 1 Member
    Ditto on eating several times a day. I have been eating every three hours or so and it has helped me lose almost 10 pounds in 10 weeks. I try to eat 300 - 500 calories at meals and 200 calories for snacks in between.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Pound wise, you're ahead of me. I've been here 235 days and only lost 13 pounds. BUT, I definitely look different thanks to lifting weights. Have you tried measuring, trying on smaller clothes or taking pictures? You might be surprised at how far you've come in spite of the scale number. Don't be discouraged. It's still 14 pounds lost! Just think if you hadn't done anything.

    -Try intermittent sprinting during your walks. Boosts your heart rate and burns fat a little faster (so I hear)
    -Also try some strength training, If you can't join a gym, there are plenty free programs online using body weight and household items.
    -Reassess your calorie intake, perhaps you are eating too little or too much. Try the calculators at
    -Do some research into things that might work for you and check out this group: Lots of good info there.

    Keep it up! Don't compare yourself to others, just keep improving.
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    I would say increase your heart rate as much as you can. Try Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. It's mostly about getting your heart rate up.

    Overall it has to be kcal out > kcal's in.

    I'm a slow loser as well... It's taken me 6-9 months ( I fell off the wagon for a bit in there) to looose about 20 pounds so I feel your pain!

    Some weights would also be good- if you increase your muscle, you increase the amount of calories that you burn. However, muscle weighs more than fat, so you will probably lose inches rather than weight overall.

    Also take the suggestions about sodium, check your BMR, also make sure you have enough protein and fiber in your diet as well.

    good luck! :smile:
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    I have been on here for 265 days and have only lost 24 pounds! I am 49 yo and 4'10", so this is a real struggle for me.

    I haven't given up yet and I don't intend to. So what if we lose it very slowly, at least we are losing!!

    I still have another 36 pounds to lose so I am thinking it will take be the better part of 2 years to get where I want to be.

    Slow and steady wins the race.

    I know it is very frustrating to see others lose a lot more quickly than you. I see this everyday! You just have to try to concentrate on you and not so much on what others are doing.

    I agree, you should probably do more exercise than you are currently doing. If you don't have time during the week because of work maybe you can get at least 30 minutes a day on the weekends.

    Good luck to you!!!

    You can do this!!!
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Not schilling any products here, but explore this...

    Keep your daily deficit to 500 cals/day for 1 lb/week or 1000 cals/day for 2lbs/week. I was stalled for 3 months. Got the armband and now I steadily lose 2-3 lbs/week. I know EXACTLY what my TDEE burn is and I adjust my intake to stay at 1000 cals deficit.

    It has removed ALL guesswork, reduced my stress and frustration level and made tracking and losing actually fun. I was skeptical at first, but now I'm a believer.
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Don't forget about age- I am 51 and it is a constant battle that I am still not winning. I know you a lot younger than me- but in our 40's is when the metabolism begins to change.
    Don't give up---
    I am going to talk to my doctor to see if she has any suggestions.
    Good Luck

    *** Thanks****
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    I have been on here for 265 days and have only lost 24 pounds! I am 49 yo and 4'10", so this is a real struggle for me.

    I haven't given up yet and I don't intend to. So what if we lose it very slowly, at least we are losing!!

    I still have another 36 pounds to lose so I am thinking it will take be the better part of 2 years to get where I want to be.

    Slow and steady wins the race.

    I know it is very frustrating to see others lose a lot more quickly than you. I see this everyday! You just have to try to concentrate on you and not so much on what others are doing.

    I agree, you should probably do more exercise than you are currently doing. If you don't have time during the week because of work maybe you can get at least 30 minutes a day on the weekends.

    Good luck to you!!!

    You can do this!!!

    *** Thanks so much for taking the time to encourage me! I appreciate your post!
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    Not schilling any products here, but explore this...

    Keep your daily deficit to 500 cals/day for 1 lb/week or 1000 cals/day for 2lbs/week. I was stalled for 3 months. Got the armband and now I steadily lose 2-3 lbs/week. I know EXACTLY what my TDEE burn is and I adjust my intake to stay at 1000 cals deficit.

    It has removed ALL guesswork, reduced my stress and frustration level and made tracking and losing actually fun. I was skeptical at first, but now I'm a believer.

    I am waiting for the FITBIT wristband to get on the market- hoping it will help with my tracking better. Thanks!
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    okay i am no expert so....maybe more of what you are eating.
    cut the french fries. late night ice cream snack. things like cobbler for lunch. eat complex carbs not the simple carbs of bread and then try no carbs for dinner but lean meat and salad.
    oatmeals for breakfast with egg white. then some brown rice at lunch with lean meats and salad.
    up your water intake to 8 glasses. it shows you don't drink water or you are not logging it and get rid of the cheese. allow yourself one cheat meal on the weekend only.
    i dropped 12 pounds in one month eating this way. i have a whacked thyroid and am over 40 and have been struggling for years.
    i have had to be realistic about my diet. p.s. you will feel better with a clean diet

    Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I have Celiac Disease and I am limited to what I can eat. I think that is one reason why I enjoy the "treat" of ice cream or GF cobbler occasionally. I need something to get me over the hump of despair- lol.
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    I know it's hard when you're feeling frustrated, but slow and steady really does win this race. I've been here for a little over a year and I've lost 41 pounds in that time. Averaged out, that's less than 1 pound a week. I've lost 20-25 pounds in a few months before, but I've *always* put that weight back on almost as quickly. In contrast, this time, I've continued to lose (albeit very slowly), even over the holidays, and even after I pulled back on my exercise in the dark days of the Minnesota winter. Just keep plugging away and the results will come!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just a look at your diary and I can tell where the problem is... 'homemade' doesn't mean anything. You should just never enter food that starts with 'homemade'. Homemade soup, homemade breaded chicken, sauteed veggies, homemade coleslaw... you could be off by 100 calories or more every time you enter one of those.

    Basically, way too many generic entries in your diaries. Get a scale, enter exactly what you eat (with the brand and everything), one ingredient at a time. I mean you entered a 4oz homemade turkey and beef burger for 48 calories... that can't be right.

    Also, no matter what people say here, I'd put fat in your macros and try to stick under the total.
  • Wanderson1311
    Wanderson1311 Posts: 17 Member
    Stay positive that is the key! I understand your fraustration because I have been there. My advice is to only constrate on you and not the people around you. Plus everyones body is different. I would just keep staying on track and doing what you are doing. I can fully understand where you are coming from. I have doing MFP for almost 2 years and I have only lost 61 pounds. It also depends on the person's metoblism as well. Good luck! You can add me and I will help you in any way!
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    OK- I know that I gripe about this a lot, but can any of you who have lost slowly give me some input? I have friends who seem to lost faster than me overall. UGH! So frustrating for me right now!
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    Just a look at your diary and I can tell where the problem is... 'homemade' doesn't mean anything. You should just never enter food that starts with 'homemade'. Homemade soup, homemade breaded chicken, sauteed veggies, homemade coleslaw... you could be off by 100 calories or more every time you enter one of those.

    Basically, way too many generic entries in your diaries. Get a scale, enter exactly what you eat (with the brand and everything), one ingredient at a time. I mean you entered a 4oz homemade turkey and beef burger for 48 calories... that can't be right.

    Also, no matter what people say here, I'd put fat in your macros and try to stick under the total.

    ** Very rarely do I list something as "homemade" when plugging in the calories. Everyday, I actually "create" a recipe based upon pre-measured ingredients so I am usually very careful with this. I think I did use the "homemade" for one day this week but again that is rare. Thanks for the info though!
  • moonbutt
    moonbutt Posts: 9
    i completely understand. though not celiac, with hashimatos i try to eat no gluten as a result. they have gluten free oatmeal and brown rice is a complex carb naturally gluten free. me personally i just found that if i eat carbs or sweets at night my body doesn't respond well
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    You have your calories goal at 20 more per day than I do. I'm 5'3" 126 lbs. I think you need to eat more. A lot more.
  • nwlve1962
    nwlve1962 Posts: 6 Member
    I know it's frustrating to lose too slowly, but in the long run you're better off. As long as you're losing 2 lbs a week (or 8 lbs a month) you're in good shape. It's different for everyone, but the average of 1200 calories a day pretty much works for me. As long as your first meal is within an hour of waking and your keeping your fuel going throughout the day. Just try to look at the positive, you're not stalled anymore the weight's going in the right direction. Keep up the good work!!!
  • Just took a quick look at your food diary...

    Are you celiac? Because I doubt if you have a serious allergy that you would risk the cross contamination allergy that chik-fil-a fries could give you.

    Gluten free is a great way to FEEL better for a lot of people, but the idea behind it is that you are eating less processed foods. Adding in GF waffles, breads, etc isn't going to help and they actually contain a lot more ingredients than you'd think. HIGHLY processed.

    I also noticed that some days you don't get more than 2-3 servings of f&v. Try adding 2 fruits and veggies to every meal/snack and you will notice you are not hungry AND feel better.

    Let's face it- I'd love to eat Chik Fil A french fries 3-4x per week and drop magic amounts of weight. It just isn't going to happen. You are SO on the right track though by logging everything in. Sometimes I lie to myself and just don't log the day when I do that sort of damage so serious kudos there. :)

    Bottom line: up the fruits and veggies, cut down the reliance on GF packaged stuff and fast foods and soon you'll be losing at the rate you feel is deserved. Best of luck!!