Confused! BMR 1500 so why 1200 cal goal??



  • sarahhie
    sarahhie Posts: 16 Member
    One of the problems that A LOT of dietary recommendations leave out is that it doesn't take your body's stores of fat into consideration. All that fat we're trying to lose was the body's way of saving it for when you need it. It's totally fine to eat less than your BMR if you have the fat stores (which I assume we all do here) as that is precisely what they are there for. The danger isn't your metabolism, but ensuring that you get enough micro nutrients to sustain good health. In fact, as you lose weight, you might even need a vitamin boost to offset some of the fat-soluable toxins in the body (or at least some believe). I personally find that if I follow a very fruits and vegetable rich diet, I have difficult reaching 1400 calories (about a 100 calories below my RMR/BMR) and have started throwing in a piece of whole-wheat toast and a boiled egg to bring up my daily calories. I just don't feel hungry, so why eat? That's the body adjusting to what it needs. Stay active, respond appropriately to hunger with healthy food and don't worry too much about hitting the mark. However, if you find you're really, really hungry at 1200, then do what makes sense for you. 1500 is a perfectly reasonable amount for a moderately active woman. You will definitely lose weight at this rate, unless you're really, really small already. Good luck!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'm really confused, my BMR is now 1500 cals & I had been losing about 1-1.5lbs a week on a 1500 cal goal a day (that I usually meet or go slightly over). The past 2 weeks i've lost less than 1lb each week so today I changed my goals to MFP recommended & it says a 1200 cal a day goal, surely that's wrong if my BMR is 1500??
    Any help would be much appreciated, really confused :(
    When you say you changed your goals to "MFP recommended", did you manually set the 1500 before, or did you change your settings (such as weekly loss goal to 2lbs a week) on MFP that caused them to drop to 1200?

    MFP does calculate BMR and that sort of thing, but also goes off of the info you put in - so if you tell it you want to lose 2lbs a week, more than likely you'll end up with a 1200 daily goal no matter what your stats are. Its' a good system, but overall it is just going off of what we enter, so it's not always accurate if our goals aren't realistic. And of course, MFP is designed that we are to eat back exercise cals to avoid too large a deficit.

    Anyway - if your BMR is accurate, then either change the settings here to bring your goal up, or enter it manually. BMR is basically coma calories, and since I'm not in a coma, I like to eat more than that on a daily basis. :tongue: I've had great success with eating in between my BMR and TDEE for the past year - finally hot goal weight and the fat is still coming off. Great info in this thread:
  • bgheald2010
    bgheald2010 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not necessarily new to the losing weight scene, however, the whole point of losing weight is to get rid of the fat stores that your body has stashed away, keeping our skinny jeans tight and our tummies pooching out ever so slightly. Now, we have to do that in a healthy way by eating nutrient dense foods and listening to our bodies. It's okay to be a little hungry, especially if you're (taking from my own past experiences) used to consuming 1900 and even 2500 calories a day! Now, I personally don't have an issue with only eating 1200 calories but I've learned to listen to my body and drink tons of water and eat nutrient dense food if my body is feeling weak or sluggish. If it's feeling faint, eat! Now, if you find yourself eating more then your own personal goal, whether it be 1200 or 1500, then you do need to work the extra calories off with sensible exercise. For example, the app on your phone calculates how much you work off cleaning the house, or even cooking! What I did this morning was set a stop watch on my phone and recorded how long I was cleaning. Then, I plugged the time into myfitnesspal and it showed me how many calories I burned! Now, I'm sure a lot of you have seen this but I'm just so excited about it, I had to share! Make sure you keep a close eye on what your body is telling you, chew gum if you get the bored munchies, and drink lots of water! All too often, we misinterpret thirsty signals with hungry signals and eat when our body is actually thirsty. With that, make sure you don't drink too much water and actually make yourself sick. Now, this is a super useful tool, however, it doesn't replace your primary care physician so make sure that you keep in contact with your doctor and follow what they have to say over what the machine says. May God bless you all on your weight loss endeavors!