Any non runners just get up and run one day?

I am currently doing Insanity and am thinking I'd like to add something else to my routine, and was thinking about taking up running. The problem is - I dont run. I dont even walk - well I do walk but you know what I mean. So was any one an anti runner and now someone that enjoys running? Did you just put on some sneakers one day and start running? My street is a mile long, I was thinking about running there and back, is a mile a good start?


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I'd start with intervals, run for 30 seconds, walk for 1 minute or something. Look at the Couch to 5K program. I'm sure just up and running is doable, but I'm pretty sure a ile would've killed me from the jump, depending on my speed.
  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    A year and a half ago, you couldnt have paid me to run. I was 43 when I started running. My only other experience with running was the PT fittness test done yearly. Dreaded it. Anyway, I had lost my sister to breast cancer, and wanted to honor her. A 5K breast cancer Run. I started in Jan., the run was in May.
    I live in Wisconsin and outdoor running was out of the question. I started on a TM and could run for more than 2 minutes at a slowwww pace. Within a week I was upto 5 min. Within 2 months I could do 3 miles.
    Fastforward... 1 1/2 years later, I love to run.... It gives me a feeling of pride to know I can run, now training for a half marathon. It has helped me physicaly and mentaly.
    Start slow. If its a minute or two only.... You will soon see major improvement. A lot of people have done the C25K. I didnt, but went slow and what my body could handle. I think that is why I love it now.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I'd start with intervals, run for 30 seconds, walk for 1 minute or something. Look at the Couch to 5K program. I'm sure just up and running is doable, but I'm pretty sure a ile would've killed me from the jump, depending on my speed.

    I will look into that, thank you.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    IF you're a complete non-runner, I would not start with 2 miles. I'd also recommend couch 2 5k - I used that last year and found it really helpful. There are other training programmes if you don't fancy that one, but starting off with intervals is good. Bear in mind that running takes its toll your body - even if you're fit to start with (which I imagine you are if you're doing insanity) it's really a good idea to gradually build up your distance to avoid injury. You may find that your heart and lungs will want to push further, but your hips, knees, ankles etc will thank you for taking it slowly!

    ETA - and yeah, I was very much an anti-runner, and I now enjoy it. Not every single time I go out, sometimes it's hard work and a bit of a mental battle to keep going, but mostly, I love it!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I found the couch to 5k app for my iphone this looks doable.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Yep, I did exactly that.
    Just get up one day and do it, see how far you make it. Then try to beat your distance/time every time.
  • linzbreanne
    linzbreanne Posts: 12 Member
    Two miles could be a good run/walk distance. Just wear comfy clothes, good shoes and get started. Add a little more running everyday.
  • dramallamaduck
    dramallamaduck Posts: 97 Member
    I'm going to hop on the C25K Train... A month ago, I wouldn't have ran if a zombie bear was chasing me. I would have just been eaten. Last night I finished Week 3 Day 1. Kicked my *kitten*, but it felt good. I would definitely look into something like the C25K app.. I use the Zen Labs one on my iPhone and love it.
  • bowhuntr09
    bowhuntr09 Posts: 39 Member
    Don't forget the importance of proper shoes, preferably getting fitted at a true running shoe store (not a big box). I started on 2/2/2013 at the age of 46 having never run before. I was a true anti-runner, but on a whim signed up to run a 10k in April and joined a 10k training group. I ran 1 mile the first day, a week later I ran 2 miles. I ran 6.3 last Saturday. Just run a half mile out and a half mile back. Walk when you need to and add a little distance every time. Good Luck.
  • I have used the c25k app a couple of years ago but only when running on a treadmil, and I found when I actually ran 5k outside it was a lot harder. When I started running last December i just got Nike + and built different types of runs into a plan. I started off just running intervals, running as long as I could and trying to keep the walking to a minimum. I now do one 'easy paced' 5k a Tempo run and I'm trying to get a longer run in as well.

    The biggest problem I faced was stitch, I would just get it constantly, but once I focused on my breathing and technique it stopped completely!

    Good luck!
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    Couch to 5K is a great start, I've done it twice already. It's fun to do, and it is harder to do outside versus being on a treadmill. You have to start somewhere, just remember to listen to your body and it takes time, you just won't run 5 miles in a day as a beginner. Slow & steady, stick with it, get some good shoes and you can do it. :)
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I have used the c25k app a couple of years ago but only when running on a treadmil, and I found when I actually ran 5k outside it was a lot harder. When I started running last December i just got Nike + and built different types of runs into a plan. I started off just running intervals, running as long as I could and trying to keep the walking to a minimum. I now do one 'easy paced' 5k a Tempo run and I'm trying to get a longer run in as well.

    The biggest problem I faced was stitch, I would just get it constantly, but once I focused on my breathing and technique it stopped completely!

    Good luck!

    What is stitch?
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member

    Stitch is that cramp you get on your side. Focus on your breathing and you can avoid it.
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    im not a runner at all, but my wife is. I recently ran a 10K, associated with the Little Rock Marathon, as my wife was doing the 1/2 marathon. it was fun. Only 6 miles so was able to just suck it up and do it.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I went from being a non runner to running on a regular basis with c25k, too. Great program - go for it!
  • Lisapayne76
    Lisapayne76 Posts: 157 Member
    I was a complete non runner. Hated it and got very winded if I tried. I started C25K. The one thing that helped me the most was to focus on endurance first and not speed. I couldnt run more than a minute when I first started now I can run for 15 minutes at a time which still isnt long but I am building. Just start out at a slow sustainable pace.
  • angeltg
    angeltg Posts: 97 Member
    Put your shoes on and go for it! :)
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I wasn't a runner until about 4 years ago... I started out by just wanting to be able to walk at 5K without feeling like I was going to die or get a migraine. Once I could walk three miles (fairly) comfortably, I slowly incorporated a little running into my walks. Took about 4 months, but I was eventually able to run 3 miles.

    Now... just 4 years later... I run half marathons.

    So yes, you can do it. Just start slow and make sure you have a good pair of running shoes, and just go! :smile:
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I did the couch to 5K. The last time I went running was in November. I continued working out regularly mostly doing Jillian Michaels DVDs and lifting weights, and a few weeks ago I put on my sneakers and ran 4 miles no problem. I didn't run at all for almost 4 months but I stayed in shape so my endurance didn't suffer at all. I think if you're doing Insanity you can run a lot further than you think. Try it out!
  • veganlisa
    veganlisa Posts: 50 Member
    Do you have a running store near you? if so, you may want to check if they have any training classes. I just finished the No Boundaries program through Fleet Feet. You can train to be a walker, walk/runner (intervals) or runner. They train you for a 5K including proper form. I did the walk/runner trainin and I am cycling through again but for running. They are very encouraging and for me it helps to be out there with other people training too.
  • grum84
    grum84 Posts: 428 Member
    Couch 2 5K program.

    I hated running with a passion. My girlfriend at the time and I signed up for a 5k to try out. I did the whole C25K program and ran my first 5k last year. Still hate running, but I find by signing up for races it gives me some motivation to actually run when I don't want to, since the girlfriend is gone.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i'm still not a great runner, but getting better at it.

    i used to ride my bike for all my cardio. but one day it was raining and didn't feel comfortable riding in that weather. but i really wanted to work out. so i decided that i'd just go for a run, and if in five minutes if i didn't like it or feel comfortable, i'd just turn around and walk home.

    thirty minutes later i had run 2 miles. i was very proud of myself, because i hadn't run in years. decided i could work it into my routine.

    btw, i just did those two miles last week, and knocked it out in a little under 19 minutes.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    You probably have the cardiovascular capacity to run, in theory, but you haven't built up the muscular/nervous adaptations yet required to do a long distance haul. Start slow with run/walk intervals, and be sure you do a good warmup with dynamic stretching and a good set of cool down stretches after.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    i did. lost a hundred pounds. 4 - 5 years later im running marathons and i love it.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    I hadn't run since I was 15 years old (but then when i did, i ran track and cross country and was pretty well versed at long distance) until i quit smoking 6ish months ago. I quit smoking and needed stress relief. i started running and the first day i went out, i ran a mile. I was also in general good health and fairly fit. Now I run 4 or 5 at a time with no issues.

    There are programs that others probably mentioned to get you running, but if you went out and just did it (with a good preemptive stretch) you probably would be ok. And, if you can't run the whole route, stop. Walk. Run again when you have caught your breath, feel better, etc.
  • taylorckt1
    taylorckt1 Posts: 263 Member
    I have used the c25k app a couple of years ago but only when running on a treadmil, and I found when I actually ran 5k outside it was a lot harder. When I started running last December i just got Nike + and built different types of runs into a plan. I started off just running intervals, running as long as I could and trying to keep the walking to a minimum. I now do one 'easy paced' 5k a Tempo run and I'm trying to get a longer run in as well.

    The biggest problem I faced was stitch, I would just get it constantly, but once I focused on my breathing and technique it stopped completely!

    Good luck!

    What is stitch?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Stitch (side stitch) is a sharp pain in your sides from improper breathing (chest vs gut), and to an extent, eating right before you run.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    Once upon a time, in a far away land, I was a non runner martial artists. I decided to take up running to build stamina for fighting. I got shin splints and the likes fron increasing distance and speed too quickly. Probably what I should have done then was run shorter distances and not do it everyday. Now, I'm a running beast since I haven't found a martial arts school here to satisfy my thirst for blood... *evil laugh*
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I live out in the country and am a little afraid of loose dogs, no one has their dog on a leash out by me. I see people running all the time and am assuming they survive but I have to admit this is my biggest fear.
  • stillwatergirl
    stillwatergirl Posts: 44 Member
    I just committed myself to run a 5k in a few months (for charity) so I NEED to get out and run. I am also a non-runner . . last summer I started training for this 5k - the event day came and I didn't feel ready so I didn't register. This year I decided is the year I am going to do it!

    I am also a non-runner. I have tried the C25K and didn't like it (nor did my teenage daughter), especially when we got towards the middle of the program. It felt like once we got into a groove, then it was time to 'walk' and then it made it harder to start running again. We found it easier to first start out walking 3 miles, increasing our pace each time and then adding light jogging with the fast walking and taking breaks (by walking) when we needed to. This is the approach we are going to take again - as soon as all the ice on the sidewalks has melted! And this year I AM going to run that 5k, even if I have to walk half of it, lol.