Betty's journey from fluffy to fit...



  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    Hi, you should speak with your cat's veterinarian. There are MULTIPLE weight management cat food formulas on the market. Also, your cat could have something else going on with her health that is causing her to get chunky. Trying to manage your pet's health on your own is a guessing game and you are likely doing more damage than good by continuing to guess. Also, restricting your cat's food intake could be giving her fatty liver disease and actually be making things worse, and even killing her. Take her to the vet and get recommendations for a low calorie formula so you don't keep starving her with tiny meals.
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    My cat got big while living at my Mom' house. Since we moved I have switched her to Purina for Indoor cats that are fixed. It says on the bag that it helps them burn more fat and I have thrown lots and lots of cat toys all over the house for her to have easy access to. Plus I have decreased the amount of food she gets and she is only fed twice a day. She has been on this plan for about a month and has made noticable difference in her size. She is still big but before she couldn't reach her back end to clean and now she can comfortably take care all by herself.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Hi, you should speak with your cat's veterinarian. There are MULTIPLE weight management cat food formulas on the market. Also, your cat could have something else going on with her health that is causing her to get chunky. Trying to manage your pet's health on your own is a guessing game and you are likely doing more damage than good by continuing to guess. Also, restricting your cat's food intake could be giving her fatty liver disease and actually be making things worse, and even killing her. Take her to the vet and get recommendations for a low calorie formula so you don't keep starving her with tiny meals.

    Thank you so much for this info. I will make an appointment to take her in.
  • Keylarakat
    Keylarakat Posts: 11 Member
    My kitty babies are in the same boat. The Vet had me put them on Pro Plan Weight Management (supposedly they don't have the crude fillers in it).
    On Pro Plan WM, because of their size (18 lbs and 15 lbs) are supposed to get (each) just under a cup a day of food. So I split it, 1/2 at 8am and 1/2 at 8pm. They get a replacement meal of the pro plan wet food (1/2 can each) once a week.

    It was a bit of an adjustment for the first week or so, because my cats were used to having food down all the time. They would run out of food before the next mealtime and I think they get a little freaked out and gorge themselves when I would put food down.
    (I imagine in their little heads the dialogue was like this "OH NO!! Mom might take it away again! Quick! Eat it!") The first week they threw up food a few times.

    My boy has lost a 1lb in a couple of months and my little girl, about 3/4. They both have a ton more energy too.
    We also play with string, wands and laser pointers more too, for the stimulation and exercise.
    Remember, losing a pound to us humans in 2 months is ridiculous, a pound in kitty size is a HUGE difference - so it takes a little while longer :)
  • iceey
    iceey Posts: 354 Member
    It's called MyFelinePal.

    So - OP - - are you letting the cat eat after 8:00pm??? Any food she eats after 8:00 turns into fat because cats don't burn caliories while they're sleeping. Also, make sure you give her food in the morning right away to kickstart her metabolism.

    I see this as good advice but a potential problem, since most cats sleep at least 18 hours a day. This gives you a small window of opportunity to makes sure she gets her macros in. Try force feeding and heavy lifting but be fast before kitty falls asleep again and the food turns to fat.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Just break up!
  • Keylarakat
    Keylarakat Posts: 11 Member
    Also, one more thing - definitely get her a vet check up to rule out any other possible issues, if you haven't already. We'd all prefer that its just a food thing!!
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Dry food, wet food, it's all processed, have you thought about cleaning up her diet, maybe kitty paleo :smile:
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,983 Member
    No diet food for my kitties, they practice moderation. We started using my food scale to measure the food and they have slimmed back down. We do meal feeding twice a day. It helps with them stealing food from each other.
    It was a bit of an adjustment for the first week or so, because my cats were used to having food down all the time. They would run out of food before the next mealtime and I think they get a little freaked out and gorge themselves when I would put food down.
    (I imagine in their little heads the dialogue was like this "OH NO!! Mom might take it away again! Quick! Eat it!")

    LOL, so true.
  • gturco
    gturco Posts: 5 Member
    You really need to help her lose some weight because her health will suffer if you don't. I agree with Keylarakat that first you need to take her to your vet and follow the vets advice for feeding. Exercise will help - you should have daily play sessions to actively engage her in physical activity. "Cat fishing" toys as I call them - something dangling on a string that she can jump at will get her moving. Maybe she likes to chase "jingly" balls - roll them on the floor and she if she will chase them. Try different things and see what she likes. As her owner you really need to get her in better shape - it will improve her health and energy and she'll be more fun to have around!