Should I eat my exercise calories?

I am starting to think I should stick to my 1200 calories even when I earn 200 more through exercise?? Starting to get a little frustrated when I only lose .4 pounds after watching my intake and working out 5 or 6 days a week...What do you guys think?


  • KerryBCPA
    KerryBCPA Posts: 14 Member
    I have been eating my exercise calories and have been wondering the same. Yesterday I earned over 700 exercise calories and left about 200 uneaten. Not sure if it made a difference or not? Hard to say...
  • FireEngineRedHead
    FireEngineRedHead Posts: 281 Member
    I have had much success eating some back, after trying not to for months. Everyone is different. If I were you, I'd eat more.
  • Maybe 1200 isn't enough for you, and that is why you aren't losing weight?! It is just a thought. Everyone has their own opinion on it. I usually eat an average of 1600 per day, and eat back most of my exercise calories and I lost 14 lbs this past month. Everyone is different and every body is different. But maybe if you adjusted your intake to 20% TDEE, you would have more success? Good luck! :)
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    Have you searched this topic on the threads? There are thousnads of posts / answers to this very same question. Lots of information.
  • lyndyloolaa
    lyndyloolaa Posts: 79 Member
    I'm quite new to MFP but I've been eating as a minimum half of my exercise calories, to all of them depending on the day and how my food has gone etc. Personally I think eating more is better then if you notice the weight stalling you have somewhere to go with dropping a few calories. x
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    I wasn't losing enough by eating back my calories. So I started eating back just about half and then the weight started coming off. Of course I was doing HIIT and burning 800-900 calories a pop.

    But you're at 1200 calories a day? That hardly seems like enough to begin with. Where did you come up with that number? Believe it or not, you might not be eating enough. And you should be doing more than what ever you're doing exercise wise if all you're burning is 200 calories. In my book if you don't do at least 400 calories in a sitting, you might as well have stayed home!
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    May I ask what a typical day of eating consists of for you?
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    When you are so low to start with I would say for your own health and for healthy weight loss, eat at least some back....

    Just make sure you are really logging all your food and the exercise you log is real excerise, not things like work, shopping, gardening, cooking or cleaning.

    Best of Luck!!!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    i try to eat back about half. this is to make up for inevitable error on both sides of the equation.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I am starting to think I should stick to my 1200 calories even when I earn 200 more through exercise?? Starting to get a little frustrated when I only lose .4 pounds after watching my intake and working out 5 or 6 days a week...What do you guys think?

    The average women I know working out that much is eating 1700-2100 calories. And since you only have like 10 lbs or less to go, you should be aiming to lose 1/2 lb per week. Keep in mind it's not weight loss you really want to achieve, it's fat loss. Muscle is tight and lean, so the more you preserve the tighter your body will be. And since muscle is rather inefficient, it takes calories to preserve it.

    so either set your account to moderate and not worry about exercise calories, or aim to eat 50% of your exercise calories.
  • I eat my exercise calories and have been losing a steady 1.5 - 2 lbs per week for the last 8 weeks. Good luck!
  • Adah_m
    Adah_m Posts: 216 Member
    There are a lot of things that factor into this. If you eat too far under your calorie limits you can actually slow down weight loss because your body becomes super efficient at operating on your new number of calories. (Your metabolism slows) Your body can also go into starvation mode. One way to know if this is happening is to take your temperature, if you're running low and you normally don't, your body could have adjusted to the new calorie deficit. (Now if any fitness experts read this, please don't jump all over me. This is what works for my body and the way I understand it.) But what works for me when this happens is to up both my intake and my exercise. Burn a few hundred extra, and eat a few hundred extra. Have a cheat day also. I vary my calories on a daily basis, I have 1200, then 1400, then 1200, then 1600, for example, and I keep my workouts, burning several hundred in cardio.
    If you run low temp all the time, and you have an extremely hard time losing weight (IE your body would rather shut down/hybernate than burn the excess fat for energy) you should have your thyroid checked.
    I just take kelp supplements because iodine stimulates the thyroid, but if you've never been checked, you should have a doctor take a look. Also avoid unneccessary stress and make sure you get enough sleep.

    Before I responded I tried to take a look at your profile to get some more information to help you, but you're not all filled out!!! I really encourage you to fill out your profile and get a profile pic, investing more in this site will help you get more involved, and find people who will push you through when you have those disappointing weeks when the work doesn't seem to pay off.

    Oh yeah, check your inches. You could be losing fat but building muscle, which means your progress wouldn't show on a scale. Remember the scale is the least important way to measure your health. Happy losing! :smile:
  • FahadNaseem
    FahadNaseem Posts: 80 Member
    I don't eat back and it's working very well for me so far. Good luck
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    With the amount of weight you have to lose, 1/2 pound a week is right on target. I know we all want to lose the weight IMMEDIATELY but our bodies just don't work like that. Stop worrying so much about what the scale says and focus on your health. Eat right, stay active, take body measurements. Maybe even hide the scale somewhere for a few weeks. Think about how you feel, notice how your clothes are fitting better. Don't put so much credit into what the scale tells you. Also, take a deep breath and have some patience...

    1200 calories is likely too low for you. Set your weekly weight loss to 1/2 pound per week and eat your exercise calories back.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    Oh yeah, check your inches. You could be losing fat but building muscle, which means your progress wouldn't show on a scale. Remember the scale is the least important way to measure your health. Happy losing! :smile:

    With 1200 calories, a day, let alone any calorie deficit, there is a 0% chance of building new muscle. Fat loss and muscle gain together is about 100% impossible. The exceptions; morbidly obese people and those completely new to exercise (and even than it's plateau after 1-2 lbs of new growth) and typically in the legs.
  • mjhjane
    mjhjane Posts: 1
    Everyone's metabolism is different. Calorie counters, both in and out, are only a mere estimate for the average person. Ask yourself - I am the average person and what does that mean to me. Journals and sites like this are good to use as a reflection of what types of food you are putting into your body. However, 1300 calories a day may not be realistic for you. Add a low calorie, high protein and high fiber snack to your diet to ward off hunger, especially after a rigorous workout. I personally, do not eat back my calories lost from exercise. If I did, I wouldn't see any results or maintain my weight.
  • krissynicole787
    krissynicole787 Posts: 121 Member
    you have to see what works for you. I can't eat my exercise calories because i end up gaining.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    BTW OP, here is a thread I created about eating exercise calories. Typically those who create larger deficit through exercise tend to lose more muscle which could have an adverse effect on your goals.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    do what works
  • soonerwife41
    soonerwife41 Posts: 43 Member
    MFP is telling me to eat 1200 calories to lose 1 1/2 pounds per week... Sad, huh? Lol!!