I used to do a "Wednesday Weigh Day," but I'm finding that weighing on Friday seems to be the best. It gives you plenty of time to work off the previous weekend's screw-ups. What day do you weigh? Or do you weigh every day?


  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    I just started doing this, but now I weigh everyday, at the same time. I track that number so I can see what I'm doing right and/or wrong. I was weighing at difference times on different days, but the scale fluctuations were driving me nuts so I now do it always when I first wake up.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I weigh every day at the same time but dont update my loss/gain until Fridays.
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I weigh every day between 5:00 am and 7:00 am. Doing every day for close to a year.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I do it every day, first thing in the morning after first toilet visit, when I'm at home. I find particularly when I'm travelling, I tend to eat in hotels/restaurants, thus higher sodium than my normal, and don't always get the chance to drink as much so retain water. I was away all last week returning Thursday night. When I weighed Friday morning I was exactly the same weight I was the previous Sunday. However since then, 3 days, I've lost 4 lbs as my excess water went. This is one reason I don't like weighing weekly, the fluctuations can make you think you are plateauing, then suddenly you drop.
  • squiggyflop
    squiggyflop Posts: 148 Member
    I do it every 4 to 7 days, in the afternoon or evening at the mall. They have exact weight machines there that charge 25 cents. It is cheaper than paying 35 bucks for a scale that is accurate to the .1lb. I usually do it after my mall walk, and a trip to the bathroom.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    I weigh in Friday mornings before breakfast.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I weigh every morning but my official weigh in day (the one that gets entered onto this site) is friday mornings
  • Bigal5565
    Bigal5565 Posts: 12
    i weigh in monday mornings, to keep myself accountable over the weekend.
  • camper2022
    camper2022 Posts: 80 Member
    I weigh in every Monday morning before work! This way I know if I had a good week or if it needs improvement! Monday is a start of a new week & also new thoughts!
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Officially - Friday mornings. I step on the scale several every other/ 3 days.
  • quirkyone1
    Never :) I measure by the fit of my pants.
  • nicoleknapp754
    I weigh myself everyday in the morning before i eat or drink anything but only log in my weight when I have lost a pound.
  • fionahay
    fionahay Posts: 44
    Never - having only got 6lbs MAX to lose (if I can even lose any of that) I don't expect the scale to move, so I go by what I look like and feel like. I only weighed recently cause I felt more confident, slimmer and more toned. But if I weigh and I've put on or haven't changed then I get disheartened and I'm more likely to indulge. So it's a personal choice, really :)
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Sunday morning, naked, before eating or drinking. Then I log in, whatever it was.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I usually weigh myself before a work out.. Seems to work for me.
  • taylorxpaige
    taylorxpaige Posts: 34 Member
    I weigh myself on Monday and on Friday. That has worked out well for me.