Should I have a total crap junk food day?

I've been working on losing weight (200+lbs) for 9 months. I work with a personal trainer, and I'm sure she'll have a say in this too - lol. Over these months I have progressed from total garbage high caloric foods like pizza, fast food, fries, soda, and pastas to 6 small meals (300-350 calories) of mostly protein. I've lost 90 inches but only 44 lbs so my eating has gotten stricter and stricter.

I'm feeling like I'm depriving myself too much, but I also would like to lose weight.

I'm really having cravings lately and I'm wondering if I should have a day of total crap food eating? Eat everything I crave like donuts, pizza, mozzarella sticks, nachos, 4 cheese ravioli, cake, pie, whatever and not even think about calories?

Do you think this would be a good thing, or will it completely derail my weight loss?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Why not just fit a doughnut into your daily cals if you fancy it?

    Then next week have some pizza, again that fits in your cals?

    Everything in moderation!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Just fit little treats into your budget. You don't have to deprive yourself of things you like to lose weight and you're much less likely to lose it and binge if you have treats occasionally. I had 3 pieces of pizza on Saturday and it was heavenly! If you think you're budget is restrictive, try being old, small and female so your BMR is only 1100!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    This is counter intuitive but sometimes you have to take a small break.

    See how your body responds. If you find that you are having the addictive cravings the next day then you know that this will set you up for failure.

    If you feel sort of rejuvenated and ready to start fresh tomorrow and back on the track then you know that for your sanity you need a break or a hiatus meal as I call it.

    I'm going to be blunt you and I have a lot of weight to lose, so we have a lot of time to experiment and see what works best. We are food addicts so you have to take an almost spiritual approach to these breaks. Do NOT take the binge mindset though this is simply a meal/day to nourish your soul. This is not a meal to hurt your body. This is a meal/day to listen to how your body responds when you feed it. Plan your hiatus meal or break meal. Enjoy it. Some say to log the food. No guilt.

    Really take the time to savor the food. Make sure you get out the nice plates. Take slow bites. Drink slowly. Have water with your meal too. Appreciate the food. Listen to how it makes your body feel. Does it nourish your body or soul? Eat the best food that you can on your meal. If you want you pizza have it just enjoy and savor every morsel. And listen to you body people with food addiction often don't listen to their bodies and just stuff their face. This could be the meal where you listen and I imagine you will be surprised how much your body has changed. You wont be able to consume what you used to eat and it will probably make you feel like crap. Think about how you ate in the past, the emotions, how your eating now, and how you want to eat in the future. This is a time to approach your former loves (raviolis, cake, pie) and see what they held for you in the past.

    You wont know until you do it though how your body responds, how youve changed, and remained the same. Another word of advice, that food is all gone by the end of the day! I don't care if you bought something expensive when you get too full for it and you cant eat another bite it all goes in the trash. Nothing remaining to feed the addiction. So try to only buy enough for either the day or one meal because it must all go. (this is from experience, and no trash diving like I did in the past)

    It's best if you can avoid it, but I understand some days you need to refocus.

  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I don't have a total crap day. I work out too hard to want to do that any more. BUT I do love my crap. Usually once a week I'll have something last week was a slice of pizza. Probably would have had 2, but just didn't feel like it. Strange, but might as well take advantage of the feeling. Last week I was craving pie. So, this week I'll probably drive by Marie Callendars and get a slice. I usually save my crap craving for after my Monday weigh in. Then I think about what have I been wanting all week. I don't necessarily have it on Monday, but sometime that week I'll have it. It can be as simple as pancakes or a Noah's bagel to pie or ice cream. Craving fulfilled and my week of healthy eating continues.
  • sciontc2
    sciontc2 Posts: 15
    i to have these such cravings. I have to give in somewhat one day a week but only for small amount. If i want pizza then i eat no more then 2 slices, and if i want ice -cream I eat cup. so i limit that .
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I've been working on losing weight (200+lbs) for 9 months. I work with a personal trainer, and I'm sure she'll have a say in this too - lol. Over these months I have progressed from total garbage high caloric foods like pizza, fast food, fries, soda, and pastas to 6 small meals (300-350 calories) of mostly protein. I've lost 90 inches but only 44 lbs so my eating has gotten stricter and stricter.

    I'm feeling like I'm depriving myself too much, but I also would like to lose weight.

    I'm really having cravings lately and I'm wondering if I should have a day of total crap food eating? Eat everything I crave like donuts, pizza, mozzarella sticks, nachos, 4 cheese ravioli, cake, pie, whatever and not even think about calories?

    Do you think this would be a good thing, or will it completely derail my weight loss?

    Did you just call pizza and pasta "garbage"?

    solid april fools troll post
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Have a day per week... After weigh in say where you have a treat food or meal. Not a whole day. Make it fit your day. Work around the pre planned treat. This way you won't feel deprived.

  • Lisa_licious
    You've worked too hard for that!! Figure out what you REALLY want and treat yourself. The best treat in the whole world that you will savour and not feel guilty about after.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    You don't have to eliminate everything you like from your diet to lose weight. I've read it posted here that you shouldn't do anything to lose weight that you won't do to maintain your weight loss. You do plan on eating pizza again someday, right? Why not learn how to eat it now in moderation or as a cheat meal once a week? I ate pizza a week ago Sunday and then hogged down on mac n' cheese and cookies on Wednesday and still lost two pounds in the last 10 days or so. You really can eat what you like - just not like you did before. A balance of clean eating and indulgences will help you in the long run, IMHO.

    Also, if you have been eating clean for a long period of time and then you bomb your gut with nachos, pizza, fries, and soda all at once you might just make yourself sick or find yourself spending a little more time than usual on the toilet. Plan a meal once a week that includes something you love and miss, enjoy it, and do it again the next week.

    Also, don't feel bad about losing 44 inches but not as many pounds. No one know how much you weigh and no one ever needs to know. They only know how you look and they only see the changes. You are obviously working very hard and are doing so well. Be proud of yourself.
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    Like others have said, try and fit a treat into your calories every other day or something. If you completely deprive yourself of all the things you use to binge out on, you will start binging. You're working hard, you deserve a reward for it, just keep it in your calories for the day and you'll be fine.
  • SusieDerkinsRocks
    SusieDerkinsRocks Posts: 30 Member

    Also, if you have been eating clean for a long period of time and then you bomb your gut with nachos, pizza, fries, and soda all at once you might just make yourself sick or find yourself spending a little more time than usual on the toilet. Plan a meal once a week that includes something you love and miss, enjoy it, and do it again the next week.

    This!! Being nauseated after having too much junk food is NOOOOO way to indulge. Entirely ruins all the fun.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    IF you have 200+ pounds to lose why are you eating ~2000 calories. Sounds absurdly low to me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Having so many cravings is the best way to binge and throw the towel. Eat that stuff, just stay within your calories. I eat less calories than you and I have pasta and pizza pretty often.
  • Catherinejkey
    Catherinejkey Posts: 1 Member
    Maybe just have one meal where you allow yourself to eat whatever you like? That way you don't feel deprived but you don't derail yourself completely either? That's what I do anyhow- keeps my sanity intact!