Anyone can lose weight, you just need the right motivation!

I've been waiting to post this for a little while but held off until I hit the 1 stone lost mark.
I know very well how hard it can be to find the motivation and drive to lose weight, I've been trying to lose weight since January 2011 using MFP and longer before that.
I was a slim 8 - 10 for years and that crept up to a size 12 slowly then I met my now husband and bang straight up to a 16 in no time. This then fluctuated up to an 18 at times until I just accepted I was a fat person. Then in 2011 after about a year and a half of trying to get pregnant and failing I was finally diagnosed with PCOS and told my best chance was losing weight. I tried for a couple of months but then I got sick of medical professionals calling me fat even though I was losing weight, I grew so tired of hearing "you have to try harder" when I was trying that I gave up. I managed to slowly creep 1 stone off in just over a year and I was finally under a 30 BMI so they would treat me for infertility. Nearly a year later and I fell pregnant, but that ending in miscarriage.
I was still about 2 stone overweight a size 18 and completely unfit, I couldn't help but blame my weight. This happened in January this year.
Once I went back to work on the 4th February I decided enough was enough I had to lose weight is I was ever going to be a mum! The most effective treatment for PCOS is weight loss and I couldn't keep avoiding it.
I rejoined the gym and religously calorie tracked. I didn't deny myself anything I just looked at the calories and thought "Do I want this chocolate bar now or fish & chips for tea on Thursday?" usually the big meal won out. I have had plenty of red days but a lot more green.

I am now 1 stone lighter and on my way to being a "normal" BMI by my next hospital appointment on the 4th June. I thought it was my body which was the issue for years, turns out I just needed the right motivation and mindset.

Good luck everyone, if I can do it you can! x


  • SophieRylance
    SophieRylance Posts: 2 Member
    Charlie, I am sorry to read about your miscarriage I didn't realise you had been through such a terrible time. Glad to see you are so motivated xxxx
  • NoXQuse
    NoXQuse Posts: 10
    It's great that you are continuing to try. Don't give up. Aside from being able to get pregnant, as you lose weight and become more fit you will feel so much better about yourself. Hang in there. You got it!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    My condolences for your loss. Terribly sad.

    But, your attitude and message are well received. YOU CAN DO THIS! :flowerforyou:
  • charlie00134
    charlie00134 Posts: 27 Member
    Sophie: It's not public knowledge but it's not a secret either. Just don't want it to be an open forum kind of thing, I'm ploughing on.

    Thanks everyone I feel so much better in myself already and I'm pushing for my target weight by 4th June which is my next appointment. Another stone to go by then.
  • SophieRylance
    SophieRylance Posts: 2 Member
    If you ever want to chat you know where I am. Not exactly the same but similar experiences xxx
  • charlie00134
    charlie00134 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks hun, it was discovered at 10 weeks missed at about 6 weeks so no where near the same. I'm okay though, I've just left it behind and moved on. Only issue is Kate Middleton is about 2 weeks off what I was so I know it's going to be a hard summer.

    I will lose the weight and then hopefully my body will work as it should!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I kinda wish it was that easy to be honest! It's not. People still hit plateaus and whatnot.
  • charlie00134
    charlie00134 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm not saying you won't hit plateaus and things I'm just saying with the right motivation you can push through it.