Can you gain weight in a week ?

So am on a diet.. I eat only 4 or 5 apples per day i excerise every day ,sit ups and about 40 minutes walk. i know it's bad and unhealthy .. but i needed to lose weight fast..
And am going back to my home for a week, that's mean i'll have to break my diet for a week and start eating " normally " .. so i wanted to know how many weight i can gain and if it's gonna be really noticeable ,,, and after the week pass away after how long time i would be able to lose the weight .. ?
thank you for your answers..


  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Because you know what you're doing is unhealthy yet you continue to do it anyway, and you are afraid of showing your family your eating habits, and you're afraid of gaining weight from eating "normally," I worry that you might have an eating disorder. Please see a professional.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Because you know what you're doing is unhealthy yet you continue to do it anyway, and you are afraid of showing your family your eating habits, and you're afraid of gaining weight from eating "normally," I worry that you might have an eating disorder. Please see a professional.
    ^^^ This. Please get professional help. This is very disordered eating.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    I am sorry to say this but you will probably notice the first time you eat "normal". Right now you're starving your body so it will hold on to every little thing you eat. I imagine with your exercise you are probably consuming zero calories a day. Your body will rebel and it won't be good. Please stop consuming only apples and start eating real food. Continue with the walking and situps but fuel that exercise and then promise to never treat your body that way again.
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    So why do you need to lose weight fast? You can lose weight and be healthy by eating three healthy meals a day, just keep your calories over 1200. 4 or 5 apples a day is way too little to eat. Go back home and enjoy your week with your friends and family. You only want to lose 15 lbs total, you should do it slowly. It won't stay off if you don't adjust your lifestyle. Be nice to your body. Don't starve it. That never works for the long haul. And I'm talking from experience. Little changes make all the difference. Good luck!
  • nicolenicki984
    Thank you for your answer.. well am worry you know... cuz when i'll come back from my family i'm going to holiday.. and i don't wanna look like a whale in a bikini .. and i'll have just about 15 days to lose the weight which i'll gain at home.. so it drives me crazy really. :(
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    If you're overweight it's fine. As long as you're eating something with potassium in it, you'll be fine. Apples have potassium so you're good. If you're within 10 pounds of your goal weight, do some resistance exercises and it'll show much faster. Pushups, sittups, and other things of that nature.

    As for your question. It's is too general. Can't really give you a good answer but i'll try, weight gain can be noticed within a day. It all just depends on how much you eat. Eating carbs will be more noticeable on the scale since carbs bind to water molecules to be stored in your muscles and liver. When your muscles and liver are both full of carbs and you continue to eat them, it will start to spill over to your gut or other places in your body, which means that if you're not exercising on this vacation, you can expect to see the spill over the next day assuming you just eat and don't exercise. Since this is a week long vacation, you can alternate days that you eat carbs and don't eat carbs. You can just eat a lot of protein on the days you skip carbs and you'll pee it out if you eat too much. I've read that your body can convert protein into fat but even if that's the case, your body will have to spend 1 extra step and require more ATP(energy) for converting protein to a glucose. That's just an assumption based off of my limited knowledge but it should work.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    Watch this girl.
    She is awesome, and she explains why you need to eat more than just 4 apples a day
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    I can't tell if this is another april fool's post, or legit.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,088 Member
    OP either you are a troll or you have a very warped idea about weight loss and need professional help for an eating disorder.

    I suspect the former.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,088 Member
    Ah yes, April Fools day :laugh: - it is still April 1st in USA, right?
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Am I being punked??!! Is it still April Fools Day?!?! April Trolls Day?!?!?!
  • S_Arr_Uh
    S_Arr_Uh Posts: 77 Member
    If you're overweight it's fine. As long as you're eating something with potassium in it, you'll be fine. Apples have potassium so you're good. If you're within 10 pounds of your goal weight, do some resistance exercises and it'll show much faster. Pushups, sittups, and other things of that nature.

    No, it's not fine. How eating 4-5 apples a day plus exercising equals 'fine', I don't know. Apples are also carb-ilicious, mind.

    OP, start eating more, or at least more calorie-dense foods (healthy, of course). I don't see any use in losing weight for a short holiday only to end up putting all the weight back on later.

    As for when you're at home, just log. Stay within your calorie goal, try not to go over. If you do it right, you may end up losing a couple of pounds whilst being at home for two weeks than spending your days eating 5 apples.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    If you're overweight it's fine. As long as you're eating something with potassium in it, you'll be fine. Apples have potassium so you're good. If you're within 10 pounds of your goal weight, do some resistance exercises and it'll show much faster. Pushups, sittups, and other things of that nature..

    This has to be a troll or April Fool. Anyone suggesting living on apples is fine needs certifying. The POWs in Aushwitz and Colditz had more food than that.

    OP, if you are genuine, get professional help.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    If you're overweight it's fine. As long as you're eating something with potassium in it, you'll be fine. Apples have potassium so you're good. If you're within 10 pounds of your goal weight, do some resistance exercises and it'll show much faster. Pushups, sittups, and other things of that nature..

    This has to be a troll or April Fool. Anyone suggesting living on apples is fine needs certifying. The POWs in Aushwitz and Colditz had more food than that.

    OP, if you are genuine, get professional help.

    Where did I say that living off of apples for the rest of your entire life is a good thing? She wants to cut some weight as fast as she can in a short amount of time. There is nothing wrong with that.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    If you're overweight it's fine. As long as you're eating something with potassium in it, you'll be fine. Apples have potassium so you're good. If you're within 10 pounds of your goal weight, do some resistance exercises and it'll show much faster. Pushups, sittups, and other things of that nature.
    Terrible, terrible advice. Apart from the fact she is clearly not "fine" if she is eating like this, since when do our bodies only need potassium to run off? What about protein, fats, all of the other vitamins and minerals you don't get in an apple... oh and what about energy?!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I can't tell if this is another april fool's post, or legit.


    OP, you only want to lose 7kg anyway.... you wont look like a 'whale' in your bikini....

    eat! with a moderate caloric deficit and do some exercise.... simple as that!
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Anyone who has ever had influenza or gastroenteritis will be able to tell you how long the weight will stay off - about 3-4 days after you start to eat properly you'll be back to square one.

    I lost over 9lbs in a week when I had 'flu last year but within a week I was back to my normal weight and that wasn't pigging out, just eating normal food after a week of virtually nothing (I'd consider eating only a few apples a day as virtually nothing!).

    With so little to lose this isn't the right way to go about it and long term, it just won't work at all.
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    I can't just live on apples....Very unhealthy diet.....Hope you change your ways else you will have eating disorder....Not even diet...its just plain starvation
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    Anyone who has ever had influenza or gastroenteritis will be able to tell you how long the weight will stay off - about 3-4 days after you start to eat properly you'll be back to square one.

    I lost over 9lbs in a week when I had 'flu last year but within a week I was back to my normal weight and that wasn't pigging out, just eating normal food after a week of virtually nothing (I'd consider eating only a few apples a day as virtually nothing!).

    With so little to lose this isn't the right way to go about it and long term, it just won't work at all.

    I agree I had lost 7 pounds in 3 days when I had cold, sore throat ...the weight came back in two days or normal eating..
  • pollyineedtobeskinny
    What your doing is silly and definitely not a long term thing. As soon as you begin to eat normal amounts, you will gain weight.