Bummed Out



  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Don't be discouraged, this all takes time.
    Do your research and find out about Nutrition and Exercise, Your body will Thank you Later.
  • We ALL get discouraged after putting in such profound effort. I don't always do this, but when I do, it works. If you are healthy you might want to try this. I have 2 TBS of peanut butter (that I just "lick on," making it last the WHOLE DAY. Have a big glass of water with EACH time you go for a lick. This can be done at home or work or anywhere. Once I was traveling, and put the spoons in a baggie in my purse. The only mess was the baggie! The peanut butter satisfies both a protein need and a salty/sweet taste. The water fills you up and gives you energy. I always have 1 very light meal only, on my peanut butter days.

    Err what? So confused. How does water give you energy? And you only eat 1 light meal when you've had your 2 tbsp of PB?
    AGREENLEE1960 Posts: 7 Member
    Thats exactly right. The Medical Assistant at my doctor office thinks I am nuts but I never want them to give me a number. If it is
    even 5lbs higher than the one I use at the gym, I get all depressed and drive thru McDonalds on the way home, and not for a
    chicken wrap..I go for the big guns, Big Mac, fries and chocolate shake. So never ever let the scale ruin your work out. We are so much happier and healthier when working out no matter what the number.
  • I know what I am about to post is probably something you have all seen and probably tired of hearing. I can't wrap my head around all these diets/cleanses/drinks/supplements that help in not only weight loss but a different way of life. I have been struggling for the past two months. I thought I had lost 8 lbs (according to my gym scale) to only be disappointed that I went to TWO doctors and was weighed on both scales to only contradict the gym scale; I never lost a pound since starting this whole damn journey!

    I am tempted to try some of this crap I keep hearing/reading about to see if it will help jump start everything. I just have a hard time defending the cost of some of this stuff. Like Ultimate Reset, $199?? And does this stuff really work?

    I'm getting bloodwork done tomorrow, focusing on my T counts for thryoid to rule that out.

    Any advice appreciated.

    Please don't give up on yourself when you've just started! Sometimes the scale can be your worst enemy so you might want to start taking measurements or pictures. So many MFP'ers have lost a CRAP load of weight without relying on fad or crash diets. Many MFP'ers have learned how to make life changes that they can maintain for the rest of their lives. You can do it! Have some faith in yourself and you will succeed!
  • I worked at the Dept of Ag (Weights and Measures Division is responsible for checking scales at grain elevators, pumps at gas stations etc.) Your gym and your Doctor can take their scales in and have it calibrated so it will be accurate, but it must be done at least yearly. You'd be surprised how much they can get knocked out, and the more people that use it, the more often it probably needs calibration. I ask my Dr. every time I go in, when the last time he had HIS calibrated was. The first time I asked him, he said never. Now he gets it done yearly. Its much more accurate for him and his patients.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    We ALL get discouraged after putting in such profound effort. I don't always do this, but when I do, it works. If you are healthy you might want to try this. I have 2 TBS of peanut butter (that I just "lick on," making it last the WHOLE DAY. Have a big glass of water with EACH time you go for a lick. This can be done at home or work or anywhere. Once I was traveling, and put the spoons in a baggie in my purse. The only mess was the baggie! The peanut butter satisfies both a protein need and a salty/sweet taste. The water fills you up and gives you energy. I always have 1 very light meal only, on my peanut butter days.

    This is some of the strangest advice I've ever heard.

    Agreed!! This makes no sense to me.
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    Thats exactly right. The Medical Assistant at my doctor office thinks I am nuts but I never want them to give me a number. If it is
    even 5lbs higher than the one I use at the gym, I get all depressed and drive thru McDonalds on the way home, and not for a
    chicken wrap..I go for the big guns, Big Mac, fries and chocolate shake. So never ever let the scale ruin your work out. We are so much happier and healthier when working out no matter what the number.

    I'm like this as well. I only like to weigh once every couple of months, and if I go to the Dr's office, I make sure i'm fully clothed, with shoes on and my work/personal phones on my belt when I weigh. so even if some smart azz yells out the number it's still not correct and i don't get down on myself about it haha

    i measure myself with a tape measure every couple of weeks only. the last time i weighed myself was 12/31 and i weighed 185. i weighed myself 3/30 (this past saturday) and i weighed 168

    yay.....just keep it up OP and don't give up....scales weigh differently and i'd try weighing on one scale only, if you're prone to weighing yourself regularly
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    I know what I am about to post is probably something you have all seen and probably tired of hearing. I can't wrap my head around all these diets/cleanses/drinks/supplements that help in not only weight loss but a different way of life. I have been struggling for the past two months. I thought I had lost 8 lbs (according to my gym scale) to only be disappointed that I went to TWO doctors and was weighed on both scales to only contradict the gym scale; I never lost a pound since starting this whole damn journey!

    I am tempted to try some of this crap I keep hearing/reading about to see if it will help jump start everything. I just have a hard time defending the cost of some of this stuff. Like Ultimate Reset, $199?? And does this stuff really work?

    I'm getting bloodwork done tomorrow, focusing on my T counts for thryoid to rule that out.

    Any advice appreciated.

    Well don't spend money on crap. There is only one rule to remember.

    Burn more calories than you consume. Notice how this says nothing of special foods, clean eating, or any other bs. it's simple.

    I made a summary of IPOARM(In place of a road map ver 3) IPOARM is a very popular method that has helped many people. You should read it so you know what you're doing wrong. More than likely not eating enough.

    Here is the summary

    if you want to read the full thing(it's pretty long)

    His ticker says he has lost 191 pounds - this guy knows what he's talking about. Just sayin'
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    As has been said several times, only use one set of scales. Use them weekly or monthly, at the same time of the day, wearing just your birthday suit. I put money on you actually losing those 8 lbs.

    Also, you might want to open your diary so we can see what you are doing and offer constructive advice.

    Lastly, be patient! This is about lifestyle change! The pills and potions may or may not help, depending on exactly what you go for (and most likely will not!), will cost a fortune, and don't change your eating habits that got you in this position. Been there, done that, and put it back! Enjoy the journey - nobody will enjoy it for you!
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    The only way I have confdence in my weight gain or loss is to consistently weigh on the same scales.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    You've heard it before here...don't compare weight between different scales. You did lose that 8 pounds! And who knows which is right?!! My doctor's scale weights 7 pounds heavier than my brand new digital scale. Who knows which is right (although I'm going with mine :wink: ). Just know that the 8 pounds is gone!
  • Scales are not the only, and very likely not the best, method of tracking success in your fitness journey! As other people have said, rely on just one scale, because they all weigh different. Also, different times of the days, different days of the week, different weeks of the month can all give you different results, even on the same scale. In addition to weighing on a scale, take measurements (bust, stomach, hips or whatever) and measure your success by inches. Or, have someone do a body fat analysis (they pinch your fat in three different places three different times to come up with a body fat %, not everyone is qualified to do this). Pay attention to how your clothes fit. These are all ways to track your success without relying on the numbers on a scale (which I personally think are all evil, though I do still weigh myself regularly LOL). And instead of letting it discourage you, let those numbers encourage you to keep doing more! My two cent's worth anyway...
  • Girl I know how you feel. But for me I trust no doctors. Especially when it comes to nutrition. hahaha... Maybe yours is different. It is ok though to find out from blood work if maybe something is keeping you from losing weight. But just don't give up. All scales read different for the most part so don't freak out. Just keep working at it. Just track what you eat. As you track you'll find out what helps and what doesn't when it comes to losing. Just keep it moving, stay hydrated.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    All I can say is the not all scales are the same. Use the same one at the same time of day for consistent results. I think you can benefit from a tape measure too.

    If you set up MFP and follow it, you should see results. I know that you are being checked for medical issues, but barring those, diet and exercise should work. Get a measuring cup and a food scale.
  • Rob777com
    Rob777com Posts: 11 Member
    You need to fix your ticker, it still says you lost 8 lbs..JK!!!

    Don't expect it to happen at once. It takes time and once you find your routine it will show and you will feel good.

    Weigh yourself on your scale and track it. I weigh in once a week. In the same clothes. After the same morning routine. After my coffee and just before I work out.

    Exercise, anything you are doing that is more than you used to will help. Don't set high expectations to burn 1000 calories or work out for a full hour. There are days you will do more and have great days, some days you gotta push to make a minimum amount, but usually once you get started it falls into place.

    Log everything you eat, everything. I have lots of beer on my log every weekend. But I also don't usually count extra things as exercise even if I am on my feet at the park all day or working harder than usual. I also fudge some on my exercise calories (put down less than I did burn) and overestimate my food a bit. Why? Because I would rather be pleasantly surprised at my next weigh in vs feeling like shat. It works for me:)

    You can do it, get on the horse and just start out slow.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    You weigh at the doctor's with your clothes and shoes on. You weigh at home naked. There will be a difference!

    Actually, I get weighed at the doctor's office in nothing but one of those thin examining robes. There's never been a major difference between his and my home scale. He has the old-fashioned scale with the weights you slide, while I have a digital scale.
  • janahcarter
    janahcarter Posts: 42 Member
    I had this happen to me. I was excited to go to my yearly to see how much I had lost. I weighed myself that morning at 196 at home. I get to the doc's and step on the scale...203! I was like..what the eff!!? Then I asked them to look at my weight from last year. I had been thinking the whole time that my starting weight was 223 when actually, I was 230 by their scale. Keep going! You can do this. I get discouraged sometimes, but I keep on truckin'. You are going to have great days, you are going to have terrible days. Accept that you had a bad day, and move on. You CAN do this!! (Also, don't buy any of that crap. I don't know of anyone, personally, who has successfully used those products and kept the weight off for longer than 3 months. It's not worth it and the only place you'll lose weight is in your wallet!)
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    anything with the following words to describe a product someone is selling:


    is a SCAM
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    We ALL get discouraged after putting in such profound effort. I don't always do this, but when I do, it works. If you are healthy you might want to try this. I have 2 TBS of peanut butter (that I just "lick on," making it last the WHOLE DAY. Have a big glass of water with EACH time you go for a lick. This can be done at home or work or anywhere. Once I was traveling, and put the spoons in a baggie in my purse. The only mess was the baggie! The peanut butter satisfies both a protein need and a salty/sweet taste. The water fills you up and gives you energy. I always have 1 very light meal only, on my peanut butter days.

    This is some of the strangest advice I've ever heard.

    Yes I agree this is strange advise.... glad I wasn't the only one to think so!