any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • sliane56
    sliane56 Posts: 3 Member
    5'7" and 144 to start. Want to get down to 120.

    I figure, this is the best I'm ever going to look so why not enjoy it!
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    I'm so glad to have found this thread!

    I am 5'6 and 128lbs and really only wanted to get down to 126 but I feel like I would be a bit happier if I could just get to 120 - but this seems soooooo impossible!!

    I've just had a bad 2 weeks of eating rubbish and hardly exercising so I really need to get my *kitten* back into action!

    Do all of you ladies eat 1200 cals a day? And how about exercise cals?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I try to stick to 1200 cals/day but I do end up eating my exercise calories most of the time. If I don't exercise (or drink alcohol) sticking to 1200 calories seems very reasonable!
  • kriddle2
    kriddle2 Posts: 11 Member
    I try to ask best as possible stick to only the 1200 cals but if i'm out and see something mostly unhealthy that I want to eat...i usually do. I just remind myself that I have to work off the extra calories before I go to sleep. if some days I dont quite make the calorie count for the day I just try to add on a few extra minutes of exercise the next day!

    I LOVE food, so I just realize that I have to do a little extra if i want to eat what I want.
  • ME!! i started MFP like 2 weeks ago and the first week i lost about 2 pounds, but yesterday was my weigh in and i said i gained 4?! either my scale is broken or somethings up! i'm 5" 3.5' and i weighed about 144 when i started...i want to get down to 125, but at this rate its likely i'll never get there! i haven't gone over my calories and i've been eating ALOT healthier...and i've been more active than i used to be. it makes me soo frustrated because i wanted to lose atleast 7 pounds before my senior year started, so that leaves a little over a month. what should i do??? :cry:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    jessie, 4 lbs could be water weight. The pounds are harder to lose, the closer you get to your goal-weight. don't get discouraged, if you stick to the exercsing and eating healthy with a calorie-deficit, you should be able to lose a little more than a pound a week. Keep at it, I think it gets easier.
  • jessie, 4 lbs could be water weight. The pounds are harder to lose, the closer you get to your goal-weight. don't get discouraged, if you stick to the exercsing and eating healthy with a calorie-deficit, you should be able to lose a little more than a pound a week. Keep at it, I think it gets easier.

    that makes me feel ALOT better! lol i seriously about cried when i stepped on the scale! thank you! (:
  • kimbishopp
    kimbishopp Posts: 10
    So far on this site I've read ONE thread and got TWO new happy dieting thoughts/mantras!

    I'm really glad we can post about wanting to get in the lower end of BMI and not be thought of as having some sort of eating disorder! AND I've never heard the term 'happy weight' but that is exactly what I want to get back :D

    I'm 5'7'', 154 ish wanting to get to 135 ish but generally fit and healthy, whenever I lose weight into the 145 or lower scale everyone starts telling me off for looking to skinny - but that is EXACTLY where I feel happiest, and its still well within the healthy BMI scale!
  • ltm017
    ltm017 Posts: 1
    I'm 5'1 and 115. I'd like to weigh 108 by September, I'm getting married in October. I weighed 120 last August and lost 5 pounds with moderate exercise over 6 months. I also did the special K challenge for a few weeks. A few months ago I doubled the amount of exercising..however did not lose anymore weight...
  • scotty_81
    scotty_81 Posts: 59
    Bump for later!
  • kimbishopp
    kimbishopp Posts: 10
    I'm 5'1 and 115. I'd like to weigh 108 by September, I'm getting married in October. I weighed 120 last August and lost 5 pounds with moderate exercise over 6 months. I also did the special K challenge for a few weeks. A few months ago I doubled the amount of exercising..however did not lose anymore weight...

    I recently did a triathlon and trained a reasonable amount for around 10 weeks before hand and PUT ON weight - about 4 or 5 pounds... the reason? I figured I was training so I could eat whatever I fancied!!!
  • S_H84
    S_H84 Posts: 75
    *raises hand*

    I am really just trying to loose 5 more pounds of a total of 8 lbs. I have lost 3 so far. However, for me it is not so much about the weight than the measurements. I would rather just have my hip measurement go down and stay with the weight were I am at.

    I have noticed that when you have that little to loose because you are already in a healthy weight range, it is sooooo hard. It took me 2 months to loose the 3 lbs and now it has been stagnant. Today I am switching my work out program which I am really excited about :)
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    I'm there too!! I'm 5'5" and fluctuate between 120-125. I really want to get down to 115-118. It is so hard! It seem like no matter what I do I can't get below 120. Also, I am breastfeeding which makes it really tricky because I don't know EXACTLY how many calories i'm burning doing it. I know I need to exercise more but whenever I get into a routine something happens to throw it off track! So frustrating!!

    I breastfed all 3 of my kids, and found that the last bit of weight didn't come off until I weaned! Your body will hold onto a fat supply to make sure that your milk stays plentiful. You are so close to your goal, I bet, after you wean you will drop it without much effort :smile: You are doing such a good thing for your baby and yourself :heart: (lowers your risk of ovarian and breast cancer!)

    Darn it! I've heard that. I guess it will be a while then. :laugh: I was still breastfeeding my first when I had my second so I never got to see if it was true for me. I'll consider it my motherly sacrifice then. :tongue:

    I'm pretty much in the same boat...I'm 5' 4.5" (yeah...I make that extra half an inch really count! :wink: ) and am at 119ish. I'm currently breastfeeding my 4 month old and will continue to do so as long as I can (2 yrs would be great). I would love to be back down to 110 but I know I'd better not since I plan on getting pregnant again this fall/winter and if it's anything like my other pregnancies, I actually LOSE 15 -20 lbs during the first 6 mos and then start gaining (pregnancy is HELL for me - but soooo worth it). I figure 116 is doable for now but I shouldn't go any lower (although I would LOVE to!). After this next pregnancy (it'll be our last), I'll get back down to 110 - 115. I think that'll be my perfect weight after I get my body back to myself. For now, I'm just trying to focus on eating well and getting toned. I'm fitting into my size 4s and I still have plenty of milk so that's good enough for now.
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    Hi :) I'm currently 124 and would like to get down to the 115-119 range. So far I've lost 39 pounds of baby weight on MFP very easily, and am hoping these last few vanity pounds come off just as easily. I was a size 0 throughout high school and college, a size 4 in grad school, but gained a TON during my pregnancy and took a very long time to lose it. I'm pretty happy with the way I look now (back in a size 4), but feel like toning up and losing just a few more pounds will help tighten the jiggly bits :)

    I'm still nursing my 21 month old daughter and am not calculating how many calories I'm burning in that process, which may be why the weight has fallen off so far.

    I've been extremely focused on my weight loss goals. I always stay within my 1200 calorie goal, and try to do something active everyday. I'm currently doing the 30 Day Shred and am seeing nice results.

    It's nice to meet other people with the same goals :)
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    Hi girls! I started on here at 142 (I'm 5'7) and dropped down to 136 but then I had a very stressful quarter at school and went up to 150 oppps! Thats the heaviest I've ever been, so now I'm at it again. Currently I'm 146.8. I need to start running again and I think I can get back down. My ideal weight is 135 maybe 130 but we will see.
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hi girls! I'm 5'10" and really would love to be 135-140. Right now I am at 148.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Hey all... I am 5'9 currently 148 looking to get down to 145, and who knows if I can, then 140... ..
  • Me! I'm 5'4. About 125. I want to lose 10 lbs. Maybe even 15 if I get my ten gone away! Everyone tells me I don't need to lose anything, but I want to...haha. It would make ME feel better. I pretty much just want to get more toned, too, so...
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    I sucked last weekend but I'm doing good day one. I just want there last few gone!!! So close to an 18 bmi
  • excitementcity
    excitementcity Posts: 20 Member
    I have to know-what are bingo wings?

    Those bits at the back of your arms (triceps) that jiggle when you wave!!! Need to tone up those arms!
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