April Challenge!?

I made a challenge group for April and I want to see who all would like to join. I have a few threads already started in the group-
1) Weigh-in thread. This is where we will weigh in weekly (for those of you who do that) with our scale victories, measurements and pictures if you would like to.
2) Discussion thread. This is where we will be able to talk about any struggles that we are having, life problems, happy times and anything else that you want a friend to talk about.
3) NSV thread. This is where we will talk about our non scale victories daily.
4) Recipe thread. This is where we will discuss our favorite recipes that are healthy and great on calories.
5) Challenge thread. This will be where we post what personal challenges we are trying to do and how it's going. (daily or weekly)

How many people would like to join? I really want to meet new people, make new friends and have motivation on this April challenge! :) I will invite you to the group.
