Self conscience.

so i know i shouldn't be but i am so self conscience at the gym. i won't lift weights if anybody else is there at all. i will go on the treadmill, elliptical, or bike but never weights. i feel like everybody is watching me and judging me. any advice for getting over this paranoia?


  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Just remember that everyone there started somewhere, too. Everybody was new at some point. Maybe find a staff member at the gym and ask them to show you how some of the equipment works? Might be an icebreaker for getting around in a gym.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Sure. Do one exercise you are pretty confident in. You'll be in and out in a very few short minutes. That's your intro. Pretty soon, that will not be so bad, and you can add another one. That is the way they desensitize people to irrational fears. Gradual, graduated exposure.
    You'll be fine.
    After all, we are all in there because we want to improve ourselves. That, necessarily, means we are all in there because we want to look better than we do. Hence, everyone in there is insecure, at least on some level. You're no different.
  • thebeforepicture
    Just remember a lot of the people at the gym are so "zoned" into their own workouts they are probably not watching you at all! If it does bother you try to go at a quiet time. Good Luck with your workouts! I just joined a gym 2 weeks ago!
  • freckledgrl
    I feel the same way, it makes me nervous sometimes. Take a friend. If you can't then take headphones, listen to music and focus on counting how many reps you do. I try not to look at anyone. I am going to get a trainer for a few weeks, I think once I really know how to do the machines with confidence, I won't care who is there. :)
  • jgaeta13
    jgaeta13 Posts: 5 Member
    Just to make you feel a little better, I actually work at a gym and i could lose a few 30 and i work with basically a bunch a "meat heads" and they LOVE seeing people just start out! They have so much respect for people when they decided to change their lives. I told all of them I was on a diet and they literally do nothing but make sure i'm staying on track and motivate me. They arent judging you they are respecting you
  • misscherie13
    Don't care about what people think or what they might think. Don't care at all. Everyone is pretty focused on their workout so I don't even think they really do come to the gym just to look at other people and to judge them!
    When I started going to the gym I had the same thought but then I noticed nobody was really interested in what other people were doing. And neither was and actually am I.
    Do not let any bad thoughts let you down and do whatever you want without overthinking! ;)
    If you prefer, why don't you listen to your favourite music and pretend you are in your "tiny little world" where nobody else is? Just you. Even though you are at the gym with other people.
  • elizarae11
    elizarae11 Posts: 346
    thanks for the advice! i'll try them out. when i was at the gym today it was pretty busy but if it isn't as full i'll slowly start doing them.
  • BryVia12
    BryVia12 Posts: 181 Member
    Nut up and get it done! You are there for a reason and don't let what anyone else stop you, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks! Just do it!
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    I used to be the same way! I have found that having a very specific plan of what I was going to do, how many sets, and in what order really helped me. When I have a plan, I feel focused and not like I'm just wandering around being clueless. Also, I would watch videos online in advance (like on where I got my workout plan from or you could just go to youtube probably) of experienced people doing the exercises on my plan for the day and would even sometimes practice the movements without weights at home before going in so I could feel more confident in my form. Remember that everyone is usually so wrapped up in what they're doing, they won't be paying any attention to you and the more you go, the more and more confident you will be! Go for it! :happy:
  • elizarae11
    elizarae11 Posts: 346
    thank you for the tips! i'm glad i'm not the only one who feels this way!
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I am the same way in every other aspect of life...except the gym. I go to the gym, I pull my hair back in a knot, I get stinky and sweaty and my concentrating face is NOT pretty. But I just do not give a crap because while I'm there, I'm there for me, and I know that everyone else there is there for themselves, too. What gym do you go to? Sometimes it helps to find a gym that isn't a big "name" like Planet Fitness, LA Fitness, Gold's, etc. Those are the ones that big ol' meatheads pick first, and while I've met very nice and non-judgmental big ol' meatheads, sometimes it helps to stay away because we, as less fit folk, feel like they are judging us. And you know what? Sometimes, they are! But it comes down to whether or not you have the guts to say who cares. They don't know your heart, your brain, or even your name, and chances are you won't ever see them again, so it's not worth worrying over. Hope I helped.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Know that phrase, "Dance like nobody's watching?"

    Put some tunes on your podkicker, slap on some headphones, and do your THANG, baby! Be in the zone, and ignore everybody else!
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    The ONLY time I get irritated at someone in the weight section of the gym is when they're sitting there not doing anything and just taking up space. I wouldn't care if it's the most out of shape person I've ever seen only lifting 2lb dumbbells, I'd still be glad they're doing something. Honestly the beefed up idiots that do two reps then sit there texting for 10 minutes in between sets are the ones that anger me the most. Even if they are ripped.

    And like everyone said, you have to start somewhere!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    I know how you feel, I used to feel the same way. It helped me to have my routine on paper so I had something to study between sets and ofcourse I just jam on my head phones. Remember we were all new once there and you have every right to be there like everyone else. I think people only judge you when your seen not to be working out hard (i.e. playing on your phone, chatting to others). You can do this :smile:
  • jagi410
    jagi410 Posts: 97 Member
    You'll always look better at a gym or being active than you would on the couch.
  • elizarae11
    elizarae11 Posts: 346
    i definitely thought about everything you said today but there were tons of people (mostly attractive men) lifting so i chickened out. maybe tomorrow i will be braver!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i find that the more i do something, the less self conscious i become about it, but the more i avoid doing something, the more self conscious i feel about it.

    so i guess the good news is that you get to choose if you want to feel better or feel worse about working out at the gym.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    The easiest way to get over that fear is to put on some music and get in your own zone. I found that once I did it once or twice in a crowded gym you realize that everyone is doing their own thing and not paying much attention -- or if they are paying attention you really don't notice them.

    After the first time it gets easier.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Just remember that people are to worried about what they are doing or what is going on in there own life to be worried about strangers. Someone said this to me once and you know what it is true. Do you think omg what is that person doing here? And if they do it is a 2 second thought and they forget it as soon as they think it :smile:
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Attractive men lifting and you DIDNT go in!!!:wink: