Breakfasts (Clean eating or close to)



  • MrsWells1983
    My calorie limit is set to 1220 cals by MFP.

    I don't like artificial sweetener, we never have it, I tend to use raw organic cane sugar, or raw honey as sweetener (for myself, it's very hard to get my husband into my way of thinking).

    I can't fast, there's no way I'd get through my day without breakfast. I could do without lunch but never breakfast!

    Clean eating I think is a personal thing, I know a lot of people would have their own theory and practice and lots would agree that I don't eat clean at all. I try and eat the least amount of processed foods as possible. A lot of the time I don't have access to it so it's hard, but I just choose the cleanest (least processed) foods that are available to me. Lots of organic fruits and veges etc.
  • kerryc76
    kerryc76 Posts: 42 Member
    I have a smoothie most mornings...its great because its delicious, filling and super fast to make! I have a small blender with a top that comes off and acts as the even better!! It's also super clean and healthy :) I have a 4 month old baby so I need things that are easy and fast! This should work for you too!

    Here's what I put in it!

    I cup unsweetened almond milk (or rice milk etc)
    1 tbsp flaxseed
    1/2 scoop of protein powder
    1/2 banana
    a few mixed berries
    a handful of spinach

    I swear you don't even taste the spinach! The banana absorbs it and you just taste banana! This is fantastic too as you can alternate the fruit and other contents of the smoothie. Please try it! It's awesome!
  • kerryc76
    kerryc76 Posts: 42 Member
    PS...and no artificial sweeteners either!

    Also...I need to eat all 3 meals and a couple of snacks! Maybe you should up your calories a bit? I need to lose 70 pounds too, but I'm going to lessen my calorie intake slowly. I'm at 1550 at the moment. Good luck :)
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    I have a smoothie most mornings...its great because its delicious, filling and super fast to make! I have a small blender with a top that comes off and acts as the even better!! It's also super clean and healthy :) I have a 4 month old baby so I need things that are easy and fast! This should work for you too!

    Here's what I put in it!

    I cup unsweetened almond milk (or rice milk etc)
    1 tbsp flaxseed
    1/2 scoop of protein powder
    1/2 banana
    a few mixed berries
    a handful of spinach

    I swear you don't even taste the spinach! The banana absorbs it and you just taste banana! This is fantastic too as you can alternate the fruit and other contents of the smoothie. Please try it! It's awesome!

    Or instead of milk you can use yoghurt :)
  • kerryc76
    kerryc76 Posts: 42 Member
    Yah totally! Plain greek yogurt if possible!

    I just don't eat it because my body doesn't do well with dairy :)
  • MrsWells1983
    I really don't like greek yoghurt much, or any other yoghurt either (except creamy stuff like Gippsland Dairy Yoghurt). I'd rather eat less of a good quality full fat yoghurt than the fat free stuff. Yuck! I had 90g of my Gippsland Mango and Passionfruit yoghurt for morning tea which is 132cals (I also had chamomile tea with a splash of almond milk). TBH I can easily survive on 1220 cals (I put in light/sedentary as my activity level, I'm a SAHM of 3 and this works for me if I don't get out and exercise as much as I need to), when I start getting into my tri training properly I'll definitely put my cal amount up. I worked out that I burn about 600-700 cals in my 10km bike training, so I'm going to need the extra!

    I'm getting a Polar HRM for Mother's Day next month so I should be able to work out my calorie expenditure properly then.

    Oh I do eat 3 meals and 2 snacks. I actually have a glass of milk before bed too.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    If you have PCOS and the resultant insulin-resistance I'd recommend you eliminate any cereals from your breakfast, and stick to low-carbohydrate foods such as:

    Bacon (get naturally-cured vs. highly-processed)
    Coffee with heavy cream, etc.

    If you want toast, have sprouted-grain (made without flour, much less of a glycemic issue than other breads) and cover it in real butter and maybe some peanut-butter / no-sugar-added jam/preserves ...

    This is my idea of a HIGH-carb (for me) breakfast - 3 eggs, ham, cheese, gr. pepper, tomato ...1/2 slice of sprouted-grain bread with natural peanut-butter and no-sugar-added jam and 1/2 a granny-smith apple, sliced.
    I'll eat that sort of thing as a pre-workout breakfast when on a mass-gaining cycle. It's under 600 calories, 39g of protein, 36g of fat and 20 net grams of carbohydrate.

    For those that eat fewer calories, cut out the toast, drop to two eggs and you have a 337 calorie breakfast with 9 net grams of carbohydrate.

    Of course, that's only if you choose a low-carbohydrate approach to manage your PCOS/Insulin-resistance.
  • slrose
    slrose Posts: 164 Member
    greek yogurt is awesome and if you freeze it over night you can make awesome smoothies
    spinache, strawberries bananas....yum!
  • karlbrow
    karlbrow Posts: 8
    I'm going to try to rotate between oatmeal /fruit/ nuts/splenda, plain greek yogurt w/ honey or maple syrup/fruit /nuts, Cracklin Oat bran cereal (munch on in the car ) , and boiled egg whites on half piece of toast with a thin slice of ham on it. I need variety and for it to feel filling yet wholesome.

    I've also had good luck in the past pre-making little egg scrambles w/ peppers/onions, and some pungent cheese in muffin tins- freezing them, then popping them in microwave for 30 secs. That with a V8, The Veggies tend to keep my fuller. longer.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Met-Rx Pancake mix
    Low cal syrup
    Fat-free milk.

    You're welcome.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Forgot to add I'm in Australia and am looking to drop about 35kg (about 77 pounds). I guess I was looking at a breakfast around the 150-200 cal mark. I have PCOS and Insulin resistance too.

    I'm looking to get back into training for a women's triathlon which is in November (200m swim/10km bike/2km run) and beat my PB from last year (1hr5min) which I did when I was about 7kg lighter than I am now.

    I'm guessing protein should be a huge thing for breakfasts and I know I don't eat anywhere near enough of it during the day. Boiling up eggs and keeping them in the fridge sounds like a start!

    Thanks again for all your suggestions!

    Tam x

    Higher protein and lower carbohydrate breakfast would be better for someone with PCOS and insulin resistance. I, too, have these conditions and it is best to cut out most if not all grains from your morning meal. Protein and fat will keep you going longer until lunch, even with a lower calories count (I think the average chicken egg has 75-ish calories). I'm also looking to drop about 77 pounds. Good luck!

    EDIT: Edited to add that I don't count calories if I'm eating mainly fat and protein, but if that makes you feel better then more power to you. Whatever works! :)
  • blu64
    blu64 Posts: 8 Member
    I keep it simple. 2 eggs over easy and 3 strips of real bacon.
    that gives me 387 calories and I am good to go for many hours.
    some days I drop one of the bacon strips and add in 2 green olives, and a couple of red baby bell peppers.
  • MiamiKid305
    MiamiKid305 Posts: 357
    My bfast during a cut is

    4 egg whites
    1-2 whole eggs(depending on how much fat i might have thru the day)
    1 slice of turkey ham
    a serving of oats
    coffee or green tea
    a cup of oj(the 50 cal one) or half a grapefruit

    I scramble in onions, green peppers, and the ham with the eggs, add a little salt and pepper and maybe a little salsa for taste, for the oats i just use water and sweetner and cinnamon
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    I saute a big batch of veggies every Sunday so I can make 3-minute egg white scrambles every AM. My veggies are usually mushrooms and frozen spinach, but use whatever you like!
    Then I combine in a cup: 3 servings liquid egg whites (132g), 2 tbsp mexican shredded cheese (14g), and a tbsp of jarred bruschetta for yummy flavor (only 20 cal). Spritz pan with olive oil, add a scoop of veggies, then pour in the egg mixture. Cooks up in less than 2 minutes! I top mine with 1-2 tbsp natural ketchup. delicious and about 200 calories! I usually add avocado on top toofor healthy fat and satiety.

    PS. I agree with the girl who said 200 cals is really not enough breakfast. Sometimes I'm eating lunch only 3-4 hours later (work schedule) so I don't need more, but If I'm not eating lunch until 4 or more hours later, I always pack a snack - usually a slice of sprouted grain bread with 8g almond butter and no-sugar-added fruit spread, which brings my breakfast to ~400 cals.
  • nornyb
    nornyb Posts: 224 Member
    3 egg whites scrambled with sauteed spinach and 1/8 cup feta cheese or mozzarella. YUM!

    This with a slice of whole wheat toast.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    3 egg whites scrambled with sauteed spinach and 1/8 cup feta cheese or mozzarella. YUM!

    This with a slice of whole wheat toast.

    If she can do without the toast, then that would be better for someone with PCOS and insulin resistance. Once in a while is okay.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    How about watermelon and braunschweiger?