Juicing - pro's and con's?

Shoot them at me... I am trying to decide if I should get a Juicer.



  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    There is a lot of waste with juicing, you're throwing away some of your money. Get a blender instead, a Blendtec or a Vitamix.
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    You don't get much of the fibre from juicing and some of the nutrients are lost. I second the blender idea.
  • ojdelarosa
    ojdelarosa Posts: 2 Member
    I have both a juicer and a blendtec, I have done both and can deffinatly say that the blender is the better choice. Doesn't waste any part of the fruits and veggies and allows you to take in a lot more fiber so you actually get that full feeling
  • JPDad
    JPDad Posts: 147
    Blender all the way. We make smoothies every day. Easy cleanup for a family on the go.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Love my honeycomb blender...and it's strong enough for ice for a great smoothie--a must for me (a little loud, but not for long). Plus, Emeril uses it, so it must be the best. : )
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    Juicing despite what people tell you isn't healthy at all.
    Think about how much fruit it took to make that juice.
    Fruit does have lots of sugar in it you know.
    Fructose is a simple sugar that can be stored into fat very quickly if not burnt off quickly.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Using a blender is better!
  • Primrose_au
    Primrose_au Posts: 24 Member
    I juice mostly vegetables with a bit of fruit. You get nice clean liquids, no / not much pulp. Thats how I like it.

    I've done the blender thing too... ok for fruit smoothies but not the same for vegetables. They get all gritty and pulpy. Not nice to drink. But to each their own.

    I have known people to use the leftover pulp from the juicer in vegetable patties and the like. Don't go that far myself though.
  • henriettevanittersum
    henriettevanittersum Posts: 179 Member
    Thanks all. I would be mainly using it for veggies. Does a blender work for that as well? (Not for Primrose obviously)
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    LoL my bad for misinterpreting, I thought you meant steroids :laugh:
  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member
    We recently bought the Ninja system. We make single serve smoothies and fruit/veggie juices and it's so easy. I have a toddler who is not been good lately about eating his veggies. I blend spinach, plain yogurt, a banana and strawberries together and he loves it! I've been making protein shakes for breakfast and I'm not a banana fan (texture not taste), but I put it in there and you would have no idea because it gets so smooth.

    I like knowing exactly what I'm putting into a smoothie or juice and it's fun to try different combinations. I've used a standard juicer in the past, and besides not getting fiber from the pulp when it's extracted, it's a pain to clean!
  • lotusfairy1
    I like juicing. seems the trick is to make sure that you are doing mostly veggies.. 80-20 to fruit. I like juicing better because I dont absorb nutrients well. getting rid of the fiber that others call waste is perfect for me. If you need the fiber making green smoothies is great and you would want a blender for that. I think that you have to decide what you are looking for and what you need.
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    Agree about the blender. It's what I use. I make smoothies instead of juice. Get all the parts of the fruits and vegetables, including the fiber.
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    My vote's for the juicers.

    My juices typically contain: 1 apple, 1 cucumber, 70g of kale, 70g of spinach, 5-10g of parsley or cilantro, 5g of ginger root, 1-3 celery and 1-3 carrots. From a juicer - this concoction is delicious and easy to drink. In a blender......it's a pulpy, fibrous slop that is not easy to choke down.

    If you're mostly interested in consuming mass quantities of vegetables, juicing is the way to go IMO.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Fiber is an important part of our diet. I have been experimenting with a carrot and spinach base due to an over purchase of carrots. So far, this with an orange was my favorite, but lemon juice and water made a close second. Yogurt was gross.

    I doubt that you are only missing the fiber when you juice. There are probably plenty of nutrients left in that pulp.