Your motivation

What is your motivation? The thing that makes you want to keep going? Whenever you lose focus what makes you brush it off and keep going?:heart::heart:

Whenever I wanna give up or I lose focus I come here to the MOTIVATION AND SUPPORT boards, but my number one pusher I believe is Pinterest. I love fitness quotes when I feel like giving up I just look at a quote :flowerforyou:


  • sjr4291
    sjr4291 Posts: 47 Member
    I have just started to put quotes and videos and things on Pinterest as it is somewhere I know I can go when feeling down!

    My other motivation is my wedding! I will not enjoy my day as much if I am the weight I currently am! :D
  • npetercmway
    My motivation is my family. I want to enjoy retirement with my husband. I want to be around to love on any grandchildren my boys may have. I want to enjoy the ability to "DO" stuff, like hiking, shoveling snow, raking leaves and not have my husband have to do everything (which he very willingly does) because I am not physically able to. I don't want to have health issues as I get older over things that I can control now. Being healthy and active will keep my arthritis from being debiliating. I realize that I am a bit older than you, but I wish I would have taken control of my health at a much younger age and could have enjoyed life more by being able to "do" instead of being so tired and worn out all the time. These things are my motivation and what gets me back on track when I have a bad day.
  • Martakalar
    Hello. I'm total newbie to the site. Motivation- to be fit for more flattering clothes. I wore dress 3 years ago last time and since then I hide my body under baggy sweatpants and sweaters. I'd love to take off my cardigan in summer sunshine and let my body breath...
  • lambchoplewis
    My motivation is fitting into my new clothes. I have been maintaining for 8 months and love to see the same number on the scale and my clothes fit.
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    My motivation is going on holiday in exactly 75 days!

    After that, I will have to find a new motivation to MAINTAIN it LOL!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    What is your motivation? The thing that makes you want to keep going? Whenever you lose focus what makes you brush it off and keep going?:heart::heart:

    stand in front of a full lenght mirror in just your pants... happy? no? put the cake down and go workout!

    works for me!
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    David Goggins.
  • LindaSpoolstra
    My motivation is to stay healthy and enjoy retirement. It's a great time of life. I have time to focus on losing weight, eating right and exercising. I have less stress. I want to be able to do things when we travel and not get tired or winded. I want to avoid diabetes and try to prevent heart problems, strokes or cancer. I want to improve my self-image. When I look in a mirror I want to say "Wow"! I want to wear a size 10 or 12.
  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    I always think of my husband. I want to impress him with my successful body changes. He's superfit, so I feel like I gotta keep up!
  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    1) My health
    2) my future career(law enforcement)
    3) My future family
    4) a sexy short purple dress with my name all over it when I loose all my
  • georgiaduncs
    georgiaduncs Posts: 8 Member
    mine is feeling good in a swimsuit on holiday, in 3 months time :)
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    My biggest motivator is my daughter. She can put a smile on my face when no one else can. I love that about her! Then my husband and my boys. Just knowing they are there for me is awsome. I love this site and watching and reading all the stories people post is awsome! When I'm having a rough day I love to come here and read.
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
  • Leah_Alexis
    Leah_Alexis Posts: 139 Member
    My motivation is my children. We'd like to try for another baby but with the complications I had during my last pregnancy I'm determined to loose weight and have a healthy pregnancy. To keep myself motivated I look at my family. I'm also working on switching my thinking process when it comes to eating and exercise. In the past I would eat what I want whenever I wanted and I would never exercise. I look for motivation quotes to inspire me. I also keep myself to small goals instead of looking at the big picture when it comes to my weight loss and my exercise. I get too discouraged looking at the total number of pounds I have to loose. Instead I'm going 10lbs at a time.
  • Manuellla
    Manuellla Posts: 2 Member
    My motivation is Okinawa: they have elders who still can live by themselves and still work. I'm inspired by that because I don't want to waste time sitting in the couch, life is out there! I want to be able to still travel, play with my grandchildren, etc.

    Also, I want to stop complaining about my body. I want to feel comfortable and happy in my body.

    I'm only 20, but I feel so much pain when I have to run or when I'm doing something physical. I want ot be able to jump around without feeling like I'm going to faint.

    Also, fitness tumblr and their quotes are awesome, some examples:

    Good luck everybody!! ^_^
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    My motivation is when I see someone I haven't seen in a while and they comment on my weight loss. I swear it always comes on a day where I need to hear it. I know how hard I've worked so when others notice, it feels nice and gives me that lil nudge to stay on track!
  • FitCrystalLina
    FitCrystalLina Posts: 50 Member
    I have just started to put quotes and videos and things on Pinterest as it is somewhere I know I can go when feeling down!

    My other motivation is my wedding! I will not enjoy my day as much if I am the weight I currently am! :D

    I myself lost 10pounds for my wedding but sadly I gained 7 back right after. Dont make the same mistake as me. You can do it, think about those wedding pics
  • FitCrystalLina
    FitCrystalLina Posts: 50 Member
    What is your motivation? The thing that makes you want to keep going? Whenever you lose focus what makes you brush it off and keep going?:heart::heart:

    stand in front of a full lenght mirror in just your pants... happy? no? put the cake down and go workout!

    works for me!

    Always a good one
  • Ginoo
    Ginoo Posts: 56
    I took some before photos the other day and was absolutely horrified! Somehow I don't see the same when I look in the mirror. So every time I consider skipping a workout I just take a peek at those photos.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Me.. I want to stay the woman that everyone does a double take at ;)