How do you weigh yourself?

FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
Since your high weights can be inflated (digesting food, water retention), but the lows cannot (you can't fake your lean & fat mass), I weigh every day or so and only log the lowest weight I see in a 7 day period.

It doesn't discourage me. What's your approach? Also, do you include the number after the decimal? lol


  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    Every saturday morning when it's not that time of the month :D
    I do log decimals because it takes me ~2 weeks to drop 1Kg
  • kc0kiu
    kc0kiu Posts: 28 Member
    I check at least every Monday morning. If it is an increase, I will check again for 1-2 days. It does come lower. Also, Sundays are my salty days. for some reason I take in too much on that day. So, the extra weight sould be all water. I have been watching it bounce around by 3 pounds over a week.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    How do you weigh yourself?

    With a scale.
  • SJLS2013
    SJLS2013 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm curious, on what day do you normally see your lowest weight? Have you noticed a pattern?
  • betoarango
    betoarango Posts: 222 Member
    everyday, after going to the bathroom, naked...
  • Kandace_Riopel
    Kandace_Riopel Posts: 80 Member
    i ALWAYS weigh myself first thing in the morning after i pee! .... it is the closest my body can be to consistent ... the only time i will avoid this is if i was out the night before meaning i didnt go to bed until probably after 3 am or if i work a night shift. ..... oh and i do it NAKED .... because clothes vary in weight as well!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    How do you weigh yourself?

    With a scale.

    You took the words right out of my mouth!

    Seriously though, I weigh in either Wednesday or Thursday mornings depending on what I did workout wise the day before. Since today was leg day, I'll most likely weigh in tomorrow unless I end up having more sodium than I'm planning on right now. I wake up, use the bathroom, grab my scale, step on it and bam, done with another weigh in. Since I'm at my goal weight, once I figure out my "magic calorie number" I'll switch to every other week or once a month
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    I weigh every morning after I shave before I brush my teeth. I take that day's weight and plug it in to a spreadsheet (as well as MFP) but that spreadsheet calculates the 15 day moving average, which is the only weight I actually look at when it comes down to caring about my weight loss.
  • Lind5ay90
    Lind5ay90 Posts: 376 Member
    First thing in the morning after I pee! Lol. I, like you, record my lowest weight of the week. If I didn't I'd fluctuate up .5 pounds, down 2 pounds, up .8 pounds, down 3 pounds, etc.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I'm curious, on what day do you normally see your lowest weight? Have you noticed a pattern?

    Actually yeah, usually on Sunday mornings. No idea why exactly, I usually eat more over the weekend but I guess my system clears out better by Sunday.

    For the record I'm usually about 2-4 lbs over my low weight for most of the week due to the steady influx of food and water which is why I've adopted the regiment that I have.
  • Kandace_Riopel
    Kandace_Riopel Posts: 80 Member
    meant to say yes i log the dicimal i tend to weigh many times in week and i log my loses ... i dont log gains unless they stay for a 2 week period or im away from eating healthy and exercising reqularly ..... most often a gain tends to leave after a day or two for me
  • McBatty
    McBatty Posts: 18 Member
    I usually have a calender and mark off my good days for the month. I have to get at least 25 great days to allow myself to check in and weigh myself that month. I only weigh myself monthly because I find if I weigh in everyday my weight fluctuates and I don't want to discourage myself :)
  • I try and weight myself daily but it usually is about 2 or 3 times a week.
    This leads me to an additional question. After a day of overeating (i.e. Easter)... how much do you typically put on ? I probably should not weight myself the following day but I figure it is a good motivator to get back on track and not dwell over what I should or should not have eaten.
  • kaypat09
    kaypat09 Posts: 130 Member
    I weigh [almost] every morning and log every one of my weigh-ins. I like to see the changes!

  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    When I had bulimia I weighed myself numerous times in a day and it was very difficult to break that habit, so now I weigh myself bi-monthly but only if I feel like I've done good and lost something, as a higher weight on the scale is immensely triggering for me.
  • tasson
    tasson Posts: 37
    Do you keep a log of your daily weight? I log my weight once a week, but if I feel like I may have gained, I will start a couple days prior to my scheduled weigh in day, but only log the scheduled day's weight.
  • tasson
    tasson Posts: 37
    everyday, after going to the bathroom, naked...
    Do you keep a log of your daily weight? I log my weight once a week, but if I feel like I may have gained, I will start a couple days prior to my scheduled weigh in day, but only log the scheduled day's weight.
  • debbiewillersveik
    debbiewillersveik Posts: 105 Member
    I haven't been here long.... About three weeks..... Weighed myself after week one & haven't since! I work out longer & eat healthier than I have in my life..... I'm feeling the best I have in DECADES(especially since I also quit smoking) so I'm not sure when I'll weigh again.... I'm going off of how I number can replace THIS my friends!!!! :)
  • TheRightWeigh
    TheRightWeigh Posts: 249 Member
    Well, I was doing it every Saturday, but here lately I've been doing it every 1-3 days. I will probably go back to once a week though. I wouldn't say it's discouraging to see my weight fluctuate, but it makes me wonder which weight I should log. Like, Saturday night and Sunday morning and monday morning I was 431.4 or 431.8...last night I was I log that as I'm pretty sure by the end of the week I will be at like 428...*shrug*...doing it weekly gives me a solid number I can say I am if someone asks...and gives my ticker some stability i'll probably go back to that
  • bradymeans
    bradymeans Posts: 61 Member
    usually every other day as soon i wake up...oh yeah and nude lol.