Jillian Michael's Detox & Cleanse drink



  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I think the best detox you'll get is, working out, sweatin your butt off and drinking plenty off water. I feel good doing this. I dont trust the drinks.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    well its the drink not the capsules...
    dandelion root tea, lemon juice and cranberry juice + water.. not not really a lot of $$$...

    DOnt depend on it but deff add it to your already clean eating... make sure the lemon juice is fresh and the cran has no sugar... will help your insides.

    ^^ Either didn't read the very real information above, or chooses to ignore it and continue to hope for miracles.
  • princess_goal
    princess_goal Posts: 43 Member
  • princess_goal
    princess_goal Posts: 43 Member
    some people should learn how to talk and read questions...
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    some people should learn how to talk and read questions...

    Some people should learn how to accept that the answers they want aren't always going to be the answers they get.

    The answers did not change after you clarified what you were talking about. That is because it is still a bad idea.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    some people should learn how to talk and read questions...

    says the person that thinks a detox is a real thing. whatevs. do what you feel. i'm gonna go have some pancakes.

  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    You don't need to cleanse or detox your body.

    Jillian and Bob have far too often put their names on crap products simply because they want money.

    Don't waste your time or money. Your body doesn't need a cleanse or detox.

    Personally, I refuse to try anything they put their names on or say is good for you. Jillian and her cleanses and detoxes are junk... and that book Bob wrote is filled with false information.
  • princess_goal
    princess_goal Posts: 43 Member
    You don't need to cleanse or detox your body.

    Jillian and Bob have far too often put their names on crap products simply because they want money.

    Don't waste your time or money. Your body doesn't need a cleanse or detox.

    Personally, I refuse to try anything they put their names on or say is good for you. Jillian and her cleanses and detoxes are junk... and that book Bob wrote is filled with false information.

    Thank you, :)
  • toxicat
    toxicat Posts: 79
    This is all it is: http://www.ehow.com/how_4663459_jillian-michaels-detox-water.html

    Very good for you. Lots of water with added nutrients! 100% all natural, and if you can do it organic- even better.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    some people should learn how to talk and read questions...

    says the person that thinks a detox is a real thing. whatevs. do what you feel. i'm gonna go have some pancakes.


    I have nothing to say on the topic of detox/cleanse that hasn't been said - but that pancake vid is fantastic!!
  • toxicat
    toxicat Posts: 79
    Some of her products are actually worth what you pay. Of course she is going to want to profit somehow. Wouldn't you? But not everything she markets is a waste of money. If you Google it, or see my post in this thread, there are ways to make the detox drink cheaper yourself in the long run.

    As an example with this product- it is generally pure probiotics, which usually run around this price range anyway, depending which type of probiotic you buy and how many probiotics are in there. Yes, you could get probiotics from yogurt more "naturally" but that would be a LOT of yogurt:

  • toxicat
    toxicat Posts: 79
    Here is another blog with her detox juice:

    Do I think it is expensive? No.
    Is it healthy? 100% and it is also natural
    Do I think stevia is bad? No, I don't. It is natural from a plant, and I am pre-diabetic, and it does not affect my blood sugar. Should you consume it every single day? Probably not... doesn't really have any nutritional value, for one.
    Should you drink this to lose weight? I wouldn't look at it that way. Drink it because it is healthy. Eat healthy and exercise to lose weight.
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    Anyone that ventures into detox world for profit is treading down the wrong path. Just like Dr. Oz and his hooey telling people what they want to hear. I get the reason they do it, but I have to question anyone that cannot stick to what science backs up.
  • rgrin
    rgrin Posts: 67 Member
    I've been drinking dandelion root tea for about a year now, before I'd ever heard about JM. It helps my reflux, plus that's one more cup of water in my day! I don't find it helps with water weight or whatever "cleansing" it's supposed to do. But I do sleep better!
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    The "detox" drink (yes I know you make it yourself) is nothing more than a diuretic. It isn't even something new. My mother in law used to drink the same mix (except ginger was also an ingredient). You can do it if you want but don't delusion yourself into thinking you are "detoxing" anything. Your body does that itself (unless you have certain health problems). Lost respect for jillian when she started plastering her name on all these weightloss supplements and other BS. I guess now she in it for the money.
  • katie1286
    katie1286 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you toxicat - I think you summed up what I've been thinking. It's not expensive. It's mostly water + some good-for-you stuff.

    And it's not a typical "detox" or "cleanse" where you stop eating or extremely restrict food intake. You just drink this in addition to your normal (ALREADY HEALTHY) eating habits. Again, what can it hurt? I think I spent $10 total and I have way more than what I'll need for my 7 days of this "flush".

    I'm not saying it's definitely going to work. I'm not saying I'm going to lose 10 pounds and be so much healthier. I'm more realistic than that. But sometimes you need to lose a little water weight or bloat quickly, this MIGHT do that for me. And since it is just water + a few natural ingredients, why not try it?
  • atmdaddy
    atmdaddy Posts: 51 Member
    Better off with the Lemonaide diet/cleanse. It's natural and will take out toxins and have some weight loss as added benefit. It takes will power! Do it for 10 days and see how you feel.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I actually just started this yesterday. I read a lot of reviews before starting - some that said it helped flush out water weight and they felt great, others that said it did almost nothing.

    I figured it can't really hurt - I mean, it's water, tea, cranberry juice, and lemon. I discovered that I think it tastes really good. I don't anticipate huge results, as I already drink a TON of water, but again, what could it hurt?

    I'm testing this out now to see if I get good results, then I'll know if I should do it the week leading up to my wedding, just to lose a little bloat before the wedding (if it works).

    This^^^ And you will pee A LOT! Eat a lot of greens and lean meat if you do it. I didn't feel different but I did feel "lighter" if that makes sense. Make a huge jug the night before and drink the jog throughout the day.
  • rderrickwhite
    rderrickwhite Posts: 69 Member
    dandelion root tea is a diuretic... it also has antioxidants. cranberry juice is a diuretic. it also contains antioxidants. lemon juice has a lot of antioxidants and pectin.

    long story short. this drink isn't at all bad for you, so long as you use unsweetened cranberry juice... to the contrary, as long as you use natural ingredients (wash the dandelion roots thoroughly) and make it yourself, it should be a pretty healthy and refreshing drink. it's going to make you pee a lot. it's going to help you prevent urinary tract infections. if you drink enough of it, it will curb your appetite, but so will water all on it's own.

    not a magic bullet, but that wasn't really the question was it?
  • katie1286
    katie1286 Posts: 26 Member
    exactly what I was thinking, let me know how it turns out :) And congrats for the future wedding :)

    And I will report back how it goes. :smile: