Gastric Bypass?...Let's Talk!!!

I had gastric bypass on May 3rd, 2010. I have lots of questions. I appreciate any ideas that could help. Let's start with something easy, like " I was told not to drink for 30 minutes before, during and 30 minutes after my meals". Does everyone have this kind of restriction?


  • debuckl
    debuckl Posts: 360 Member
    I've never had the surgery but my sister did. She would get very sick if she drank with her meals. Also if she ate more than the ounce or so they tell you ate one time she would get sick.
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    I had lap band in oct 09 and we have that same restriction. It takes time but you do get used to it. If you do both you take the chance of getting sick so that is not fun.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    I had laproscopic RYN surgery on 12/15/09. I have the same restriction, no drinking 30 minutes before, during, or 30 minutes after eating. If you drink with meals or too soon after the liquid can push the actual meal out of your pouch too quickly.
    How are you feeling? Are you getting all the protein they've told you to eat?
    It's very important to get all the protein and fluids in, very important. Even now if I don't drink enough on some days I get light headed. Be sure to eat slowly and to stop when you feel full.
  • SassyMissDasha
    I had the lapband done 2/9/06 ..but my doctor told me no drinks 2 hours after a meal.
  • IbettR
    IbettR Posts: 139 Member
    Can't help you, but I do wish you a smooth transition to a whole new lifestyle. Best of luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    I'm feeling ok, thank you for asking. I get as close to the protein mark as I can. Cottage cheese, protein shakes and Greek yogurt are good sources that I eat.

    It took about 6 months to get insurance approval. I saw nutrition couselors during that time. I thought I had it all figured out. Haha!
    I'm really getting an education now! I'm realizing how important it is to eat s-l-o-w-l-y. Any water on top of the food makes me feel terrible and sometimes brings it all back up. It's definitely a serious learning experience.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    When you've recently had surgery another reason for the fluid restriction before eating, besides the ones mentioned above, is that your pouch is so small if you fill it with liquid you won't be able to eat the things you need to stay healthy.
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    I was just wondering how much weight post bypass and lapbanders lost during the first 6 weeks. I've lost about 20 lbs and I'm 4 weeks post-op. Just wondering if I'm keeping pace or not. I feel like I'm in a race. I was told by the doctor that you lose the most weight during the first few months. Is that how it's been for you? Anybody over a year has it been for you? Just wondering....obsessing....whatever!?! LOL
  • indytwin
    indytwin Posts: 1 Member
    yes - stick to that, it really helps., you are eating the right foods and feeling full on the food not just the water, if you drink while you eat you get full quicker and you are denying yourself your foods, thus your vitamins. trust me on this...make it a habit.

  • 02bfitter
    02bfitter Posts: 8
    I was just wondering how much weight post bypass and lapbanders lost during the first 6 weeks. I've lost about 20 lbs and I'm 4 weeks post-op. Just wondering if I'm keeping pace or not. I feel like I'm in a race. I was told by the doctor that you lose the most weight during the first few months. Is that how it's been for you? Anybody over a year has it been for you? Just wondering....obsessing....whatever!?! LOL

    I had my RnY on 18 May - just had my 6 week check up in Hamilton - I've lost a total of 15kgs since I first was weighed in the surgeon's rooms. MY scales tell me 20 kgs have disappeared but tiz ok....I am only early out and have heaps to go. Am not going to be too concerned at this point in time - although, it's blimmin' hard to not get myself in that dark place. Working on it on a daily basis so - all about "balance" in all things in my life. This is a "tool" and we have been given an opportunity to do things the right way from hereon in. There will always be skeptics - money making surgeons? Well, they are not the only ones on the bandwagon....there's the physio, the psychologists, the nutritionists, the doctors, nurses, hospitals - you name it - I THANK THEM ALL VERY MUCH - I now have the opportunity to do it right this time and not get myself depressed about my weight and health. This is MY lifetime commitmentto myself - I needed a kickstart to it to happen... My life has already turned a corner..... my therapist was rapt the other day when I told her about my "core strength" and how I felt after my first and only visit to an advanced physiotherapist trainer...... I am centred, focussed, stable, composed, have poise, self control, self possession, steadiness - am recreating and reconnecting - all about ME!!! Selfish and self centred I know - but all my life I have lived for everyone else - and I only just found that out - at 53 years of age! Sad or what?

    Anyway, sorry to go on... I just saw some other posts on here and decided to give my version of events. Sorry to go off your "quote" - I am a newbie to this site - now I'll probably end up talking to myself forever :):) Keep up the great work. Ciao
  • 02bfitter
    02bfitter Posts: 8
    TRy not to keep pace with anyone but yourself. You will fall into a trap of forever wondering whether you are keeping up with everyone and that's not a good place to be. We all lose at different paces - I know this for a fact because I have a friend who is eating the same as I am and is not losing as much. Oh yes - be aware that you may just STOP losing anything. I did this at 4 weeks out - for 2 whole weeks nothing seemed to shift from those awful scales - I JUST GOT RID OF THEM ALTOGETHER - my dh hid them from me coz I was freaking out! I am now calm and focussed. Ok - time for a bike ride :)
  • cleeclee72
    I had my RNY on May 20th 2010 right about the same time as you :) I was also given the same restriction I would stick with esp if you eat any kind of bread it swells up bad and that doesnt feel good at all!
    How much are you down I hit 75 pounds but am at a 3 week stall right now which is why I joined this site I dont eat enough or get enough protein. So I hope this helps
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    I had my RNY on May 20th 2010 right about the same time as you :) I was also given the same restriction I would stick with esp if you eat any kind of bread it swells up bad and that doesnt feel good at all!
    How much are you down I hit 75 pounds but am at a 3 week stall right now which is why I joined this site I dont eat enough or get enough protein. So I hope this helps

    Well, I'm at 68 pounds. I hit a plateau a while back but I bumped up my exercise and broke through it.
    Congrats on losing 75 pounds already! That's great. It's really important to get the protein. I have the same problem getting it all in some days. It's not as easy people think it is. It's hard work.