Does anyone else have hundreds of pounds to lose?



  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    I do I'm 5ft0 and am supposed to weigh around 129 I used to weigh 260 now i weigh 244, the journey is going to be long but we can do this

    Congrats on your success so far!!! And you are right, it will be long, but well worth it when we do it!!!
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    No diet will work, as you have learned.

    So when you are starting on this journey, you need to accept that what you are doing is not a "diet", is a way of life.

    Can you be on Nutrisystem for the rest of your life? Would it be healthy for you? The answer is no. So even if you do loose that way, you know what comes next.

    But eating healthy food, tracking what you eat, and being very active is a lifestyle choice. That is the same lifestyle that you will have after you loose the weight (except you can eat at maintenance level instead of a calorie deficit level). But I think the impatience derails many people from this sensible plan. The "I want this weight gone now, no matter what I have to do, as fast as possible" attitude can be dangerous. It is almost as people are willing to make enormous sacrifices in the short term, with kind of the expectation that they can go back to having a "normal" life after they are done and enjoy the fruits of their labor. But what really needs to happen, is for a person to re-define "normal".

    Wonderful advice and you are right. And I love the re-define normal. I've lived this way for so long it's *normal* to me, but not to many others, so I have to learn what is *normal* eating actually is like. I'm definitely noticing a difference in my choices I'm making now that I'm tracking my calories. :)
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    You can do this; I think about food all the time!!

    when i was 430 went to Doctor to discuss surgery.

    Started slowly, added MFP; logged everything (good or bad) sometimes I lost sometimes I plateaued. added exericse

    28 monhs later 126 down!

    Its one day at a time but you can make it happen!!

    Thank you and congrats on your success so far!!! Awesome. The good and bad thing is what I really need to remember. I tend to run from wanting to track when I do bad, but it really does need to be the good and the bad.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Yup long way to go
  • ryanrieb
    ryanrieb Posts: 25 Member
    At the beginning (351lbs) I wanted to loose 100+ lbs. I'm currently at 309lbs which is a total of 42lbs lost. I started tracking with MFP regularly when i had lost about 6lbs in the beginning. I checked in once in awhile, and not until recently have i began using it daily. Ideally i would like to be around 225ish, which would be a total loss of about 125lbs. I am a big guy though, I'm 6'4 and a large build. I dont know what my "goal" weight is yet, I just want to keep going until i think its time to maintain. Good luck to you all, feel free to add me as a friend. I love having people to keep in touch with and to motivate one another!
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    There are two aspects of disordered eating--physical and spiritual.

    Thank you for all the advice. I am definitely looking at going to a pool we have in the area. I luckily don't have joint issues yet (another thing that shocks my doctors), but I find it much easier to just move around in the pool. It's just my fear of wearing a swimming suit in public I need to get over. :)
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    My therapist laughed at me and asked if things tick me off more than they used to - I said of course they do. He said that's because I'm not relying on food to take the pain away anymore - I'm learning to deal with things differently.

    Sorry for posting a novel - didn't expect it to play out like this. Point is: you can do this. You've done it before, you can do it again - and this time for keeps!!. Hire the right people. If you have to narrow it down due to cost: two people I'd see would be a nutritionist and a therapist - yes, both of them if possible.

    For what it's worth, and good luck!!

    This really hit home for me. It took me 6 years to lose a hundred pounds. Why? Because I wasn't dealing with the issues that got me obese to begin with. I lost the first 80 pounds quickly, then gained 30 back because I hadn't dealt with my emotional eating. I stayed about the same weight for two years but it was a constant struggle to keep the original 50 pounds off. Eventually I started working through my issues instead of covering them with food and slowly (very slowly) the weigh started to come off.

    If I had a therapist, it might not have taken me 6 years to come to terms with my issues with food...

    Very good advice and thank you for sharing your story!

    To the OP - Lots of good advice and helpful people on MFP. Good luck on your weight loss journey! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you and congrats on your success!!! I have been trying to find a therapist to help me with the issues I have with food. Still haven't found a good fit, but I will keep trying, because before I moved many years ago I had a really good one and that's when I was doing my best at losing and keeping it off.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    there is a group of people on here who have 100 plus pounds to lose, and your story is not as unique as you fear,
    its not a big bunch of muscle heads telling you your weak or awfull, for the most part this is a great and really supportive group of people who are here to help each other out.
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    I started this journey for the first time 3 weeks ago, I started at 270 lbs, today i am at goal right now is to lose at least 130 lbs....then see how i feel/what i look like at that point in time and go from there. And i can tell you, i definately did the babysteps thing! lol, I was scared to proceed, scared to fail, blah, blah, blah...I have slowly changed almost my whole way of eating, i love finding new recipes to try, and i actually love logging my food everyday and reading all labels, measuring EVERYTHING out and all of that. To me right now, it is alot of fun, and i give myself a goal everyday of how i want that day to look. I started my exercise off with just walking, now im incorporating situps and also as of Friday i bought 2 biggest loser workouts dvds and some hand weights. Let me tell you, they are awesomely hard!! lol! I'm loving it, and i even started using a curl bar yesterday, yay me! Anyone and everything can do this journey as long as they have support and inspiration. Everyday it gets easier and I start feeling better! that is what is keeping me focused and motivitated at the moment! And all the amazing success stories on here :wink:

    Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help each other through this!

    I can hear your excitement through your post and it just made me really excited as well!!! We got this...we CAN and WILL do this!!! I'm taking small steps this time to change my current habits every day so that I learn the new ones that will sustain me for the rest of my life. Congrats on your success so far. I'm down 11 pounds since starting on MFP and 17 since deciding this was going to be the LAST time I needed to lose this much weight. Keep up the good work!!!
  • frankb69
    frankb69 Posts: 38 Member
    i did have wls.. i topped the scale at 550lbs it was a matter a life and death for me, i already suffered 3 strokes and my risk of having another one that would surely kill me was to great to wait anylonger now im down 125 lbs in 6 months.. you can do this no matter with method you choose, you have to wants this . keep taking positive steps towards your goals, keep a positive mental attitude because you will go thru hard and low times, good luck to you and freind me if you would like, ill help in anyway i can.. Frank..
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    I'm a bit like you. Have put on loads of weight and tried every diet on this planet. Non have ever worked. So, I've given up trying to diet and I've changed my way of thinking to boot. Trying NOT to binge, eating 80% healthy & 20% not so! :tongue: and logging EVERYTHING on here. I've set myself a target of 1lb a week weightloss (started 31.12.12) and am down 17lbs. Not a lot and could have been double but I'm happy going at this slow pace. You can do this. Here to cheer you on :bigsmile:

    Thank you and congrats on your success so far!!! 17 pounds is how much I have lost too since starting over (11 since being on MFP), slowly, but surely we WILL get there!!!
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    Been there, done that, you can, too!!!

    How inspiring!!! Congrats on your amazing success!!! Thank you for your support. :)
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    Yup long way to go

    Same here...we can do it!!! You've done great so far...keep up the good work!!!
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    At the beginning (351lbs) I wanted to loose 100+ lbs. I'm currently at 309lbs which is a total of 42lbs lost. I started tracking with MFP regularly when i had lost about 6lbs in the beginning. I checked in once in awhile, and not until recently have i began using it daily. Ideally i would like to be around 225ish, which would be a total loss of about 125lbs. I am a big guy though, I'm 6'4 and a large build. I dont know what my "goal" weight is yet, I just want to keep going until i think its time to maintain. Good luck to you all, feel free to add me as a friend. I love having people to keep in touch with and to motivate one another!

    Thank you and congrats on your success so far. I'm not quite sure what my goal weight is either. I'm 5'10 and can easily carry around a bit more weight, but it's really just a wait and see thing at this point. Ideally I'd like to be between 160 and 180, but we will see what happens as I get closer. Keep up the good work!!!
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    there is a group of people on here who have 100 plus pounds to lose, and your story is not as unique as you fear,
    its not a big bunch of muscle heads telling you your weak or awfull, for the most part this is a great and really supportive group of people who are here to help each other out.

    Thank you. :)
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    i did have wls.. i topped the scale at 550lbs it was a matter a life and death for me, i already suffered 3 strokes and my risk of having another one that would surely kill me was to great to wait anylonger now im down 125 lbs in 6 months.. you can do this no matter with method you choose, you have to wants this . keep taking positive steps towards your goals, keep a positive mental attitude because you will go thru hard and low times, good luck to you and freind me if you would like, ill help in anyway i can.. Frank..

    Thank you and congrats on your success so far. I'm sorry to hear about your strokes, but I am glad you have found what works for you...I hope to find the same for me as I don't want to live life on the sidelines any longer. :)
  • nicholedemma
    I have 180-200 pounds to lose and just started using myfitness pal today. Join me in my journey on facebook at Diagnosis Fat: A Weightloss journey, We can do this as a team :) Good Luck!
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I have 100+ lbs to lose also, Feel free to add me! Good luck. :bigsmile:
  • abazooday727
    I have 263# to lose...Join me too! We can help each other. WE CAN DO IT!:drinker: