Weight Loss Questionnaire



  • • Gender: Female
    • Age: 28

    • Starting weight: 141
    • Current weight: 135
    • Goal weight: 120-125

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which): I want to lose weight in order to look and feel healthier, have more energy, and regain my self-confidence!

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?): Two years ago, I got a good job offer - I accepted. The problem? It's a desk job. Before that, I had always done manual labor...landscaping, construction, etc. I NEVER had to watch what I ate, never had to go to the gym, and I was in fantastic shape. However, since I had no experience with eating healthy/working out, I quickly lost a lot of my muscle tone, and gained weight. My clothes weren't fitting, I didn't like how I looked, my chronic back problems were increasing in frequency/intensity...I had to do something. So here I am. :)

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? Nope.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered): No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate): Yes, and no. Of course, the daily bombardment of media with pictures/videos of ridiculously fit, gorgeous models doesn't help make you feel beautiful...but, at the same time, you have to realize that so much of that is fake. Plastic surgery, airbrushing, crazy diets, etc. I'm not interested in all that.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Well, ME several years ago. Lol. I keep a folder of pictures on my computer of me several years ago to keep me motivated. :)

    • Why do you want to look that way? Because I was confident, happy with how I looked, and felt great.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…): Well, at first, I tried going to the gym, 3 days a week, but not focusing as much on a diet plan. After 3+ months of NO progress, I realized that diet is SO much more of it than I thought. So, now, I am trying to keep my food journal here on MFP, watching what I eat (macros especially - protein vs. fat vs. carbs, instead of just calories). I'm eating a lot less processed foods, but not going overboard about it. I found if I stick to TOO strict a plan, that's when I tend to be more tempted to stray. Between that and running several times a week, I'd say I'm making progress. :) My current goal is to be able to run/walk (probably more walking. Lol) a half marathon at the end of the month.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? Gosh...abs. Lol. I have a bad back (weak muscle, spasms, etc.) so I can't really do ANY repetitive ab exercises. It's frustrating. For now, I'm just working on my other less-problematic areas...thighs, butt, etc...and I'll work on that when the time comes.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated): Depends on the day...some days, I'm super motivated, feeling like i'm making progress...then, other days, it takes some serious self-pep talks to get me going. Lol. I think my problem is seeing other people lose weight so quickly...I don't have much to lose, so it's VERY slow coming off...and VERY easy to put back on!

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online): Yup...here on MFP. Granted, that means I have to log in...but it is great to have people encouraging me. In real life..yes, people encourage me verbally, but they still eat all sorts of "bad" foods in front of me. Lol.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public): Not really...not a significant enough difference I don't think.

    • What motivates you? Pictures of myself 3 years ago, and my wedding in June of this year. :)

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset): Like giving up! But then I realize, I've already made this much progress, so, if I wipe the slate and start fresh, I'm still ahead of where I was!

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible): At the moment, it seems very far away...but, I'm still ahead of where I was!

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? First...ecstatic. :) Then, a little nervous about keeping it there. Lol.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I guess i'll re-consider my goals, and adjust as necessary.

    • What is your biggest worry? That I won't ever get there...and I'll finally give up.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?: PATIENCE!!!!

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? I mentioned it above...a friend of mine told me this. He said, "If you ever have a bad day, and feel like giving up...just think: If you forgot about the past, and decided to start fresh today...the progress you've made to date is just a bonus...you're already ahead of the game on your first day!"
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Gender: Female
    • Age: 22

    • Starting weight: 160
    • Current weight: Fluctuate between 130-135.
    • Goal weight: 130 (Although, I don't care about the scale anymore)

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) Lose weight. Vanity and accomplish goals I set for myself.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? No.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Myself, but better.

    • Why do you want to look that way? Because that's who I am and every person is unique.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I ate at a deficit and exercised. I'm eating more now that I've reached my weight loss goal. Working on fitness/body goals now.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? All over.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) Positive. More confident. Motivated to do even better and continue to exceed goals and set new ones.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) Yes, both my awesome friends on here and people IRL.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) Yes. Sometimes it's "why are you eating that, aren't you on a diet" or "you need a sandwich!"

    • What motivates you? Myself and knowing that it's up to me to become the best me possible. Although, I will admit, seeing pictures and success stories is motivating as well.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I don't get upset. I just get back to it. It also can be motivating to do better.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) Goals are always changing. I reached my weight loss goal and set new goals that don't pertain to my scale weight. It never ends, just keep going.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I did reach my original weight loss goal and I am still proud.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I thought I'd be done, but I wasn't. I set new goals.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? Many things pertaining to eating, exercise/fitness, myself. I am continually learning.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? You'll always regret not working out but you will never regret a work out.
  • Danam48
    Danam48 Posts: 129 Member
    bump for later
  • GingerBiscuit_19
    GingerBiscuit_19 Posts: 75 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 22

    • Starting weight: 248lb (18st)
    • Current weight: 233lb (16st9)
    • Goal weight: 143lb (10st3)

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose weight? I have a heart condition and I don't want to die. I want to look and feel healthy. I want to be a good partner to someone in the future. I'm sick of being big.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… I never had a problem with my weight until I was about 9. I went to live with my grandparents and I over ate alot. I think it was alot of comfort eating really. My weight stabilised during my teens at around 12st (so I was overweight but about a size 12/14, but I was fine with it). Then I started contraception when I was 16 and my weight rocketed! Also my foster carer used to feed me alot of Marks and Spencers food lol, which is nice but very high in fat and calories!

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No, I wouldn't say that. But I think I have a problem noticing that I've got bigger. To me, my body looks exactly the same as it did when I was 13...

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? Nope! I did consider Bulimia at one point though. Stupid!

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? Not particularly. I don't like fake poeple and alot of the people in the media are fake these days.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? My sister actually! She has put on a bit of weight since having her baby, but I think she looks lovely and glowing and I adore her body shape! (she is pear shaped like me, but she's not as fat as me so it shows better on her!)

    • Why do you want to look that way? Because even though it's slightly chubby, I think it's cute. I wouldn't want to be stick thin. the moment I see a bone I know I've gone way too far...

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible. I eat 1300 calories per day and watch my saturated fat intake. i aim for a piece of fruit every day (I'm not a big fruit eater) and I try to eat as much protein as I can. i drink as much water as possible. I avoid anything that has a red label on the traffic lights labelling we have on food (UK), no matter what it is that is red, whether it be fat, salt, sugar, whatever. And if something is over 430 calories I won't touch it either. I eat lots of veg on a daily basis, being pescetarian. I go to the gym every day during the week and do aerobics classes, pilates classes and Circuit training and I walk alot.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? I'm trying to change all over, but I'd say my most embarrassing area is my bingo wings, so I'm eager to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss? (Positive/negative/motivated) It varies. Today, I feel motivated, but not necessarily positive, as I know I have a long way to go and I'm struggling to see the change, even though I've lost over a stone in weight. Also it is taking me a long while. I lost alot of weight to start off with and then let things slip and nearly gained the lot back on (I got to 231lb and put on to 243lb), and I still haven't got back down to where I was. It's added another month and half to my weight loss :(

    • Have you got people who support you? Lots!

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? I don't really know - I haven't asked or noticed. but I'm very open with everybody about my weight loss and diet.

    • What motivates you? The prospect of a good weigh in on saturday! I'm going to Cyprus in September, so need to be in much better shape for that; and I have a friend that insists that Slimming World is the best thing and you lose loads of weight on it yada yada... I personally think it's a con, and I want to prove to her that it can be done for free :)

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? I don't feel like giving up necessarily, but it does often lead to a binge and can last a few days...

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) It seems VERY far away....

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Happy I hope!

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Oooh gosh I don't know! I haven't thought about it! DRINK! haha! na, only kidding. I genuinely don't know.

    • What is your biggest worry? That I will have loads of excess skin, and my stretchmarks will look more prominant. ( I earned them through getting fat, not childbirth...)

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? To NEVER fall off the bandwagon again, coz it sets you back two months...If there's two in a packet, you don't have to eat the two of them. This also saves me alot of money these days. Packets of Pasta n Sauce are two servings, not one. Cleaning burns LOADS!

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? "Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold". I don't know if it's relevant or not, but I love it all the same :)
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 19

    • Starting weight: 190
    • Current weight: 183
    • Goal weight: 145

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    Lose weight: to be athletic again after surgery. Feel healthy and fit.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    Wasn't happy with weight since puberty, even though, looking back in hindsight, I wasn't fat. Depression/stress from family issues and physical injuries contributed to unhealthy eat (and fitness) habits.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)
    Sometimes, because of the way the clothes fit.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?

    • Why do you want to look that way?
    Beautiful, fit, and curvy

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)
    Lowering calorie intake to ~1500 calories. Working out ~4x/week. Doing both cardio and heavy weights.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    All over

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    Not really. (MFP friends, but to me, it's much different than in real life)

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)

    • What motivates you?
    Being healthy. Looking & feeling good, and powerful/strong/endurance

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    Upset, but motivated to do better

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    It seems far away and a long and hard journey

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    I don't know why I wouldn't feel that way...I'd probably go to a therapist...lol

    • What is your biggest worry?
    Giving up again

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    Not to push through injuries and listen to your doctor and body...lol. And it's okay to treat yourself once in awhile instead of depriving yourself...if I don't I will binge. Also, heavy lifting for women makes you effing sexy.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? Oh god...can I list a couple, pretty please?

    "A river cuts through rock not because of it's strength, but because of it's persistence"
    "Strive for progress, not perfection"
    "The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or it can be the slowest form of poison"
    "Losing weight is hard... maintaining weight is hard...staying over weight is hard....Choose your hard"

    Sorry, I couldn't choose :'(
  • samgolod
    samgolod Posts: 93 Member
    Age: 44
    Starting weight: 188lbs
    Current Weight: 161 lbs
    Goal Weight: 148 lbs
    I want to lose weight to have more energy, be stronger and look better
    Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No
    Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? No
    Who has your ideal body? don't know
    Why do you want to look that way? Because it shows I'm healthy
    What are you doing to change your weight? Eating at TDEE - 20% and doing some exercise 5/6 days a week
    Do you have problem areas? Yes! A really big bum
    How do you feel about your weight loss? Really pleased, I feel like I am taking control of my health
    Have you got people who support you? yes my husband is doing this with me and my children weigh me every Saturday
    Has dieting changed how people treat you? Yes - I think people take me more seriously now I am slimmer
    If you fall off the wagon how do you feel? That I need to get back on the wagon...
    How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? More confident, lighter and stronger
    What have you learnt so far? That it is very easy not to be honest with yourself
    What is your favourite relevant quote? Not sure
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23

    Starting Weight: 260 lbs
    Current Weight: 182-186 (Fluctuate throughout the day.)
    Goal: 170 lbs

    What are my reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight?
    Avoid health issues, be more energetic, look good in clothes and feel better about myself.

    I don't have an eating disorder.

    I don't care what the media thinks since their bias anyway.

    I don't look at anyone else only myself.

    Because I want to be healthy, fit, muscular, toned and have more energy.

    Look on my posts for more info on my diet/work outs.

    Mainly right now I'm just trying to get rid of my loose skin and get toned.

    It's annoying when I gain weight or don't lose enough weight but that also gives me time to look at what I've been eating and finding ways to improve.

    A lot of people support me. Only support I care about is myself because I'm the one doing all of the work to get there.

    Dieting/fitness have shown me that it's important and that you have to always pay attention if your remain healthy.

    Over the years I've fallen off many times. 1st time: 287lbs-205lbs ; 2nd time (currently): 260lbs-182lbs [Just goes to show you it's important that you pay attention and must make an effort to change.]

    I motivate myself.

    When I reach my weight goal I'll be satisfied but there's always room for improvement on fitness.

    I'll be excited/proud of myself once my goals are met.

    I've learned that there's no quick fix. It all comes down to hard work, determination, motivation to improve and how bad do you want it.

    "If you can't kill it, grow it or pick it don't eat it."
    "Nothing is impossible when heart and mind are put to the test."-Spartacus
    "A man can only give up in two if he quits or he dies."
    "The only easy day was yesterday."-SEAL Team 1
    "I came. I saw. I conquered."-Julius Caesar
    (I like a lot of quotes. Hard to narrow it down.)
  • Thrasherbabe
    Thrasherbabe Posts: 68 Member
    Gender: Female
    • Age: 20

    • Starting weight: 154
    • Current weight: 139
    • Goal weight: 125-130

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? The reasons I am losing weight are simple. I want to feel good, concerning all aspects of my life. I want to look at myself in the mirror and accept myself, my lifestyle, my body, and who I am as a person. Losing weight doesn't only change the number on the scale but it also changes my mentality. One day I hope to become a mother and instill a healthy relationship with food in their life. I want to introduce REAL, LIVE, and WHOLE foods. No more processed, non-nutrient dense foods. We only have a short amount of time here on Earth to enjoy and the best way to do that is to make sure our bodies are nourished in it tip-top shape. I have become a very active person and since then, I have established more friendships but also a desire to be in the outside world.

    • Tell me a bit about your past: As a child I always thought I was a little on the heavier side, never overweight but I think I struggled more than the average girl with her weight. Starting a young age I was always looking into diets. During Junior High is when I started to put the most weight on, I decided to make a change and became more active by going to the gym. Entering high school I was at my lowest weight, 125. I was skinnier and thought well of myself. As time progressed I slowly started adding on the pounds. At the end of high school I was probably at around 135-140lb. Since my sophomore year in high school I have been working in an ice cream shop. After my senior year we also opened a candy shop and this is where I started to really pack on the pounds!! I would 1/2lb bags of taffy almost every shift, along with other samples. I couldn't control myself. I was addicted. EATING JUNK FOOD WAS A HABIT! The environment that we establish ourselves in I think can make a huge impact of how we create and mold ourselves as people. At this point I weighed my heaviest, a whopping 156lbs! On my small frame of 5'3'', it was disgusting.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? Throughout my eating mayhem I did trying eating and purging, lasting about a week. But I also would consider overeating an eating disorder as well.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? Previously stated. ^^

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? I could go on and on about this. One thing is true; we, as a nation, will always want to compare ourselves to those who are not like us. We want to be taller, more toned, prettier, etc. And maybe in a sense it pushes us to be the better version of ourselves (if we go about it in a healthy manner). But realistically, I know that I will never ever look like a Victoria's Secret model. I am not DESIGNED to look like that. This is one of the biggest hurdles some of us have yet to overcome...

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? I am my own inspiration. Yes, sometimes I will look at other women and say, "Wow, they are beautiful." But I don't want to look like them, I want to look like me. I want to see MY ribs, my perky butt and my strong, buff arms. If I had to choose a woman to look up to though, I would choose Kate Upton. She's curvacious and absolutely beautiful.

    • Why do you want to look that way? I believe her and I have similar body types.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? I started out with doing a Fitness Kickboxing and a MMA class about 5-6 days a week. I felt stronger and had more endurance but I wasn't seeing a shift in weight or inches. I knew it was my diet. So, I started tracking everything I ate and put into my mouth. I made myself become responsible for the way I ended up. I was eating about 1200 calories a day and burning about 3000-3500 calories a week. The scale began to shift and I knew that this was the healthier way to start doing things. After about 2-3 weeks I got my body fat checked and was at 22%. During this time, my martial arts instructor suggested that I exclude gluten from my diet. After doing research all night, It was decided, I would become gluten-free. I slowly was still losing weight but felt a whole lot better from excluding all breads, pastas, pastries, crackers, etc., from my diet. I also joined a Jiu Jistu class about 2 months ago and am loving it. I find that going to classes and being involved in something with other people really motivates me to be a better me. I eat mainly whole foods, with an occasional treat (no reason to restrict myself from all good things) and eat a lot of protein to keep up with my strength training (approx. 110-140g a day).

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? I have always loved the shape of my body but of course, my stomach is/was absolutely the most terrifying place. I had rolls! At age 20, I knew I needed to change this. Also, the outside of my thighs needed a lot of toning.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? There will always be ups and downs but I keep myself motivated and positive because there is no where to go but UP.

    • Have you got people who support you? MFP has really helped with encouraging me to make healthy choices and gave me the support system I needed. My significant other really supports me but as far as family goes, they always try to pressure me to eat what they are eating.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? I think people now see that I am actually serious about losing weight and compliment me on my loss. It makes feel really good about myself and encourages me to keep going.

    • What motivates you? You. Everyone who is trying to change their own lives. But ultimately, I try to be my biggest supporter.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? I kick myself for the rest of the day but keep going. NO reason to stop.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? My hope is that by July I will have reached my goal weight.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Delighted. Overwhelmed with joy. HOT hot hot. Sexy. Confident. Motivated.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I will. I have no choice.

    • What is your biggest worry? To not see results as fast as I'd like to. Or for other people to not see me like I see myself.

    • What have you learned on your journey so far? Hard work and dedication will pay off. Its not about being perfect, it's about being consistent.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? "Obsessed is the word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    Gender: Female
    • Age: 33

    • Starting weight: 180
    • Current weight: 143
    • Goal weight: 138

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I couldnt stand it that my size 10 clothes didnt fit and I refused to buy size 12. I didnt recognize my own face in the mirror anymore. I looked like the thing that swallowed Kelley so I decided to do something about it.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I was always a normal weight. It wasnt until I stopped working out when I went back to college at 27 while working full time that my body changed. I had bad eating habits ( fried most things, cooked veggies in oil, didnt understand portion sizes) that without the gym to balance it I gained 40 lbs over 8 years.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) No

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? No one has an ideal body. I dont look to anyone other than myself. You can find flaws in every body so Id rather concentrate on the one I have.

    • Why do you want to look that way? see above

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) Calorie/portion control, walking as exercise. Started at 1200 calories a day to lose 2lbs a week, now eating 1430 to lose .5 a week. Just added more exercise this week to tone up as I have lost most of the weight.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? My upper thighs need to be toned up, as do my arms.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I am happy and motivated to achieve the end result. Im happy with what I look like now that it has motivated me to improve upon it.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) My boyfriend is very supportive. I only recently obtained online friends. I didnt feel the need for other people to spur me along. Myself was enough. It is nice to have the recognition of others along the way but it wasnt a necessity for me to lose weight.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) No.

    • What motivates you? Me. I wanted to feel good about myself again.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I havent fell off the wagon.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) It was very reachable. It never seemed impossible. I tend to not thing about the finish line in any area of my life. I always concentrate on each step I have to take. Makes reaching the end easier.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I already reached my first goal and was very pleased. I only added an additional 6 lbs to my goal so I wouldnt be inbetween clothing sizes anymore.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? N/A

    • What is your biggest worry? In the back of my mind I worry I will gain weight again. Even though I feel like MFP has taught me how to eat properly I'm 99% sure I wont but everyone has a little doubt.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? Calories actual mean something. They are not some meaningless number on a label. You can still eat whatever you want and feel full and satisfied even though you are controlling the portions. I no longer keep eating because something tastes good. I eat my portion which always fills me up and learned how to fight the empty urges to eat when i am not hungry.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? I'm not a quoting type of chick :)
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    bump for later
  • motogsp
    motogsp Posts: 109 Member
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 42

    • Starting weight:250
    • Current weight: 231
    • Goal weight: 190

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? Reason for losing weight is to be more active and able to move around more easily

    • Tell me a bit about your past… I was always playing sports and fit through my childhood and into my 20's then my 30's hit and it is when things began to change. Less activity more beer drinking and pot smoking which in turned to eating way to much and being lazy.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? no

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? no

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? no

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? I dont really have someone but a look that is pleasing. It would be cut and fit.

    • Why do you want to look that way? because it would make me happy and feel sexy

    • What are you doing to change your weight? I am doing p90x to get in better shape and eating right to help lose the lbs. Staying away from booze and drugs. I cant drink beer so that is an easy one to stay away from.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? My belly but going for an all over change

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? Positive and motivated

    • Have you got people who support you? yes my wife is my biggest supporter

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? honestly I have not notice a difference other then something new to talk about

    • What motivates you? Determination and knowing the end results.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? I deal with depression so it hits me hard I beat myself up something feirce

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? good I know it will happen because I want it to happen.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? extra sexy and super happy

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? keep searching for what makes me feel that way

    • What is your biggest worry? failing

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? that it takes time and cant expect results over night

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? train hard live easy
  • abetterluke
    abetterluke Posts: 625 Member
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 27

    • Starting weight: 233
    • Current weight: 225
    • Goal weight: 160

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which): I want to have more energy and look good. I want to not have to worry about health problems as I get older.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) Started in my teenage years. Lost a bunch of weight senior year. Gained it back a few years later.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? Yes. Binge eating is a big issue for me. I lose all control at times.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) Eh...kind of. Being a guy I'd say not so much.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Tom Hardy

    • Why do you want to look that way? I don't know. I think he's got a similar build naturally to me....so it's probably somewhat doable with a lot of hard work.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) Eat less processed food and less junk food. Drink more water. Run 3 days per week. Do strength training a couple days a week.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? Man boobs. But all over mostly.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) Indifferent. I haven't been losing as quick as I'd like...but I do suspect some if it is muscle gain and fat loss washing each other out. My pants fit better.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) My wife, My co-workers.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) Sort of...my co-workers are good about making healthier choices when we do things like break room breakfasts and pot lucks.

    • What motivates you? Looking good I suppose.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) Like a drug addict. Seriously...I feel like food is completely controlling me.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) It's far away. I'm trying to set smaller goals along the way so that I don't have that big glaring number staring at me all the time.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Fan-f'ing-tastic.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Most likely whether I feel fantastic or not I'm going to set new goals. It might be to lose another 5 lbs. It might be to gain muscle. Only time will tell.

    • What is your biggest worry? Giving up for the hundredth time.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? Well...for one I'm pretty certain "learnt" isn't a word. But I've learned that 90% of the stuff you see on tv/magazines/internet about weight loss is BS. There's no reason to starve yourself. There are no miracle foods. And weight loss isn't the most important thing. Health is.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? Don't have one.
  • Circapaleo
    Circapaleo Posts: 114
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 38

    • Starting weight: 183
    • Current weight: 170
    • Goal weight: 110

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    I want to lose weight so I can be thin and not let my weight interfere with living life.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    I was skinny up until my early 30s. There was no specific event. I was always able to eat whatever I wanted until my early 30s. I gained weight and didn’t really know how to eat in a way that would prevent gaining weight. I lost it using a effective, but crash, diet. I gained all of it and more back. I was a little bit in denial about how much I had gained and how bad it looked because I bought bigger clothes, and avoided scales and mirrors.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)
    I don’t believe so. We are hard-wired for attributes like healthy, beautiful, athletic, etc to be attractive to us as humans.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?
    I don’t have a particular person’s body in mind. I tend to like the “sleek Hollywood” type bodies…Jessica Alba, Salma Hayek, etc. I also really liked mine when I was in the 125-130 lb range.

    • Why do you want to look that way?
    These types of bodies look beautiful to me and clothes fit so nicely.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)
    I’m mostly low-carb with some carb/calorie cycling. I get most of my calories from meat, fats, and veggies that I raise or buy from farms or natural food markets. I supplement heavily with high quality vitamins because I believe our food doesn’t have a very high nutrient content due to demineralization of soils, and trying to prevent some genetic health issue. I would do this whether losing weight or maintaining on any plan. I don’t exercise all that much right now…about 20 minutes 3 times a week, but I am building up my stamina and increasing my walk/run distances and interspersing it with some things like zumba, P90, 30DS.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    I don’t have a specific problem area. The fat on my arms and thighs is the last to go, but I know it eventually does.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)
    Overall I’m defiantly motivated by my weight loss so far. I do have many moments of doubt that it’s really working, that I can sustain it, that I can maintain, etc.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    Strangely, no. My real life people are encouraging no matter what I do…they are nice to me whether I am fat or skinny. That doesn’t really help much because they make me fell less bad about myself if I fail to lose and that makes it easier to slip a little. There are nice people online who cheerlead, but having people say, “wtg,” or “awesome” a few times a week isn’t all that supportive. But I think the key for it sticking this time has been not needing external support and motivation and finding it within myself. I’m doing this for me.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)
    Actually gaining the big slug of weight changed how people saw me more than losing.

    • What motivates you?

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    I feel disappointed in myself for not planning to handle hunger better cause I know it will happen. When I think about why I “fell off the wagon” it always boils down to not preparing for hunger, giving myself allowances or diet tweaks, or putting myself in situations that I know I can’t handle. Like getting really hungry and being near an opened bag of chips. The ending is never good. So, I try to always have a plan, and I also make my husband keep opened bags of chips somewhere I can’t easily get to, like at work or the trunk of his car.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    I’m excited about it. It feels far away, but I know it’s coming and I’m going to enjoy it when it gets here. I used to get impatient because it would feel so far away, and that always made me resort to crash diets so I could get there faster. Who wants to take a year to lose 60 pounds when you could do it in 4 months?

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?
    I’ve been there before and I know I will love it.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    I don’t know. I guess explore why I don’t enjoy my goal weight. I don’t like being fat so I certainly won’t gain it back.

    • What is your biggest worry?
    That I won’t stick with it to make it to my goal weight.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    Small, consistent steps will get me there eventually. And if you haven’t been eating many vegetables, don’t all of a sudden ramp it up to several servings a meal. Whoa nelly…that’s way too much of a sudden fiber load.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    I don’t have one. (meaning I don't have one...that's not the quote)
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 24

    • Starting weight: 160
    • Current weight: 132
    • Goal weight: 127

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I lost weight because I was sick of myself. I was always self conscious and didn't want to be anymore.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I grew up always playing sports in high school (track, basketball, volleyball, cheerleading). Once i graduated, went to college and lost all physical activity. And the scale went up.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? Nope. I love eating =)

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) Nope. The stick thin girls don't appeal to me. I'd rather be muscular and have a shape to me.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Jamie Eason

    • Why do you want to look that way? Like noted above, I don't like the stick-thin physique. I rather the muscular end of the spectrum

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I started out doing purely cardio and lost around 25lbs. Then I started weight training and lost the remaining weight, and I've actually put a few pounds back on in muscle. I eat around 1900 cals/day, with equal amounts of protein and carbs (around 160g), around 40g/day of fat.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? I've changed all over, the last places I'm waiting to meet my expectations are my tummy and hips. Of course.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) Love it!!! I don't ever want to stop living a fit life. I'm addicted now.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) Yes. My brother. And my boyfriend recently started going to the gym with me.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) Yes... I've lost a couple friends because they didn't like the fact that I was changing for the better. They always had a bad attitude about it.

    • What motivates you? The fact that I actually lost 30lbs. on my own.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) It motivated me more to get my hiney in the gym again.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) awesome!

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I met it and I've put a few lbs. back on in muscle. It feels great!

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? n/a

    • What is your biggest worry? n/a

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? To stop making excuses. I was always the person who thought "Oh I'll start going to the gym when ____" I finally just told myself to shut up and do it now.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? You eat to live, not live to eat.
  • StephanieCo3
    StephanieCo3 Posts: 122 Member
    Gender: Female
    • Age: 25

    • Starting weight: 156
    • Current weight: 152
    • Goal weight: 115

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)

    I want to lose weight for several reasons- to feel good about myself, to be able to do the athletic things I like to do, and to be smaller than my bf.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)

    My mother has always been very weight conscience and some of that was put onto me. I was very athletic from age 14-21 so I stayed thin and didn't have to diet. In college, I got hit on all the time so I really felt good about my appearance. I got married though and my ex husband was abusive and cruel (physically and verbally). I gained from 125 to 230. Now that I'm divorced and free from him I'm down to 156 and my self esteem is going back up.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?

    I'm very picky and have texture issues but I don't think I have an eating disorder. I think I perhaps snack way too much and eat my emotions though.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)


    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)

    Yes, I want to be very skinny, not just thin. When I was 125 I still felt fat even though people told me I had a great body with lots of curves and a tiny waist, but I'd rather just be teeny tiny.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?

    Jessica Alba

    • Why do you want to look that way?

    She's tiny so men can pick her up, but she's strong so she can do anything she wants- rock climb, kick boxing, etc

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)

    I just started the 5:2 fasting diet and I'm looking into a gym.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?

    My thighs are fat no matter how skinny I get, and right now I hate my stomach from having a baby, I hope it goes back to flat. Right now just losing weight.
    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)

    Online mostly

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)

    My friends groan when I diet, but most are heavier than me. That's why I like the 5:2.

    • What motivates you?

    I'm in a long distance relationship so we go 3 months or so at a time without seeing each other so I'm motivated to really surprise him the next visit.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)

    If I fall off I get depressed, when I get depressed I eat, when I eat, I get more depressed...

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)

    It's very far away so I've set several intermediate goals to try and help. I'm really trying to meet my 138 goal by June.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?
    Pretty and able to do anything

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    Probably try to get stronger and work on other goals I have, like getting published

    • What is your biggest worry?
    That if I don't get thin now I'll get fatter and fatter (biggest worry related to dieting that is.. not in general)

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    It's a SLOW process

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    "seconds on your lips, forever on your hips"
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    Thank you so much everyone!!!
  • 125babe
    125babe Posts: 4
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 21

    • Starting weight: 150
    • Current weight: 146.8
    • Goal weight: 125

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? I want to lose weight because I want to be more active and look better in a bikini.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I have always had a gut (baby fat). I was never fat everywhere else. I always gained more in my tummy :'(

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? Kind of.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? This fitness guru I follow on instagram. She is really strong and fit.

    • Why do you want to look that way? I want to look feminine but fit at the same time.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I am currently doing a lot of exercise dvd's such as biggest loser ever and Insanity. I am slowly introducing healthy foods into my diet. I am trying to eliminate a lot of sugar from my diet. I do not drink soda. I mostly drink water.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? My abs!!!!!!!!!

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? I feel positive. I am trying to stay motivated. It is hard because I always get to 140 lbs then give up.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) My nieces are my biggest support.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) Nope because they have seen it before.

    • What motivates you? Wanting to be healthy throughout life. I have family members who are obese and I do not want to ever get to that point.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I feel upset with myself.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) It feels really far away. This time around I am really motivated to reach my goal weight.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I will be soooooo happy! I will probably treat myself to a vacation or something.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Keep pushing

    • What is your biggest worry? Falling off track again.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? That you can't give up no matter what!

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? If at first you don't succeed try again. (cheesy but true)
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 19

    • Starting weight: 283
    • Current weight: 236
    • Goal weight: 144

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I want to lose weight because, I am unhappy with the way I look and the way that I feel.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I have ALWAYS been unhappy with my weight. I weighed in at 205 pounds when I was only in the 5TH grade... very pathetic. My family is all overweight as well.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? I did have bulimia but, overcame that when I got pregnant. I currently do not.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) Check above.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) Yes, I do. They always have skinny girls looking amazing.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? I don't have someone who has my ideal body.

    • Why do you want to look that way? I want to look sexy.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I am eating 1660 calories a day, working out for at least an hour 6 times per week. I refuse to take supplements or have surgery.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? My thighs, my stomach and my upper arms.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I am unmotivated at the moment because, I have no idea how I will look when I get to my goal but, I am positive about the weight that I have already lost (48 pounds)

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) My MFP friends are incredible support along with my fiancé.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) No.

    • What motivates you? The mean words that people say

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I feel discouraged and like I have failed myself.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) It sometimes feels impossible but, I am willing to do it and I am ready for it.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I will feel successful and amazing

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Keep going! :)

    • What is your biggest worry? I am worried that I won't look good after I lose the weight and I will have liked myself better fat

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? I have learned that people will continue to talk badly about you and people will fakely compliment you. I have also learned that you will lose exactly what you put in. If you don't work out, you won't lose as much

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? When you feel like you aren't going to ever make it to the top of the mountain, imagine the view from the top!

    Great questionare!!
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 33

    • Starting weight: 237
    • Current weight: 222
    • Goal weight: 145

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I want to be healthy and be a good role model for my children

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I have struggled off and on my whole life. I was a thin kid while I was an only child ~ but when my mom had my sister when I was 7 and then another one just 11 months later, I started really getting chubby. It has been a battle ever since.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?
    I over eat and binge eat. And there was a point when I was teenager when I was not eating hardly at all trying to lose. I lived off of nicotine and madness when I was 16-17 years old.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)
    Not officially.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)
    Yes. I feel like the world thinks that only thin people are beautiful. So the media pushes that.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?
    I can't think of one person.

    • Why do you want to look that way?

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) Counting my calories and working out and chugging water

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? All over

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I hate how I am right now. I feel disgusting.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) Yes, my husband and some friends.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) Not really

    • What motivates you? Smaller pants!

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) Defeated. It will either make me feel unmotivated or like I need to kick my butt

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) It feels a million miles away :(

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Euphoric

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I dunno. Keep on keeping on.

    • What is your biggest worry? Failure

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? Not to give up. It is a journey.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    "When you think about quitting, think about why you started."
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member