How can I fit exercise around school?



  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I'm a freshman in college and was wondering if any other college students on here (or just people with a busy life) have tips on fitting exercise in. I'm able to get about 20 minutes of yoga in every morning, but other than that can't really find time. Suggestions?

    are you also working full time?

    Because from what I recall of college, I had tremendous amounts of time......
    Tons of people work, go to school, have kids, and still get to the gym a few hours per week.

    If you cut the television on, talked on your phone, played a game, read a magazine, got on here, facebooked, etc, then you had time to go to the gym
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    Easy I fit school around my exercise.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I worked 20 hours/week, and fished 40 hour/week when I was in college...if you aren't working full time I'd take time out of partying to hit up your schools rec center.

    Heck, you probably pay for a VERY nice gym right now.
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm a freshman in college and was wondering if any other college students on here (or just people with a busy life) have tips on fitting exercise in. I'm able to get about 20 minutes of yoga in every morning, but other than that can't really find time. Suggestions?

    20mins is all you can spare? I am in my final year of architecture + work 50hrs/week. I manage to make all my work outs, and keep my sexy 3.5 gpa
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    Can you not walk to school?
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    If you can't find the time, maybe exercising is not for you.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Pick two: Doing well in school, sleep, exercising, having a social life. Gonna have to give up two of those things, because fitting all of that in is very hard to do.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    You'll miss all that freshman free time when you're an adult. Now, I have way more to do, and I work out at least 4 days a week because it's a priority. There's no excuse. Your only obligation is to go to class and study a couple hours a day. Even if you spent 8 hours a day doing that, you don't have to go home, cook a meal for the kids, deal with all the domestic stuff and then go work out.

    Most of the people on this site have been to college. We know it's mostly goofing off with some classes thrown in to justify you being there. I have graduate degrees, so I spent a whole lot of time at school. Trust me. You have more than enough time.
  • I disagree with some of the responders here, I think it can be easy to fit everything in, if you are willing to think outside of the box. For instance, if you are walking around campus to get to your classes, you are getting exercise. Try to do it at a brisk pace to get the maximum benefit. If you take the bus to/from school, get off the bus early and walk the rest of the way. I am not a fast runner, but it only takes me half an hour to run 2 miles. I live in a colder climate, so I usually only run outside in the Spring/Summer/Fall. I do it in the evening on weekdays, and take a shower right after. This also helps me get ready faster in the morning because I am already showered. I just have to wet down my hair and then dry/style it. I try to do it first thing in the morning on Saturdays so that I can shower and still have most of my day left afterwards. If you have a gym on campus that you have access to, or just a gym membership, take some required reading with you and do it while on something like a stationary bicycle. When I was in school, I lost a ton of weight doing yoga. If you belong to a gym, it is likely that you have access to classes as part of your membership. I went twice a week, and then I did a little bit of cardio after the class (maybe only 10-20 minutes on a bike). I found that when I did that I had more energy and it was easier for me to concentrate on my school work. I was also a lot less stressed out. I was lucky to attend school in a very urban area, so I walked everywhere I went. But it can be as easy as parking your car at the farthest end of the lot. I suppose that if you are going to try to fit in exercise anywhere and everywhere though, you do have to sacrifice a little in the fashion area. It isn't advisable to do most of this in high heels.
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Run to school. Run home.

    Run between classes.

    Do 15 burpees before entering the classroom.

    Put a 25lb sandbag in your backpack. Run.

    Carry a jump rope with you and do 5 intervals of 200 after each class.

    Get a Fitbit and wear it everywhere you go. Make it a game to max out the stats (10 flights of stairs, 10000 steps). Sync it with MyFitnessPal and monitor your caloric needs in real time - you might need less exercise than you think you do to meet your dietary targets.

    Push-ups and dips can be done anywhere.

    If you really WANT to exercise, you'll find ways to do it.
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    I'm sure you have some spare time you're not truly making the most out of! If you have an hour break between classes, go for a jog, take a brisk walk, sit and do an ab workout- anything. You can easily fit in a 20 minute job, a quick shower, and a change of clothes into an hour break. You don't even have to shower before your class, just make sure you bring a change of clothes. If you're staying up late and going out to parties, go work out before your party! Don't waste time lounging around in the morning, go to the gym. Tqake a class that you love. Find friends who also want to work out, and work that into your social time. I'm sure you can do it :)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Do you spend more than an hour vegging out and watching TV or hanging with friends? If yes, there's definitely time, you just have to make it. I am a mother of two who works full time outside the home. I am up by 4:30 most days, I work out, I'm in the shower by 6. If my 4 year has stayed asleep through all that, I'll go flip on her light to start to roust her by 6:30. I'm rousting my 12 year old by 6:15. We are ready to hit the door by 7-7:15 most days. I work from whenver I get there after dropping LO off at 7:30 until 4:30. Pick LO one up, Big Kid if she had an after school activity, home, then dinner. My husband and I usually veg out at his point. One night I week I run the girls to gymnastics and I get in an extra workout while I'm watching them using the gym's fitness room that overlooks the gym. I also run on Saturdays, sometimes on Sundays.

    You may have to dip into your hangout with your friends time or get in some really good workouts on weekends. You could also look into taking like a 1 credit fitness class of some sort if it fits your schedule and doesn't cost extra.

    This pretty much sounds like my day, too. Up at 4:30 and on the elliptical. I walk around the building on breaks, workout at lunch yoga or bootcamp, and usually do something active after dinner. You make the time. It absolutely won't come to you. I thought when I graduated last May I would have so much more time, but I didn't. Other things flowed in to fill the time. You have to commit, and sacrifice (like sleeping in.)
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I'm a freshman in college and was wondering if any other college students on here (or just people with a busy life) have tips on fitting exercise in. I'm able to get about 20 minutes of yoga in every morning, but other than that can't really find time. Suggestions?

    Yeah. How about make time.

    Sounds harsh but I was a single mom putting myself through law school and I made time! You got it easy!
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    I'm in college and have 2 kids. I only have 2 classes right now and they're online. So it's easier for me to fit in the time to work out. I'll probably start working again soon. My issue is that I find myself eating non stop when i'm doing homework. It will be interesting once my class schedule picks up next semester.
  • aalpass
    aalpass Posts: 124 Member
    I agree there is ALWAYS time to exercise, you just have to find it and prioritise it. On another note though, if your primary goal is weight loss then its 80% what you put in your mouth. A students diet is by no means the most desirable. Instead of stressing yourself out about finding the time to exercise, take the first steps and clean up the diet. A lot can be achieved by doing this alone.

    Good luck in your journery. Find an excuse to make it happen!
  • kornmaiden
    kornmaiden Posts: 109
    Fit it in as a normal party of your day. Walk to class instead of the bus, use the stairs in stead of an elevator, if you drive park as far away as possible. Watching tv? do squats during commercials. Get workout buddies to walk/cycle, swim/run with you.
  • I find that t.v adverts are a good time to do little fitness "challenges" like lets say the advert lasts 3 minutes, see how many sit-ups or crunches or push ups you can do in that time and slowly increase it, if you watch t.v for an hour there will probably be 4 adverts so you can have 10 minutes of exercise. I go to the gym before college most days as I find I have no motivation in the evenings, or i'll swim in the afternoon!
    I do lunges and squats whilst I brush my teeth and I will take two steps on the stairs at a time every-time I use it. When I am studying I like to take a small break every 20 minutes and change activity so I will perhaps walk outside or run on the spot for a little bit- it's good to keep the blood moving for good oxygen levels to keep your brain fresh! I also work my calves out whilst cooking or waiting for the kettle to boil :)
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    The same way the rest of us fits it in around work, family, community obligations, social lives and needing to get the elusive 7 hours of sleep --> careful planning.

    Make it a non-negotiable part of your day. Write it into your planner as though it is another class or meeting and just go. It's not as hard as you think it is.