Thinking about buying a FitBit...Is it worth it?



  • LvlyLars
    LvlyLars Posts: 18 Member
    I had never heard of this but now love what I'm seeing. I just bought the Zip! Can't wait to use it
  • classy1ne
    classy1ne Posts: 6 Member
    I took mines back because it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. I mainly wanted to see my actual burn during exercise and that was pretty hard to figure out since the fitbit shows your daily activity. I think that a heart rate monitor will suit me best.
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    I've been staring at my computer screen now for an hour debating over biting the bullet and buying myself a FitBit. I was thinking the FitBit One would probably meet my needs the best-- and I like how small it is. I want to be able to wear it to work and not have anybody notice...including me. I'm kind of large on top so it would easily fit in my cleavage, but I think the pocket option looks easiest! I have fibromyalgia, which effects my sleeping, so I would be really curious to see the info it tracks on how many times I wake up, quality of sleep, etc. I know it's a ton, but nobody will ever believe me.

    For those of you who have one, or have a competitor's option, what do you like? What do you not like? Is it worth the $100? Did you find it somewhere else cheaper (cuz that would be awesome!)? Is there something amazing it does that they don't advertise? Is it extra hard (or easy) to set up?


    I have used Fitbit Ultra, Fitbit One, Bodymedia Fit, and a Polar heart rate monitor. I posted a comparison here:

    I highly recommend the Fitbit One.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    I want one, but I'm waiting for the flex.

    It looks like the Flex is out already. I have been looking at them also, but wondering the same things as the OP. I think the price is what holds me back. Wish they were not as expensive as $100.
  • I have the ultra, and have put it through more abuse than the little thing deserved- and it still works great! Seriously, I hit it just right on a corner and the the front came off one day and all the electronic "guts" fell out! I snapped it all back together and it works fine! The only time I take mine off is to shower- love the little gadget! Thinking I may get the "one" soon just so i can sync to my phone :smile:
  • Angie52732
    Angie52732 Posts: 66 Member
    Other option would be a BodyMedia Link...since the prices aren't that far apart (within $50), which do you think would be most useful?

    the only problem with the BodyMedia is you have a big old armband around your upper arm - you can't hide it in your cleavage like the Fitbit. I don't mind the bodymedia during the winter but get self conscious during the warmer months when I wear it all day with short sleeve shirts and people are constantly asking....

    Just my opinion

  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I started using my fitbit on 2/9/13.
    I love it. It challenges me and keeps me motivated. I keep increasing the number of stairways I climb per day, I am over 50 now.
    In the 7 weeks I have had it, I have logged over 250 miles.

    P.S. I wear it on my bra every day. I was concerned that someone would notice it, but so far no one has.
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    I've had my fitbit one for 2 months now and I love it. I wear it in the centre of the front of my bra and it never shows through my tops (I'm fairly chesty though) and I wear it in the wristband at night to track my sleep. I find it very accurate, extremely motivating and in just two months, I've upped my steps from roughly 5K a day to an average of 20K a day and I definitely credit my fitbit (and the motivation I feel wearing it and receiving my reports, etc).

    I also have fibro and have found the sleep feature very helpful for tweaking various things I do in the evening and bed to try and get better sleeps.

    Anyway. To me it's definitely worth the $100. And everything I have read and heard about their customer support (replacing lost fitbits, etc) leads me to be really really happy with the product and confident in my purchase.
  • FireEngineRedHead
    FireEngineRedHead Posts: 281 Member
    I want one, but I'm waiting for the flex.

    It looks like the Flex is out already. I have been looking at them also, but wondering the same things as the OP. I think the price is what holds me back. Wish they were not as expensive as $100.

    It's out?! HOW DO YOU GET IT?!
    Sorry, I've been waiting forever.
  • ysienkiewicz
    ysienkiewicz Posts: 86 Member
    I have had my Fitbit Ultra for a year now and love it. I always wore a pedometer. The cheap ones broke and my Omron was big and fell off all of the time. I wore the Omron on my belt loop or waistband and people would ask me if it was a pager. No one knows I have a fitbit. I wear it on my bra. I love how it works with MFP. I track my food with MFP and my exercise and steps and calories burned with Fitbit. I also have the Fitbit app on my phone. (Now I want to upgrade to the Fitbit One so I can synch with my phone.) I also have the Fitbit Aria. I am very happy with my purchase. I did have the premium subscription for a year and decided to not renew it for now.
  • mblewis13
    mblewis13 Posts: 37
    I absolutely am adducted to my fitbit. It truly us a motivation to get up and walk to your coworker or neighborhood store as well as using the stairs vs an elevator. I have inspired several neighbors and coworkers to get one and the results are spreading!
  • I love my Fitbit. It keeps me motivated to get up and move throughout the day. I also like that it syncs with MFP, helping me see how my activity and eating match up. Definitely recommed getting one. The Fitbit Zip is less expensive than the One but I don't think it tracks your sleep so it might not meet all of your needs.
  • I bought my FitBit Ultra back in September and it has been WELL WORTH every penny I paid for. I even paid an extra $20 for quicker shipping because I was so gung-ho about getting it. I don't regret one single minute of it. I love how it connects with MFP. I login to the website multiple times a day to check my activity level and challenge myself to get my numbers higher and higher. It's an AWESOME tool to have and to use, but you have to WANT to put forth the effort for YOURSELF. If you think you'll get bored of it or regret it down the road, don't do it. But my own personal experience has taught me it's well worth the money. And yes, the sleep tracker does work. You can either have it on a normal or sensitive setting. Mine is on normal and I learned - quickly! - that I wasn't getting nearly as much sleep as I felt I was. I average about 6.5hrs a night, well below the 9 hours a night I KNOW I need to feel fully rested and functional. It's helped me adjust my nightly schedule to the point that even though I'm still only getting 6.5hrs of sleep, my internal alarm clock goes off every morning, without fail. I hardly use my alarm clock anymore!
  • Absolutely love mine. I've had it for 8 months & it has helped me lose 1/2 of the pounds I want to lose. I also bought my 19 year old daughter one. She's a nurse so she likes keeping track of all of those steps during shifts. I am seriously thinking about giving my Ultra to my son & buying myself the One so that it will sync with my tablet & phone. I've used cheaper pedometers & was never satisfied with them. After a few weeks, I quit using them. So I think the $100 is worth it, because you'll stick with it. And the syncing with MFP is great!
  • heatherforever222
    heatherforever222 Posts: 26 Member
    I just recently did some research on this and went with the Polar F4 with chest strap. I wanted to make sure that I was able to have my calories burned during workout be accurate. I love it and its easy to use and I got mine new on Ebay for about $50!
    SEC_RULES Posts: 63 Member

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Other option would be a BodyMedia Link...since the prices aren't that far apart (within $50), which do you think would be most useful?

    i have body media link and love it ..from everything i read they are more accurate than fit bit...
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I got the Fitbit One for Christmas - and LOVE it! I have worn it everyday since. Was great for when we went on vacation to Disneyland because than I had a very clear idea of how much I was burning during the day and knew what I could and shouldn't eat.
  • ysienkiewicz
    ysienkiewicz Posts: 86 Member
    I want one, but I'm waiting for the flex.

    It looks like the Flex is out already. I have been looking at them also, but wondering the same things as the OP. I think the price is what holds me back. Wish they were not as expensive as $100.

    It's out?! HOW DO YOU GET IT?!
    Sorry, I've been waiting forever.
  • ysienkiewicz
    ysienkiewicz Posts: 86 Member
    I don't think the Flex is out just yet. It says the preorder is sold out. I am waiting for the email from them when they are available.