what crossfit has done for me

Hey, my name is John and I am 52 years old. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease 3 years ago and it makes every day tasks a little harder, especially getting the energy to work out. I have excercised and done many workouts most of my life. Prior to crossfit the most successful program I participated in was the Body for Life workout and challenge. I had great success with the high intensity workouts and logging my diet and excercise. Journaling and documenting is such a great tool. It keeps you accountable to yourself and I have always been successful when i do log and journal as opposed to times that I do not.

Parkinsons was making the routine workouts difficult due to stifness and rigidity as well as balance issues and though I was bored with the same routine I knew I had to keep moving in order to keep moving. I really dont need extra motivation to workout but in a relatively fast period of time, 2 months, Crossfit has given life back into my passion for excercise. It challenges you every day and the support, commaraderie, variety of training, and a healthy competitive environment is unsurpassed by any program I have ever done. Its exciting to push beyond what you think you can do and to watch your progress both physically and emotionally.

Crossfit has also help ease some symptoms of Parkinson's Disease which is a benefit I did not expect. I dont know if its the intensity that has something to do with it but I don't care I love it. Being part of this group will help me to get back in the best shape of my life and hopefully slow the progress of the Parkinson's.

My hope is to show others with this disease how important excercise is in dealing with this and to show that having this disease is not and should not be a reason to just give up. With the assistance of this group of individuals I know I can achieve top fitness and overall wellness.

Thanks To Angelo Grimes for getting me into Crossfit and this community. WTF Crossfit rocks



  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    That's great news! CF really does help a lot of people! Thanks for sharing your story!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Nice to hear that you're enjoying CF and finding it to be helpful with your Parkinson's symptoms. Really interesting! :flowerforyou:
  • Number_6
    Number_6 Posts: 3
    I just had to reply to this, because today I just drove by a new crossfit gym in my neighborhood. I've been reading up on it this afternoon and wondering whether or not I should give it a try. So maybe I will! Great post, and congrats on all the positive impact this program has had on your life.
  • goldstargeek
    goldstargeek Posts: 26 Member
    I just started crossfit March 4th, 2013. It is hard...it is wonderful...it is tough...it is confidence building. It is a little intimidating walking into the Crossfit Box (gym) for the first time but "Fear is a poor advisor". Our box makes you do a one week 'elements' class where they show you moves you will need. Then in real classes starting the next week, our trainer does a brief break down of the WOD (workout of the day) prior to our start.

    I havent used my 24hour fitness membership in over a year...no work out buddy anymore and I got stagnate. My crossfit coach will email me and ask if I miss a class where I was. It might take you showing a couple of weeks commitment but once you start getting to know the other people there the other members plus the work out will keep you coming back.
  • Cbaker136
    Cbaker136 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey john! you impress me everyday during WOD! you are even more of an inspiration now. i have recently been diagnosed with rfibromyalgia and am hoping that crossfit will help me as it has you! thanks for sharing your story.
  • Southern_Cross_Girl
    Southern_Cross_Girl Posts: 29 Member
    More power to you John!!

    Just found out about it myself, so keen to get involved one day :)

    May you continue to be healthy and strong.