Addicted to junk food??

Am I the only person addicted to junk food? Potato chips, candy, McDonalds, Taco Bell, the list goes on and on....I was going good since Jan 9th up until about 2 weeks ago and the cravings got the best of me again, and I've gained about 2 lbs!!! Everyday I tell myself I wont eat crap..and something triggers it during my day and down the hatch it goes. I found myself eyeballing my 2 year olds donut the other day, because he wasn't eating it fast seriously!?! When does it stop? How do you control those taste bud cravings you let consume you for so long? Will this cycle ever end?? I need an easier end than this one...


  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Oh girl I use to be addicted to junk food, what I did is for a whole week straight is eat veggies, fruit and lean meats and kept myself on a water with lemon the whole week, I was a ***** that entire week but by the end of it, I had detoxed it all from my body. My husband right now has a cheesecake in the fridge and I feel no need to jump on that cheesecake and devour it, I also watched him eat it and tho my mind was all EAT IT OMGEEEEE DEVOUR IT!!! I was able to pull back and think calorie, fat and just sugar wise how bad that cheesecake was and just continue cooking dinner. SO it will take a week or more depending on how junk food ridden you were to get it out of your system. :) so don't worry you were not the only one in that area. Also after you detox junk food will never taste good ever again, last week I had my usual ice cream sundae took a few bites as it was my have junk food if I wanted to week and we went out as a huge gathering of family and well It didn't taste or feel so right in my stomach so I threw it away.. Don't worry this journey is not all one straight path their will be hurdles and huge holes to jump and crawl over so keep your chin up and FIGHT!!!
  • tommyo3000
    Well, it seems as though you know the stuff you (and your two year old) are eating is junk.. and you feel bad about doing it.

    Are you tracking calories? It is hard to eat junk if you count the calories..

    Also, maybe you need to know that you are not doing yourself favors by treating yourself to bad food. You call it crap, so on some level you know it is bad.

    Learning more about why Mcdonalds and taco bell are "junk" might help you get a grip... Looking at the salt, calories, fat will show you how bad they are.. Reading ingredients you can't pronounce should be scary...

    You could read about emotional eating on the internet, too..

    hope some of these ideas make you think :)
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Well, it seems as though you know the stuff you (and your two year old) are eating is junk.. and you feel bad about doing it.

    Are you tracking calories? It is hard to eat junk if you count the calories..

    Also, maybe you need to know that you are not doing yourself favors by treating yourself to bad food. You call it crap, so on some level you know it is bad.

    Learning more about why Mcdonalds and taco bell are "junk" might help you get a grip... Looking at the salt, calories, fat will show you how bad they are.. Reading ingredients you can't pronounce should be scary...

    You could read about emotional eating on the internet, too..

    hope some of these ideas make you think :)

    100% right with Mcdonalds and Taco Bell, Its all fat and sugar and bad calories that your body doesn't need
  • CougNurse2011
    Girl you are definitely not alone! There are a few things that have helped me... The first thing is try to avoid junk food at all costs... For me, its pretty easy to avoid fast food, I just drive by and the temptation is gone. But if it is in my house, that's a whole different story. So I have completely refused to have any foods that would cause me to completely bindge and over eat (that is easier for me since I live alone and dont have to feed a 2 year old) in my house. If its not there I wont eat it. The last thing that works for me is I put the food in my tracker before I eat it and physically see the calories, fat, sugar, etc. and I try to think really hard about how I'm going to feel after I eat it (ie. bloated, full, fat, guilty etc.). There is no easy fix :( But if it were easy to be skinny, everybody would be.
  • Meamo
    Meamo Posts: 89 Member
    I have issues too.
    I log everything so that also has made this addiction torture. b/c I see the error in my ways. :embarassed:
    . I like the idea of a detox.
    I increased drinking water awhile ago and i love lemon so i usually have with lemon juice/slice added. I have noticed that I am unable to drink anything else.Like it seriously hard, except tea.:drinker:
    So there is hope for us!
    If this will work for my chips/candy/sugar stuff that I have almost daily than that would be fantastic. good luck Hun and just wanted you to know you are not alone. :flowerforyou: