who is 5'0 or less



  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I am 5'0 and started at 143... currently am 119, looking to get down to 115 at least.
  • camaji
    camaji Posts: 1
    Oh my goodness! Everyone here is an inspiration :) I am 4'11 and started at 180 :(:( I know I lost weight since then but not sure how much :/. But looking at everyone's progress is really encouraging!! My issue is staying away from juice which inflates me like a ballon (I don't eat junk food :(). Anyway, my goal right now is 135 and then from there, go to my ideal weight of 110 (which seems so far away). I would also love to add my fellow 5'0 and below for some support! We need to stick together!
  • andyb000
    andyb000 Posts: 252 Member
    shortys in the house LOL i'm 5'0 sometimes 5'4 with heals lol
  • mrscruz625
    mrscruz625 Posts: 59 Member
    4' 10 and a half (so important to add..lol)
    SW 188.1 Jan 10 2013

    this morning I am 165.4..
    Still so much to go.....but its moving! :)
  • 4'11 here and I weigh in at 163 which puts me 33lbs obese according to the BMI charts :( My goal is to get down to atleast 130, by July would be great but Im not gonna hold my breath. Anyhow, I started using the workout videos (Biggest Loser's cardio blast & Jillian Michael's 30 day shred) I done the BL yesterday with hubby and did the 30 DS today with my 2 year old, as well as starting to use the fitness pal app today. Any one else use these videos with success?
  • andyb000
    andyb000 Posts: 252 Member
    great programs:)
  • andyb000
    andyb000 Posts: 252 Member
    thank you right now i'm maintaining so my calories are up there with exercise
  • hockeymom95
    hockeymom95 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi All you shorties! I am 4 foot 10.5 inches tall. Highestweight 152, current weight 144. Goal is 110. If you need another shortie friend, feel free to add me! :happy:
  • i am 4 10 at 133..just started counting my calories but havent seen any changes at all dnt know wat to do:( been eating 1200 or less.
  • xbeth77x
    xbeth77x Posts: 80 Member
    i am 4 10 at 133..just started counting my calories but havent seen any changes at all dnt know wat to do:( been eating 1200 or less.
    You just started? Give it time!
  • yea its been lk 2 weeks lol.. last yr i lost maybe lk 15 lbs gave up everything tasty.. changed my life and i just platoed i guess now..seems harder now
  • andyb000
    andyb000 Posts: 252 Member
    what programs are you all doing?
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Wow. I'm also 4'10.5" and started out at 154 pounds, now down to around 105. My goal is 95, so close!

    I do weight lifting twice a week and cardio on other days. I "eat clean" which simply means a lot of fruit, veg, whole grain and low fat protein sources.

    Currently eating 1600 calories per day and seeing changes to my body after staying around 105 for a couple of months (eating too much, didn't realize it).
  • MuseofSpace
    MuseofSpace Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 4'11 and my highest weight was around 137 or so. In the beginning of March I started actively trying to lose weight and started at 132.6, and this Sunday I weighed myself and was at 126.8! I lost almost 6 pounds in one month by eating less calories, along with doing an aerial class every Saturday (I did this before I started trying to lose weight, but I didn't count calories so it didn't make too much of a difference.) I'm almost out of the overweight BMI range for my height! :happy:

    I plan to start adding pull-ups (or at least trying to get pull-ups) into my routine once the pull-up bar I ordered gets delivered. My goal is 105!
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    5'0" over here!

    Started out at 164 (162 was my starting weight for MFP), now 133. Aiming for 110ish, but it'll be based more on the mirror than the scale.

    I do Zumba 3 times a week, and weight lifting class 1-2 times a week. Presently nursing an ankle injury I acquired in Zumba (bad sub :grumble:), but can't wait to get back at it!
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    I'm 5' exactly. Not easy being fun-sized. But i wouldn't have any other way.
  • kdcj17
    kdcj17 Posts: 73 Member
    5' even here! Not sure what I weigh. I've lost before, went from 147 down to 111 at my lowest. Starting over, *sigh*. Aiming for 125 right now.
  • andyb000
    andyb000 Posts: 252 Member
    you guys can do it! make those small goals and reach for the higher ones! <3
  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm 5 ft and when i got my butt back in gear weighed 174. Now I am down to 118. Now almost fitting into 8's from a very loose 14. So, excited! I weigh less now than I did when I met my husband 15 yrs ago. After 3 wonderful kids, too. I love this!
  • MariaYaremchak
    MariaYaremchak Posts: 58 Member
    I am 4'11" and 11 years ago before the birth of my daughter I was 93lbs. I gained almost 40 pounds during my pregnancy and fluctuated between 115-125 the last 5 years. After the birth of my son in 2011, I was back down to 115, but slowly over the past 2 years the weight crept back on and I was at my heaviest ever at 135. 12 weeks ago I decided enough was enough and was digusted with myself. I have been on a 1200 daily diet, working out 3 times a week with a personal trainer and incorporating some pilates and zumba. I also started the 30DS 3 days ago. So far I am down 13 pounds to 122 and lost quite a few inches. My first goal is to weigh 115 again, but my ultimate goal is 110-112. I totally under estimated how hard this would be and get quite frustrated at times but I keep pushing.

    Anyone is free to add me. I need people to keep me motivated!