cheat days?



  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    I think you have to have a cheat day once in a while. I feel so deprived if I don't have one of my guilty pleasures once in a while. I do have to say that I pay for it afterward though. We went out to dinner this week and I had two glasses of sangria, ordered an appetizer, entree and a rich decadent chocolate mousse dessert and coffee. i was up with an upset stomach in the middle of the night and felt like complete crap the next day. What I try to do is still eat everything I love in moderation. I can't live a day without chocolate in some form so I have a kashi bar or sugar free jello pudding, etc. I still get frozen yogurt with my kids but since there are so many self serve places where you pay by weight I can control the portion size and I eliminate toppings. That way I still feel satisfied instead of deprived all week. It's so hard but counting calories seems to be the only thing that works for me in getting rid of those last few pounds. For the longest time I was at a plateau with just exercise 5-6 days a week. As soon as I started logging my food the pounds seemed to start to melt away. So I think once a week to eat without caring if I go over my calories is fine as long as I get back on track the next day.

    I also won't make a new recipe unless it comes with nutritional information. If I'm craving blueberry scones I search the internet for a healthier version for example so i get what I'm craving at a fraction of the calories, then it's a win win. Cooking light is a great magazine/website for lower calorie versions of some great comfort foods....even chicken pot pie and desserts.
  • I have decided that I wont be doing the "cheat day" thing anymore. all my hard work is going to waste! I like the suggestions about having maybe 1 cheat meal per week- thats a little but more appealing anyway. Thank you all for the responses!
  • rachelabdy
    rachelabdy Posts: 52 Member
    I love "cheat days" and mine is Sundays... having said that - it's not really a "cheat" cause I log what I eat and as long as my weekly average is still on or under my target then I'm happy!
    Has worked well for me - I keep my high carb goodies for Sundays... and have chips and gravy for lunch!
    Whatever works for you - at the end of the day - if you're still losing weight and logging what you eat - there is no issue as far as I'm concerned.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    If you and your husband have differences of opinion about cheating, this could be a very significant issue in your marriage.

    Have you considered couples counseling?
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    for me what worked werent exactly cheat days, but days where i would eat HEALTHY portions of not so healthy or things i usually shouldnt be eating. for instance mine were sundays and those were days i would go visit my family who would cook anything from healthy to horrible food. lol so it was up to me to portion control like crazy. you can still have "cheat days" without truly cheating on your diet. for a little i tried just a 'cheat meal' where i had one of my favorite fatty foods once a week or so. do what feels right and what feels like it wont derail your progress.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    There is nothing you can not make fit with planning so why ever cheat? If you go over your calories then you go over, this is not a game so why cheat? IMO the only way to make weight loss last is live like you plan on living for the rest of your life and I do not plan on going without anything forever. If i want pizza then I will have pizza but maybe only a piece or two and a big salad. Everything in moderation. Best of luck to you.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    So my husband and I are attempting a lifestyle change. We are starting slow by doing portion control first then integrating more and more changes. My question is regarding cheat days- my husband says they are necessary. I feel HORRIBLE whenever I do have a cheat day, because it makes me feel weak. Nutrition wise, is this cheat day smart or not?
    I appreciate all input!! Thanks

    If your husband is ok with his cheat day you should be ok with yours.

    Take a warm bath light a few candles . . . throw on some jazz.

    Enjoy yourself!

    This is YOUR time.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I've never had a cheat day. I see it that I'd only be cheating myself so what's the point. I don't hate anyone that does, but I don't feel the need to have a day to pig out when really I can have what I want if I work hard enough.
  • McManda89
    McManda89 Posts: 27
    I am going to do one free meal a month. Out to eat or take home, either way. Hot Deli Food and Concession Food count as out to eat. Even a BK Garden Salad or a McDonald's Parfait. Mmmm.

    And parties/holidays/ect. are free also. Say you go to thanks giving dinner; go all out! Don't make yourself depressed over everyone's heaping holiday plates and feel like you aren't enjoying the holiday to the fullest (hah, see what I did there?) Or say it's your best friend's baby shower and not only is there a spinach artichoke dip but there's also cake, ice cream, and 7-up sherbet punch. Take a bit of each!